Fiction Funny Speculative

Every day, like clockwork, the tantalizing aroma would visit him, linger for a fleeting moment, and then vanish. Each day, Jonathan would briefly pause in his research, his equations temporarily forgotten as he inhaled the unearthly scent and wondered who its bearer might be.

It was a fragrance unlike any other, a pirouette of tropical flowers and fruits that stirred emotions he had long kept buried beneath the layers of his analytical mind. The whiff was subtle yet alluring, much like the intricate equations of his mathematical models, each element in perfect harmony, producing an ethereal melody of understanding within the depths of his scientific soul. 

Every day, Professor Jonathan J. Watkins, a brilliant theoretical physicist with an insatiable curiosity, found himself captivated by the elusive scent. As soon as he delved into his complex equations and quantum theories every afternoon, this delicate and enchanting fragrance would drift into his laboratory through the open door, disrupting his deep focus.

With each passing day, his curiosity grew stronger: Who was the owner of this fantastic scent? Was it a colleague, a recurring visitor, or someone entirely different? For brief moments, he couldn’t concentrate on his research, his thoughts consumed by the fragrant mystery. He was determined to uncover the source, and began to keep an attentive ear for footsteps in the corridor. The moment the scent teased him, he leaped from his bulky chair and rushed to the door. But each time, he was met with disappointment as the mysterious person was long gone by the time he reached the faraway door.

The identity behind the captivating whiff remained a phantom, slipping away before Jonathan could catch a glimpse. Days of relentless pursuit turned into a week, then into two, but the mystery person remained elusive.

Frustration mingled with fascination. He had devoted his life to unraveling the secrets of the universe, yet this enigma, this unfathomable fragrance, proved equally confounding. It was a puzzle he couldn’t solve.

As the second week drew to a close, Jonathan sat at his desk, weary but determined, still hoping each day to catch the scent once more, to find the one who had unknowingly sparked a new equation in his heart. 

On the last day of the week, Jonathan sat in his lab, feeling defeated yet strangely content. He had all but given up hope of ever discovering the fragrance phantom – as he called it. His gaze fixed on his whiteboard, equations forming a complex dance of taunting symbols and hastily written numbers, when the well-known fragrance wafted through his open door. No, it wasn’t only wafting, but lingering, for longer than ever before, and Jonathan found himself questioning reality. Could his mind be playing tricks on him? He knew well how the tired brain can play dangerous games with one’s conscience. But the scent didn’t dissipate, and when a short knock echoed on the doorjamb, his heart raced.

“Hello,” he heard a tentatively asking voice.

Turning from the whiteboard, he saw someone standing beneath the chipped paint of his door – someone patient and pensive, waiting for something.

“Can I help you?” 

“Well, I hope so,” replied the unknown woman, a set of broken beakers in her hand. “Do you happen to have spare beakers?” she asked while looking around the office.

Jonathan blinked in surprise, and then he just blinked some more. The woman’s long, unruly jet-black hair cascaded down her shoulders, framing her pale face with an intriguing contrast, almost shimmering in the soft hum of fluorescent lights. Her face, though not particularly striking, carried a certain warmth that softened her features and a touch of uniqueness. Freckles dusted across her cheeks and nose, like constellations in a night sky, leaving Jonathan both baffled and intrigued. 

“Beakers?” he asked, his curiosity piqued, and the wonderful scent that gilded the days of the past two weeks suddenly felt close – too close. 

“Yes,” the woman replied. “I thought I’d drop by to check whether you have any beakers to lend.”

When their eyes met, it amplified Jonathan’s confusion to absurd proportions. Who was this woman with eyes holding an indecipherable depth, reminiscent of a tranquil mountain lake under a hazy morning mist?

“So…?” the woman asked, hesitating yet pleasantly smiling.

“I… I, uh…” 

It was hard to find the right words. It was hard to find any words. All he could focus on was finally discovering the stranger behind the scent. He cleared his throat. 

“I do not have beakers… But I might be able to help you find the department storeroom.”

“Lovely,” she replied, handing him a pen and a notebook she just took out of her coat pocket. She clearly loved instructions.

Jonathan took her pen and held it with the ferocity of a vice. Unconsciously, his grip carried his anxiousness and all the bottled-up frustration coming from different kinds of research dead ends he’s had in the past months. He pressed the pen onto the paper that his fingers squeezed with desperate intensity. The pen couldn’t withstand the nervous pressure and shattered in his firm grip, sending plastic shards flying in all directions. Ink splattered across the paper, forming a chaotic, Rorschach-like pattern.

He feared that she would get irritated, but to his surprise, she just sweetly giggled, her laughter weighted on Jonathan’s mind like a soft, heavy blanket. 

He couldn’t decide what was worse – the humiliating accident that made him feel clumsy, or the sudden awareness that he could wave goodbye to the mysterious stranger within minutes. The realization hit him like a freight train. 

If there was one thing he's learned from his mathematical models, it was that chance is the only constant in life, and that chance rarely repeats itself twice. He became painfully aware that he shouldn't pass up this opportunity to meet someone who piqued his interest. It has been unprecedented for such a long time.

While he looked for another pen, he asked, “Have you heard about Schrödinger’s boyfriend? He’s simultaneously a storeroom clerk and a struggling theoretical physicist who considers a day successful when he spills coffee on himself only once.”

“Is that so?” the woman asked, laughing. A shy curiosity sparkled in her eyes.

“What would you think, if you found his phone number on this paper?”

“Well… what are the odds?” she replied and grabbed the piece of paper out of Jonathan’s hand as soon as he wrote down his contact and shoved it back in her pocket.

For the first time, she gave him her full smile which made Jonathan feel a small jolt somewhere in the pit of his stomach. 

When they said goodbye and headed their separate ways, a newfound connection seemed to be born.

Little did they know that they were about to embark on a journey far more extraordinary than any theory either of them had ever pondered.

October 02, 2023 11:17

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Priscilla Fick
06:07 Oct 12, 2023

Hi Liv, I was captivated from the very first line. I also love that your ending is open-ended, leaving the reader wondering what the 'extraordinary journey' is, or might entail. Looking forward to reading more of your stories.


Liv Valen
11:29 Dec 28, 2023

Thank you very much! :)


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16:17 Oct 08, 2023

Liv this is such a delightful story. Your opening is very strong, I love the line "a pirouette of tropical flowers and fruits that stirred emotions he had long kept buried beneath the layers of his analytical mind", it's so well done! The scene is very wholesome, and you get a good sense of the characters, even though it's a shorter piece. Well done! <3


Liv Valen
11:29 Dec 28, 2023

Thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed it! :)


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