Where I come from,…
You need not be afraid to die tomorrow if you concern yourself with how you live this day. For die you will, if not this moment, then at a time that shall come. Life is the only thing I know of that we’ll take with us once we die, so live your life well. Squander not what you have before you today, for tomorrow you may not have what you had yesterday. The past is your legacy, and the present is a gift. But the future may betray you, so choose your course carefully.
Life is often harsh. Yet it’s what tempers and forges and pounds and shapes us into who we are. Thus, live your life fully – for, in the end, it’s really up to you how you live. Seek not to be like everyone else. Instead, become the exception. Discover all you may about life as well as yourself. These discoveries will serve you appropriately. Throughout our journey discern the many secrets of not only the body but your mind. When the solution to any of our mysteries is revealed we are unquestionably augmented and unusually enriched.
Protect your spirit with love and guard it as well as you would for anyone you cared for. Feed this spirit the feast that existence sets forth before you from cradle to grave. Savor the essence of all that is around us then taste every morsel individually as you existentially dine. Be eternally vigilant as to what may do it damage or harm. Our spirit makes up a lion’s share of what we are – although it’s not the total sum of who we could be. There’s more to us than what we’ll ever know. Appreciate not only how truly unique you are but the uniqueness of all others.
Then there’s the soul. The soul is unconsciously connected to all things living or not. It binds the sky to all the stars, moons, and planets. It explains why the seas and oceans are connected to the deserts and touch other lands. It’s every reason behind the simple pleasures. For your soul’s the cosmic cement that holds all together as one. Never allow it to toughen, become desiccated, or bitter, but always endeavor to maintain its sweet tenderness as it ages.
The soul is the inner reflection of all that is outside and around us. It’s the roadmap at a time when there are no answers. An anchor that moors; once untethered, no longer permits one the sanction and stability of a safe harbor. To deny that which is your soul, for all intents and purposes, is merely a denial of yourself. Do not go against who you are.
Be good to yourself and others. Appreciate what time you have to frolic upon this planet. While there is much to cry about, let us make a conscious decision to appreciate all that there is to enjoy in existence. Find your inner freak, next find your freak family, and then let your freak flag fly! Your happiness is no other’s responsibility other than your own. If your life bores you, then you’ve not looked, listened, felt, or tried hard enough to engage with your surroundings. For upon closer inspection one may observe that fascination is actually staring right back at you and straight into your face.
You need no one. But, if someone, or two, or three, or however many more do come into your life, then imbibe their presence. Dine from their essence and allow them to dine from yours. Nourish your soul as you would your body. Ask yourself questions concerning what you are about to consume. Is my soul really hungry? Do I want this now? Is what I’m going to do beneficial for me? Am I poisoning this soul and my life? These are simple questions that allow you extra seconds to think before metaphorically biting into and chewing something. Enough time, in most cases, to decide, and probably much to your surprise: your spirit is not really hungry, it doesn’t need to eat now, and if not beneficial, then you shouldn’t eat it. Make the decision to stop poisoning the soul as you would your body.
Try to do as much good as you can, and try to do it always. Look for ways to be a better person to all around you, and equally, to yourself. Be kind to those you know, but extend kindness to all who you do not. Just remember, in the beginning, to everyone else you are a stranger too. All that you believe you may own can be lost or taken away in less time than it takes to blink an eye. That’s just the way it goes, so you may as well get over it. Your health and attitude are more valuable to you than all the silver or gold in the world.
Stop striving for perfection, for perfection is merely an unobtainable illusion – it does not exist. Decide what is important to you and what is not in this short-term period we call existence. Then focus, focus, focus, and then refocus again on what’s important. Find forgiveness when wronged because carrying grudges is not only bad for your health but your soul. Maintain an open mind, since closed minds can’t learn new things. Accept that you do not know everything, it’s simply a fool who thinks they do, and that they’re always right. Hubris and self-ignorance are a toxic and sometimes deadly combination
You will fail at times in trying to accomplish these goals. Worry not, for that’s okay. If you’ve not failed at least one, two, or a multitude of times during the course of your life then you’ve not been trying hard enough. So go hard. Embrace each time you’re able to get up out of your bed in the morning to live yet one more day. As far as anyone really can determine, you’ll only live once. Now live the following moments of the rest of your life like they were your last!
