Love is Evol!

Submitted into Contest #290 in response to: Set your story in a world where love is prohibited.... view prompt


Fantasy Fiction Romance

Love is Evol

              It's hard to be unhappy on a planet with two suns, tropical weather, and eight hours of darkness daily. How is that possible? Simple, one sun trails behind the other in a similar elliptical orbit around the planet at a slightly slower rate. Sounds cool, right!? Well, not everything that sounds cool is actually cool.

              Welcome to planet Otulp! The Otulpians were a very impressive race of beings! They are much taller, stronger, faster, and smarter than their distant relatives who resided on a planet in a galaxy not so far away called Earth. Otulpians have gold skin that shimmers with brilliance in the light. These two planets had a lot of similarities but also many differences. For example, this planet was similar in having night, day, oceans, rivers, mountains, lakes, plants, animals, and an atmosphere with breathable air. The differences were that the breathable air was more hydrogen-based, animals were much different in size and colors, plants were larger and more vibrant, the night was pitch black because of not having a moon, and the mountains were much smaller than Earths.

              The Otulpian society also shared similarities and differences. Earthlings and Otulpians both have vehicles, domesticated animals, stores, libraries, and a ruling class that basically controls the planet. The differences are many! The vehicles were self-propelled and hovered above the ground using electromagnetics. The domesticated pets are like our dogs but bigger, with a small elephant-like snout with teeth, massive hind legs like a kangaroo, and long muscular gorilla-like arms for front legs. The stores are limited to grocery stores that resemble an indoor farmers market with every kind of food the planet offers. There are also clothing stores that offer men's, women’s, and children’s clothing, stores that carry furniture of all kinds, and stores for any modern appliance needed for a dwelling. Libraries are more like viewing centers with the planet’s entire history and knowledge at your fingertips on a personal glass-like view screen. Hundreds of these viewers are set up in a personal room with a chair. The Otulpians in charge of the planet and its inhabitants consist of a small Council of 5. On this council sat the planet’s lead scientist, the most predominant spiritual advisor, the leading energy healer, the most intelligent Otulpian on the planet, and finally, an individual we would probably call an earth shaman, but they call him a tree whisperer. On Otulp, there is no such thing as money or currency. Society is self-sufficient, with everyone contributing to each other. Food is supplied to markets by individuals who love agriculture for their chosen lifestyle. This is how it is with all stores and professions. Everyone contributes in some way, shape, or form.

              The most significant difference in Otulp is that love has been forbidden. Too many conflicts of jealousy, rage, or lust had occurred on the planet, so the Council of 5 created a new system to alleviate the chances of love. Children born on the planet are raised in something like an orphanage. Women decide on pregnancy at or after an appointed age. Then, they would do something similar to artificial insemination. The males no longer served a role in creation other than donation. This ensured no more family units consisting of a mother, father, or children would fall in love. Children are separated in separate quarters, dividing males from females during upbringing. Each child has separate living quarters, and they only see each other during mealtimes. Students are taught in their rooms by teachers but mainly by a view screen containing educational lessons for every day until graduating into adulthood.

              Zandar had just graduated from his Life Educational and Adult Readiness Schooling (or L.E.A.R.S) several months before his life-changing incident. Zandar was a tall, muscular, and what would be considered a very handsome young male adult amongst his people. He had been settled in nicely to his new domicile. Zandar had already decided what he wanted to do as a trade for the rest of his life but was taking some time to reflect before taking the next step. He wants to be what we would call a farmer. His dwelling was nestled near trees close to a beautiful stream at the city's edge. He loved his new dwelling and had it furnished to his liking. It was a very cozy environment that any Otulpian would be very happy to have!

              Since every day on Otulp was warm and sunny, I guess we will refer to it as a summer day since they don’t have seasons on Otulp. So, on one warm, sunny summer day, Zandar awoke and started to get ready like usual. However, this day was not to be just any ordinary day. This would be the day that his life would change forever and possibly change the course of history for his planet.

 Zandar would frequent the local market for food every day. He was very good at cooking and enjoyed eating very much. Zandar hadn’t yet been awarded a vehicle since he hadn’t begun working in his trade. But the walk to the market was short, and he never had to carry much back. Once he arrived at the market, he began looking for the ingredients he needed to make two of his favorite dishes. He was inspecting what we would call a vegetable similar to an onion. He placed it in his small carry bag and proceeded to walk away. Zandar had walked approximately 10 steps when he realized that he had wanted to add an extra ingredient to his dish this time. But he had just passed it. He started backing up and turned around when he came nose to nose with one of the most beautiful young Otulpian women he had ever seen! She had startled him just like he had startled her. At that moment, they had both started to raise their hands for protection when they made contact with each other.

Zandar could feel tingles running up and down his spine! His skin had tightened into a heightened sense of awareness and touch. His stomach felt light, his heart started racing, and the world around him disappeared! He had never experienced anything like this! Zandar had no idea what to say or do. He felt paralyzed! His eyes were wide and firmly locked into the deep blue pools of the golden goddess in front of him! Zandar could feel his mouth open in awe and wonder at the beauty before him. Hello, she said in a soft, shaky voice. Zandar was finding it impossible to form a word to respond to her! “My name is Zealdia”, she said in response to Zandar’s silence. “My name is Zandar,” he said as he felt his mouth turn into a smile after hearing her name. A warm rush of blood filled his cheeks.

Just as Zandar began to tell Zealdia she had a beautiful name, a loud, piercing proximity alarm went off over their heads. Both of their eyes grew wide in horror at the sound! They immediately stepped back from each other at a distance of approximately three feet. The alarm sounded because no male or female Otulpian was allowed to stand closer than three feet together. Zandar looked at Zealdia and said, “Follow me!” in a low voice. The two then left the market, with Zealdia following Zandar a short distance behind. Zandar took Zealdia past his house and across the small bridge that spanned the stream near his dwelling. He guided her towards a small thicket of trees on a slightly beaten path near the stream. Once Zandar was sure they were hidden from everyone, he stopped and turned toward Zealdia.

