Fiction Happy Lesbian

By the time I stepped outside, the leaves were on fire of red’s, orange’s, green’s and gold’s in a burst of beautiful color as the season of fall began falling away. I stood there staring at this beautiful moment in time admiring my favorite time of year, in aww of its transformation into winter. Looking up at the sky seeing the sun shining brightly yet the morning becoming chillier and breezier which makes me just smile. Deciding to walk to the shop since it was such a lovely day. Walking through central park I passed by more beautiful scenery and people jogging, running and those who were just playing and enjoying the beauty of the day in the park. This just gave me a feeling of happiness which let me know today was going to be a wonderful day.

I walked into work at my bookstore “Tilly’s Place” and smiled at Catalina my store manager saying,” Hey Cat good morning. Isn’t it such a beautiful fall day?” she smiled at me and said, “Of course it is but, how are you always so happy in the morning’s?” I smiled at her saying, “It is that feeling, that any second, minute, hour, day, and month or even year I’ll die so, that keeps me as happy and chipper as I can be, also the fact that my modo is “Just don’t give a fuck.” It works and is amazingly accurate.” She burst out laughing after listing to me, smiling and saying, “Wow you are a character.” I smiled brightly saying, “Why thank you my dear, now I will be in the office if I am needed and remember if that one particular customer show’s let me know in secret.” I winked at her and went to my office closing the door and setting down at my desk.

I giggled thinking of what I will say when I see Olivia, she come’s into the store randomly she then stay’s and reads’ before buying several books and then leaving. Ever since she first came in and I literally ran into her, I have had the hugest crush on her and looked forward to her every visit. I logged into my office computer and began doing the paperwork for the week to distract my raging hormones, for a thirty year old woman you would think I was a teenager the way I am blushing right now. I worked for about four hours before saying, “Well lunch it is, and I need to stretch these legs.” I giggled, saved my work and went up front to check on Cat she was just finishing up checking a customer out and I waited until they left and said, “I am running to that little café down fifth do you want anything?” she looked at me smiling brightly and clapping her hands before saying, “OH girl you know me well, I want that French dip they have and make sure they put extra cheese and that gravy stuff. Thank you beautiful.” I giggled at her, because her reaction’s to food are always extra and the fact the girl is only five feet tall and petite and can eat so much, it amazes me in many ways.

I look at her shaking my head saying, “Honey I don’t know where you put it but make sure to not over do that jinx meter can tip over quickly like ice melting on a stove.” She giggled at me and smiled, I rolled my eyes and headed out the door. The moment I stepped outside the shop I took in a big breath of air and awed saying,” Oh how, I love this season.” Then I took off walking towards fifth street to get our food. I made it there in about twenty minutes because I kept stopping to enjoy the day as well as the hustle and bustle of the city going on around me, I mean New York in fall is still as busy as ever and if I could see it from above it would look like a city of busy little ant’s rushing to keep the structure of the colony from collapsing. I giggled at my thoughts then I blushed realizing I just walked into the café alone and giggling looking like a giant goofball.

I just smiled at those who were looking at me as if I just lost my dam mind and proceeded to the counter to order our food. The young man behind the counter smiled at me saying, “Now how may I help you, mam?” I scrunched my nose to this but smiled and said,” I’ll have two of your French dips, extra cheese and that yummy gravy sauce as well as two large ice tea’s, thank you.” He smiled at me and said, “That will be $16.30, name for that mam?” I smiled again wanting to tell him it is not “mam” but just smiled and paid saying,” Tilly, and thank you.” then walked over to a table and sat down to wait.

Waiting on our food I just looked out the window and watched the city flowing around like a busy river, it had been about eight minutes by my watch when I heard my name called. So, I got up and got the food and drinks and began my walk back to the shop making sure to be quicker this time. I was just walking in and saw Catalina with a customer so I looked at her and nodded at the food and headed to the back room we had for eating lunch and other small things that needed to be done while here. I got the food set out and heard Catalina coming in and she said, “OH baby yummy food and it smells like heaven made it.” I rolled my eyes and said, “Be glad I got it the young man behind the counter kept calling me mam and I also made a fool of myself when I first walked into the café because I was giggling at my own thoughts.” She looked at me and smirked saying,” You always do that honey it is your normal and thank you for this food.” I just smiled and began eating and so did she. We talked about our weeks and then finished up with her cleaning up for us and me going back to the office to finish the paperwork for the week. Always getting it done quickly since I do not really need to work and that I just love to feel useful.

It had been two hours when I finished and decided to call it a day until Cat popped her head in my office winking and saying, “Well boo bear now is your chance to ask that gorgeous woman out, she just got here and is in the history section.” I blushed bright red like a fire hydrant and I felt hot and needed to cool off. Catalina giggled at me and said, “Well now aren’t you a sexy strawberry, go get that cream.” I blushed even more at this and through a stack of sticky notes at her head, she dodged it and ran away giggling. I covered my face and calmed myself before heading out of the office to see Olivia and say hi.

I went down the isle to the history section and saw her looking at some civil war history books and smiled before saying, “Hi Olivia need any help today?” she looked up at me and smiled, it was like a thousand watts of beauty coming at me because she Is so breathtaking, I smiled at her and she said, “Uhm I’m good but I’ll let you know, you know I’ll be here for a while.” I smiled and nodded saying, “Just let me know, I’ll be in my office.” I blushed lightly but hid it as she said,” Ok I will do that Tilly.” Oh my god she said my name and it sounded amazing coming from her lips. I turned to walk away before biting my lip turning back around on my heels asking, “Uhm Olivia, I know we don’t really know one another but I was wondering, uhm if you wanted to go out some time?” I was screaming bloody murder inside my head and freaking out hoping she would say yes while blushing and bighting my lip on the outside.

She paused and looked like she was thinking before she blushed and said, “OH, yes I would love to.” I blushed more because she blushed and agreed so I said, “Uhm can I, can I see your phone please.” She giggled lightly and handed it to me, I put my name and number in and said, “You can just text me and so I’ll have your number so we can talk and plan a date.” She nodded and smiled putting her phone in her pocket, I then said, “Uhm I’ll be in my office.” She nodded and smiled saying, “Talk to you later Tilly.” I blushed more and nodded before turning and speed walking to the office in embarrassment but happiness at the same time because I finally asked her out after her coming in my shop for about eight months now. The moment I got into my office and shut the door I was freaking out and yelled, “SHE SAID YES,OH MY GOD!” then I slapped my hand over my mouth and peeked out the door hearing light giggling coming from two directions knowing it was both Olivia and Catalina and I about died before shutting my office door saying, “I was so right, today has been a wonderful day and I can’t wait to see were it leads me in the future, from just that one moment this morning of fall burning into color’s while falling away into winter.”

October 12, 2020 07:31

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Jill Howard
04:33 Oct 18, 2020

Nice story here. Your character was very infectious and humorous. As far as other feedback, I'd just encourage you to watch your apostrophes. They're only necessary when the word is possessive, not when it is plural (ex: "red's, orange's" should be "reds, oranges", etc.). Programs like Grammarly are very helpful. This is a great start from a new author. Keep it up!


18:16 Oct 18, 2020

Thank you for the feedback as well as letting me know about the apostrophes. It has been awhile since I have written anything and I am getting back into the flow.


Jill Howard
03:56 Oct 19, 2020

Can't wait to see what you write next!


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