A Snapshot in Time

Submitted into Contest #14 in response to: And there's a twist! It actually all took place in the past.... view prompt



Molly sat on the attic floor covered in dust and insulation. She had been sorting through boxes all afternoon as she and Dan looked for things to get rid of in the upcoming annual neighborhood yard sale. With relief Molly looked around and saw that there was only one box left to sort through. It was pushed back into the corner. Molly stood up and stretched, her joints creaking and protest after sitting for so long. She ducked her head popped open the flaps of the box. It was a small box, inside was a wedding invitation, a bridal bouquet, and a small white photo album. 

Molly stared for a moment at the items it the box, lips pursed to the side and brow furled. 'Whose wedding was this?' she wondered. They weren't from her and Dan's wedding, and her parents wedding momentos wouldn't be here. Molly crouched down and pulled out the photo album, sneezing as dust was stirred. 

She sat down again and opened the album and then started flipping through the pages. She gasped when she saw the picture of the bride and groom. "Oh my goodness! Dan needs to see this." She set the album down long enough to put her hands on the floor and push herself back to her feet. She crouched to avoid hitting her head on the beams and scuttled over the opening in the floor. She tucked the album under one arm and carefully climbed down the flimsy ladder hanging on with one hand. At the bottom she tossed the album on the carpet in the hallway so she could use both hands to step down off the ladder.

 'Dan! Come here and look at what I found." 

She hurried down the hall but he wasn't in the bedroom or the bathroom.

 'Garage, maybe?'

She speed walked to the kitchen and enthusiastically snatched the door open between the kitchen and garage. "Dan!" She addressed his cargo shorts covered backside where he was bending over  sorting through a box of pictures frames and knicknacks. He turned and looked at her. "I found the photos from Missy's wedding... remember? Your first photography job!"

He took the album and started flipping through it. He laughed. "Oh yeah! Wow! That's so cool that you found this."

He sat on the couch and started looking through the album. Molly brought two glasses of lemonade and sat next to him.

"That turned out to be a craaazy wedding!" He shook his head and laughed again."

November 09, 2019 01:15

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