Zealdia had stopped within a foot of Zandar when he extended his hand to her, wanting to rekindle the feeling he had just experienced. She gently placed her hand in his, and immediately, they both felt an intense urge to draw each other in even closer. Zandar and Zealdia each dropped their bags and pulled the other close in a warm embrace. Their arms were now wrapped tightly around the other. They could feel the other's heart racing as they pressed in closer. Their breathing grew faster as a vortex of emotions, warmth, and urge surged through their bodies. Zandar’s hand began to move slowly up Zealdia’s back towards her head. His hand came to rest at the nape of her neck, feeling her beautiful, soft, long, raven-black hair in his hand. An intense fire welled up inside of him, sending an intense urge through his body! Zandar suddenly felt a warm, moist, soft feeling pressing against his lips as Zealdia’s lips were now locked with his own. The two felt an overwhelming emotion and passion that no Otulpian had felt in decades!

After what had seemed like a lifetime of melting into each other’s warm embrace and passionate kisses, Zandar pulled his lips away from Zealdia’s just long enough to utter the words,” You had me at hello!”. Zealdia’s eyes glistened with excitement and longing at hearing these words. An intense storm rushed over Zealdia as she found herself melting in Zandar’s strong, muscular arms. The couple spent the rest of the day talking about anything and everything they could think of, between passionate kisses and the exploration of each other’s bodies with their hands. After words no longer held any meaning, the two found themselves undressed and fully immersed into the other. Sweat glistened off their golden bodies as they showered the other in slow, intentionally placed, soft kisses.

The suns had begun to set, signaling an end to the day. The couple arose and began putting their clothes back on slowly as they studied every line and contour of the other's body. They were relishing every moment and mentally capturing pictures to carry forward into the future. The couple didn’t know that they had just planted a seed of new life for the future. Something that was going to change the lives of everyone on the planet. Before they parted ways, they had both agreed to meet at the same market every day and relive this exact moment over again for as long as possible.

Several months passed, and the couple honored their agreement to see each other without fail. However, Zealdia was now beginning to show signs of being with a child. The couple could not be happier, but having a child in a natural union was forbidden even though it was not at all uncommon to see an Otulpian woman pregnant. It was, however, not heard of for an Otulpian woman to not have a written record of conception from a Conception Center. This was a massive problem that the two knew they would have to face before the birth of their love child. So, after much discussion and contemplation, the two decided to approach the Council of 5 with the situation and beg for mercy to raise the child together as a family unit. Maybe the council would allow them to live in a dwelling far from civilization without interference. It wasn’t much hope, but it was still hope.

Zandar and Zealdia had grown closer and closer to each other over the following months, forming an unbreakable love bond. The couple could not be happier! But reality was quickly closing in for the couple as the birth of their child closed in. “Today is the day,” Zandar said to Zealdia. “Today, we approach the council and ask for mercy.” Zealdia nodded her head in agreement. So, the two slowly made their way to the capitol building, where the Council of 5 met daily. The two had to keep their distance from each other as they navigated the streets towards the capitol building. Trying not to cause any suspicion for any on-lookers as they approached the doors of the great hall.

Zandar approached an individual that we would call a receptionist and began to inform him of the situation and why they were there. The man's eyes grew huge in disbelief, and he immediately jumped up from his chair behind the desk and ran towards the council chambers! After several minutes, the male receptionist returned and beckoned the couple towards the chamber, inviting them to follow him. Zandar and Zealdia complied and made their way to the chamber’s entrance. They had barely walked through the entrance when the receptionist announced their names to the council in a booming voice of disdain. The Elder of the council thanked him and dismissed him so that the council could discuss this situation privately with Zandar and Zealdia.

Zandar began informing the council of everything that had happened and how it had happened. After Zandar had finished telling his story in great detail, the room fell silent for a brief period of time. Then Tolebin, the council Elder, said with a smile,” This was to be expected. From the beginning, we knew we would be unable to keep something like this from happening. So, we prepared for this from the start. We have a very small city far from any Otulpian civilization, and it is just for couples like you. Call it an experiment of love reborn. This experimental society is focused on love and trust in ways that far exceed anything we have seen or experienced in the past. Living here differs significantly from everything you have been taught or know in the world you currently live in. We had to bring a great reset to our society to relearn love in all its authentic expressions and forms. We have been watching the two of you since your first meeting with great excitement! We feel that the two of you are perfect for our new world model, and we will make all the arrangements to relocate the three of you immediately!”

Zandar and Zealdia burst into tears of joy and excitement from hearing such amazing news! “This is more than we could have imagined or have even thought possible,” said Zealdia with great joy and gratitude. “Thank you all so very much for your kindness, understanding, and mercy,” said Zandar to the Council of 5. The Council members all bowed their heads to Zandar in acknowledgment of his statement. Tolebin then pressed a small button on the table face next to him, and two individuals came walking through the door behind the council almost immediately afterward. “These two individuals will take you where you need to go. You don’t need to grab or take anything with you. Everything has already been prepared for you and is waiting for your arrival,” Tolebin said to the couple.

Zandar and Zealdia both had huge smiles on their faces as they followed the two Otulpian males to the rear of the chambers and out the door. This was the beginning of a whole new life together! It was an exciting new adventure that the couple faced together without fear or remorse. This was not just a new start for Zealdia and Zandar but also a possible new start for Otulp! But that is another story.

The End

February 18, 2025 23:07

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