If i just said 'i love you' would you be here with me?

Submitted into Contest #47 in response to: "Just say it," you silently reminded yourself. You knew you'd regret it if you didn't. ... view prompt



"Just say it." 

I've repeated that sentence for the past ten minutes as my best friend and I decided to walk together.

"Hey kaylie you seem awfully quite. You good?" Barron asked as he placed his hand in my forehead trying to see if I'm sick.

"Dude I'm not sick." I replied and removed his hand. He didn't let go so instead of walking freely now were holding hands or rather him gripping my hands without permission.

You have to tell him.

I kept chanting in my brain. I was just about to give up when I saw a playground in front of us. It was no ordinary playground it was the playground we used to go all the time when we were kids. Memories passed before my eyes as a small smile crept my lips.

"U-uh Barron I... I wanna tell you something." I said as I suddenly had courage in me.

"Hm what is it?" He asked. 

I stopped in my tracks making him stop too since his holding my hands.

"I'm... I'm moving away to Japan!" i announced and hang my head low.

"I've always dreamed to study there. I know we promised each other to study in the same university but... but it was a huge opportunity i just cou-" 

"Then go." he answered as he put on a fake smile.


"I know how much you want to go to japan and how you loved it there so I'm not stopping you." He added once again interrupting the girl.

She couldn't sense the pain in his voice while saying those words as she hugged him so tight.

"You are the best! Promise we'll still be friends when I come back here?" She asked holding out her pinky.

He ruffled her hair and smiled. "Promise." 


At the airport

"Idiot didn't even bother to send me off or at least tell me goodbye." She mumbled angrily as she walked towards the plane's gate. Holding her black suitcase in her left hand and a phone on the right she waited for his text.

"You look like an angry squirrel." A voice around her spoke. 

She turned around to see her best friend holding a silver pendant. "Take this as a see you soon gift." He said and placed it around her neck. 

"It's shaped as a heart!" she happily stated and opened it to see their picture together. The picture in the left was when they were still babies and the picture in the right was when they pinky promised that they will remain bestfriends forever and it was taken two days ago.

"You sound like a child." He teased as the girl pouted but soon turned into a frown as tears slowly fell from her eyes.

"I-im gonna m-miss you!" she said and hugged him.

"Of course you'll miss me. Just look at this face I mean you'll never gonna see a face as handsome as me in japan." He joked but you could sense a hint of pain when he said those words.

"Idiot! My plane's leaving I have to go." She forced a smile and hugged him once more.

"Goodbye!" the girl said.

"Don't say goodby! Say see you soon, you uncultured raccoon!" the boy shouted.

"Bleee Hahahaha see you soon idiot!" she shouted back.

He stood there waving at the girl and staring as her plane left. He hurriedly went outside the airport and into his car as tears finally left his eyes.

"I s-shouldn't cry. She'll be back. She promised me that she'll be back and I'll tell her that I love her." 


Months have passed since Kaylie left For Japan. Everything was normal. She and Barron would face time each other if they have time and would text each other asking questions like...

"Have you eaten yet?"

"Are you alright? Is everything fine there?"

"You better not replace me with someone else."

"Is churros bread?"

"Are vampires lactose intolerant?"

Everything seemed fine at first but school became busy and since Kaylie became a part of the student council she hardly have enough time to talk to her bestfriend. 

She would stay for two hours after class to help out the student council or help out the teachers and after that she would go straight home and finish her school work and that would drain her energy.

Barron understands her situation and didn't demand her to spare him a bit of her time but he would tell her to sleep well and take care of herself and to not worry about him.

Barron is their school's star athlete. He is also the top of the school and the teacher's favorite. He always hangs out with his two friends Axel and Arron.

Axel is a emo kid that would wear black clothing and black eyeliner everyday. He also dyed some parts of his hair into purple. While Arron is more on a fashion type he would lecture Axel about the beauty of dressing and would make him his mannequin in exchange for him to buy him his favorite food and would let him sleep longer in weekends since their roommates.

Barron enjoyed their company but still misses his childhood best friend that is across the world.

"Ky you don't look well." He said as they were face timing each other.

"If that was an insult I'm not buying you snacks anymore." She threatened.

He chuckled and smiled at her."Is school hard there? Are they treating you good?" 

"It's actually pretty fun here hahahahaha. One time we went to karaoke and we went to the wrong room me and my friends ran as fast as we can. It was so embarrassing hahahaha but it was so funny to see their reaction gosh i love them." She answered having a smile at her face.

He couldn't help it but admire the girl's beauty. 

'Just say it'

"Ky I have to tell you something." He stated quite nervous.

"Oh fire away hahahah." 

He could feel his heartbeat fasten and beating so loudly.

"I kinda-" He was interrupted when someone entered the girl's room.

(This is just google translate I'm sorry)

"Watashitachiha ryō o watatte atarashī kafe ni mukaimasu ka?" 

- "we are heading to the new café across our dorm wanna come?" - 

"Atarashī kafe? Aoi koneko no rogo no aru hito? Shōta ga kuru no? Sono baka ga koishī."

- "the new café? the one with the blue kitten logo? is shoto coming? i miss that idiot."

"Hai, ano kafedesukedo, shou to-kun wa konai to omoimasu. Kare ni tekisutomessēji o okurimasu. Kaika de aimashō"

- "yes that cafe but i don't think shoto-kun will come. I'll text him. meet you downstairs okay?" -

"What was that?" Barron asked as the girl kylie was talking to left her room.

"Oh she just told me to join them to go to this new café." She stated. "Oh weren't you saying something?" She asked.

"I uhh." 

'Just say it or you'll regret it later' 

"I it's nothing." He answered.

"Oh okay then I'll be going now, i need to teach shoto some lessons." 

"Who's shot-" before he could finish his sentence the girl already ended the call.

Months have passed and every time he still couldn't get himself to confess.

'Just say it'

'You know you'll regret it if you did.'

'C'mon just say it'

Years have passed since then and it's finally time.

The girl who left for japan will finally come home. He was still confused on why she came home earlier then expected but he put those aside.

He patiently waited for her in the airport, nervous since he planned on confessing his love today.

As the airplane from japan landed he searched around for the love of his life.

He saw a girl walking towards him. A beautiful girl with chocolate-brown eyes, hair dyed into the color of ashes.

She walked and hugged him by surprise. "I miss you! Baka!"

"Kylie is that you?" He asked totally confused and surprised.

"Duh?" she teased showing him the pendant he gave her.

"You kept it? I love you." He suddenly blurted out.

"Aw I love you too." The girl chuckled.

'Say it'

"Uhm kylie I have something to tell you." He said.

"Okay go on."


"Ohimesama, otōsan kara chotto omukae ni kite"

- princess, your dad texted me saying he will come pick us up in a bit -

"Ai, osananajimi no baron ni au"

- love, meet my childhood friend Barron -

"Who's this?" Barron asked.

"Oh Barron meet Daisuke Shoto my boyfriend." 

'My boyfriend'

'My boyfriend'


"Nice to meet you bro." Barron said and excused himself to the bathroom.

"If I told her sooner would they still be together?" he asked himself regretting not saying his confession.

June 26, 2020 07:57

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11:11 Jul 02, 2020

Hey! I'm in your critique circle. So, just wanted to say that the plot was amazing. I loved it. Just keep in mind that there were grammatical errors and typos, see to that. You can use Grammarly or Hemmingway for that. And work on more expression. That's it! Loved your story.


Ariana Marie
03:27 Jul 03, 2020

Thaaank youu i'm still new to this making story thing and i really appreciate your corrections! I'll keep that in mind <3


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