The New Order (6): Now There's Seven

Written in response to: Write about a character whose life changes for the better.... view prompt


Creative Nonfiction High School American

Reminder, this is my ReedsyCast. I'm confident of the name now: The New Order. This story is a combination of my dear friends: Skye, Jasey, Echo, Akatsuki and I's efforts.

Kennedy's P.O.V


I stared at the ceiling with my arms folded. I noticed some of the bumps made figures. So far I had seen a cool lean chick with some sort of stick thing or a sword, a strange bipedal beast looking like it was going to pounce any minute, and then another person looking like they were royalty.

I let out a deep exhale turning over. Focusing my attention to staring at the random things on my nightstand, I wondered about Maxlynn's situation. Their adult figures had them move place to place, and choose someone to gather information on. I frown, remembering the fear they showed when I threatened to call the police on them.

I never did. I couldn't. 

As time went on, and we met once more, I decided to befriend them. And over some more time they told me just enough to fear those adults too. It made me nauseous just thinking about it. Like crawling out of my own skin, clawing out my hair. My eyes. Something. Anything really. It was terrible. I wonder how Maxlynn feels about this situation. 

I got off of my bed, grabbing my phone and keys. It was Monday. It was time to pick up Inferna, who idiotically decided to let a friend borrow their car. I slipped on my shoes, shouting a quick goodbye to my parents. 

"Good bye, Eli!" I heard mum comment. Reality hit me then. I don't know how I forgot we could speak.

"Be safe darling." 

"I will mom." I replied heading downstairs. My eyes naturally scanned the area, and I noticed the familiar smell of coffee. Both of my mothers prefered tea(I did too), so a smile came to my face. Dad was home.

I quickened my pace down the stairs. "Is that my boy I hear?" He called out. I felt the nausea go away a little. 

"Mhm." I say leaning against the kitchen wall. My dad turned around, finishing a sip of coffee. "How was the meeting? Anything exciting in Hong Kong?" He hummed a little setting his mug down.

"Not necessarily, simply the usual meeting things." I nod, walking a bit more into the kitchen, grabbing an apple. "Going somewhere?"

"Yeah. Inferna's letting someone borrow their car.. So I agreed to take them to school-" He chuckled. "Hm?"

"It's summer now, Eli." I pause turning to him. 


"Yep. Why do you think your mum let you skip Thursday and Friday?" My shoulders dropped. 

"That would've been handy to be reminded of.." Dad chuckled a bit more, taking a drink of his coffee. I sigh. "Well.. Inferna messaged me this morning, so they need driving somewhere." I blink. "I don't have school anymore."

"Eli, are you okay?" My dad asked. His voice sounded like he was laughing a bit, but I could hear the concern.

"I just forgot I'm a senior, and I get out a week earlier than the others." I take a bite out of the apple. Everyone's still at school. Except for Maxlynn and I. Dad nodded a bit. 

"Fair enough." He yawned a bit. "I'm heading to bed. Be safe kiddo." He says patting my head. 

"I'll never understand how you can sleep after drinking coffee.." I sigh walking out after him. 

"I've been doing this for years, kiddo. See you tonight. Eleven's the latest!" 

"Understood sir." I chuckle, heading out of my house.

I pulled into the driveway, raising a brow seeing a black Corvette. I turned the key, getting out. I walked to the car. It was a dark orange apparently. My eyes narrowed. Strange color to have for a car. I glanced at the dash. There was absolutely nothing special about this car, other than the fact that it was a Corvette. I continue to eye it suspiciously, jogging up Inferna's steps.

I knock on the door and fold my arms waiting for them to come. It was a few minutes before I heard scrambling at the door. I blinked, a bit confused. "Hey Maxlynn. Is Inferna here?-"

"I'm here! Sorry Eli." They shouted, squeezing behind Maxlynn. I then realized there was another person, to the left of Maxlynn. I nod at them slightly. They had brown hair and dark eyes. They had a septum piercing, and those ones on your bottom lip. I think those are called snake bites, if I remember correctly.

"You have a nice car." I comment. They seemed surprised I spoke to them, but broke out with a smirk. 

"Thanks. It's a 2007." My eyes widen. I just know car brands.. Is that impressive? Who knows. "My name's Conor- spelt K O N E R. You can call me K.D, however." They say holding out their hand. I blink, shaking their hand. "My pronouns are he/him, you?" I blink again, glancing at the awkward standing Maxlynn before replying. 

"Same here." He nods with that strange smirk. 

"Eli!" Inferna barks. I jump, looking back. 


"Come on! I have to meet with Luna to get my car back!" I eye Maxlynn.

"Who in the world is Luna?"

"I don't know-"


"I'm coming!" I reply, running towards my car. I heard that guy, Koner, he said? Laugh. I heard a smack, and the guy quickly complain. I get into my car. "Who is that, exactly?" I ask starting my car. 

"I'm not quite sure. Maxie said he needed a place to crash for a bit. So I offered my place." I give them a look. 

"You're just letting a random guy live in your house?" They glare at me.

"Maxie trusts him." I sigh pulling out of the driveway.

"We're heading to Oly's 911?"


I pulled into a parking spot, staring at the door. "Xe should be here any minute now-" Inferna said, checking their phone. I glanced in the review mirror, seeing the familiar yellow bug car. 