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Without question.
Exemplary! A literary and inspirational gift. Kudos to you!
Many thanks, Robert.
Just read this again, Stevie. Seems apropos for Thanksgiving. So very true and Thankyou . Mary
Thank you, Mary.
Love it Stevie. Dishing out wisdom as only you can. Truly inspiring.
Thank you, Ian.
My mom passed away last week; I’ve been struggling a lot. Your story gave me some comfort, almost as if she sent it to me. Thank you.
Theresa, my condolences regarding your mom. The words of your comment touched my soul. Thank you for sharing them with me.
Wow, what a powerful story. This was a great read and I agree with other comments that this really has the essence of a poem or speech.
Ella, thank you for reading, enjoying, and your kind comment. Perhaps Rick James never said this, so I will, "Life - it's one helluva a drug..."
After you stopped by my page, I decided to read your entry to this prompt as well. This was a wonderful read! It read almost like a graduation speech or an advice essay to a younger person, and it’s words we could all learn and live by.
Ali, thank you for reading, enjoying and commenting. I wrote this little ditty to myself to remind me of how best to align myself in order to hopefully achieve my ultimate goal in life: become a better me.
This reads like a poem. Lovely.
Laura, I believe that life is really poetry in motion. Thank you for reading, enjoying and your kind comment.
Wonderful read, like the poem 'Desiderata' it had me nodding in quiet agreement yes, yes, yes. Always good to read such Hearty, resonant writing.
Scoop, you humble me with your kind and thoughtful compliment. Thank you!
Your Welcome!
Can only echo what other readers have said. Powerful words indeed. Left me deep
In thought. Thankyou also for reading my simplistic stuff Stevie.
Mary, you're quite welcome and thanks for reading, enjoying, and take the time to share your thoughts. I didn't consider your work to be simplistic in the least but direct. Which, IMHO, is a valuable writing strength.
Meta thinking, philosophy, introspection... Don't think I've seen it orchestrated this way before. The language, both powerful and somehow daring, seems a friend. Congrats for letting us see this !
Russ, thank you for reading, enjoying, and especially your kind words of encouragement. Once we stop making life complicated it becomes so beautifully simple...
Feels like this was written specifically for me! I have a feeling I will come back to read this again and again.
Kit, thank you for the highest compliment and award any creator could ever hope to be the recipient of.
Hey Stevie!
This was such an interesting take on the prompt. I felt like I was reading a pamphlet or listening to a religious speech. I found myself pondering several of the lines, instantly forming an opinion on them, and then debating myself on them. I think my favorite line was: Find your inner freak, next find your freak family, and then let your freak flag fly!
Amanda, thank you for reading, enjoying, and especially for commenting. So happy the freak line connected with you. It comes from my first published novel, PAJAMAS ON A SUN STAINED BEACH (https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1462674909/ref=dbs_a_def_rwt_bibl_vppi_i2), and was the mantra PJ Palin, its protagonist, lived and died by.
Sage Advice. We must relish our time in this Mortal Coil.
Kevin, it's our obligation to ourselves.
Mary, thank you for your kind words of encouragement.
Well written and flow is good.
#164: where i come from -
life advices , all of it packed at once. The essay talks about you, your confidence, your curiosity, your dare to live the life you want. Like how the saying goes, life is what you make it. Or somewhere your way with life xD.
This was an amazing story. I felt every word. Amazing job!
Can only echo what other readers have said. Powerful words indeed. Left me deep
In thought. Thankyou also for reading my simplistic stuff Stevie.
Great title