"Xyr here." I comment. Inferna immediately got out of the car. 

"Finally!" I raise a brow, but get out too. 

I lean against my car watching the ravenette run to their car. I tilt my head seeing someone with a fairly strong build step out of Inferna's yellow bug. They had dyed hair, black and purple. 

I watch as Inferna talked to them. The two seemed to have a pretty good bond, from what I noticed. I couldn't be so sure though, as the other person seemed eager to leave.

Inferna walked the one with a name starting with L(I can't remember the rest, I just knew it was short) into the building. I blanked out for a bit, because soon, Inferna and that other person walked out. The one with the shorter name seemed surprised I was still here.

"You said you needed a ride back, right?" Inferna asked, glancing at them. "He can supervise as you drive to school, Luna." They grin. I let out a small sigh. It wasn't them they wanted me to drive to school. It was xem. I bit the inside of my mouth, watching the two. At least I wasn't the one driving?

"Is that okay with you, sir?" Xe asked. I pull back a little. Xe seemed to tense. 

"Yes, of course." I open the driver side door. "After you." Xe blink but get into the driver's seat. I close the door for xem. I look up at Inferna as I head to the passengers side. "Who's this?"

"..I'm not sure. Xyr name's Luna, xe/she. One day at school, xe just walked up to me and asked to borrow my car for a driver's test. Final try." I look at them. 

"You're helping a lot of people you don't know, Inferna. Be careful." I say getting in. 

"Don't worry Eli- I will." They say, closing the door for me.

Harris's P.O.V


The one Inferna has been calling Eli, handed me the keys. "Let's see what you can do." He commented. I nodded a bit, nervously. I started his car, double checking the mirrors and all that. Out of the corner I saw him studying me. Not like the instructor from earlier though, he was more chill. 

Seeing that, I decided to simply back out of the parking spot. Inferna was just now starting their car so I quickly, but safely, left the lot. "..I hope this okay with you." I say quietly. 

"Hm?" Eli glanced at me. "Oh don't worry about it. I didn't have anything planned." He let out a sigh, seeming more relaxed than before. 

"Don't you have school too?" I ask.

"I thought I did. It seems I forgot seniors get out early." I look at him in shock.

"How do you forget you get out early?" He chuckles. 

"My dad was surprised too." He sighs, sitting straight. "I guess I just got so accustomed to school, that I simply forgot."

"That makes sense, I guess." He hummed in response. The majority of the drive was silent, and while usually I'd find it awkward.. Eli made it easy. Somewhere along the drive, he turned up the volume of the radio, and we simply vibed.

I sat up a bit, recognizing a bit of the scenery. We were near the school, finally. "Oh, you go here too?-" He stopped short, realizing he didn't go there anymore. 

"Yeah. I just moved here." I respond quickly. He looks at me, slightly confused.

"Your parents must have gotten a good job for you to move on the last week of school." My shoulders drop.

"My parents aren't in my life." He tensed. "I got the good job." I finish, pulling into the parking lot.

June 28, 2022 20:17

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Eli existing = yes ohmygosh this series is wunderbar! i cant wait to see the next entry!! kudos to you, shade! btw who is who? im kinda confused xD


Crows_ Garden
19:00 Jul 02, 2022

XD : O It really is I think! Thank you! Wdym?


*giggles in german/j* ofc shade!! oh like which character is which character lolol


Crows_ Garden
00:58 Jul 03, 2022

Do you mean the POV's? If so, Kennedy is Eli, and Harris is the new character: Luna.


ohh lol i meant who in reedsy is who in the reedsycast xD


Crows_ Garden
20:55 Jul 03, 2022

Eli, Jasey's character Maxlynn, Jasey & my character Ky, Echo's character Inferna, yours Luna, Skye's character Rex, my character Random guy, my character


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Jasey Lovegood
10:09 Jun 30, 2022

The amount of Eli content >>>>>> I'm just. In love with this series. The characters, the emotions portrayed and the plot that seems to be getting closer and closer... Great job, Leo <3


Crows_ Garden
11:06 Jun 30, 2022

Eli has become very important to the plot all of a sudden, so enjoy : D I'm a little scared for the plot, ngl.. I'm glad y'all are enjoying it though!


Jasey Lovegood
11:30 Jun 30, 2022

Eli <33333 Don't be scared !! You got this :)


Crows_ Garden
12:14 Jun 30, 2022

I have everyone's fates planned out already, and it's good and cute, but also really bad & sad.


Jasey Lovegood
12:35 Jun 30, 2022

Oh dear ...


Crows_ Garden
17:07 Jun 30, 2022

It's gonna be fUn


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Unknown User
01:06 Jun 29, 2022

<removed by user>


Crows_ Garden
01:15 Jun 29, 2022

Sweet! Glad you approve >: D The plot is getting closer... and closer... XD Indeed


Unknown User
05:23 Jul 01, 2022

<removed by user>


Crows_ Garden
14:58 Jul 01, 2022

Only two characters will be affected the most.


Unknown User
05:53 Jul 02, 2022

<removed by user>


Crows_ Garden
06:37 Jul 02, 2022

: D We got a bit before the tears lol dw


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