Drama Sad Coming of Age

   Ezra is the epitome of a snooty rich kid, except he’s long left the title of kid in the dust. But you’d never be able to tell based on his interests, as he often blows all his money on comic books, video games, and liquor.

    It was his father that wanted him to work, and only his father. Ezra came from an abundance of wealth and would receive an allowance every month for proving that he was contributing to society. This benefit of having a job means he receives his allowance without having to hear the disappointment in his father’s voice. His father had complete trust in him and would often remind him to try his best with the following promise:

    So long as you’re chasing your dreams, you have my support.

    And over the years this rang true. Despite whatever he did, Ezra would receive his allowance, but only if he fabricated some story of pseudo-success. For instance, he would often create illusions of grandeur to put on display for his family, but the reality would only be fragile pieces of what he would say.

Lead Sales Engineer would translate into grocery store clerk. And Vice President of Marketing would really mean working behind the counter at a gas station. His current role was the most fake, though. He was a Chief Marketing Director for one of the largest tech companies in the world, but in reality, he was a parttime sign spinner for a local pizza joint.

    But one morning after a brainstorming session he realized he spent the previous night drinking too much. According to his work schedule, if his clock read seven it would mean it’s time to wake up. Eight assumed he would need to rush and skip breakfast and probably even his shower. However, on this morning, Ezra woke, but the alarm that had long since stopped its’ irritating buzz. His groggy groans fell silent once he saw a number greater than nine on its’ greasy display.

    One strong, deep breath of air filled his lungs. And another. Now three. On his fourth, ideas started flooding his mind.

Aunt May had a stroke in the garden?

No. Not sad enough!

I lost track of time volunteering at a soup kitchen?

    Doesn’t sound like me. Let’s get a little more realistic…

Dad died in surgery?

Hmm… maybe I can sell it. A little morbid though.

Inspired, he immediately dialed his employer’s phone number and requested to be transferred to his boss. After he said his piece, a short, one-sided dialogue from his supervisor left him pale… at first. Then, a sly smile crept to his lips and he fell back in his bed, throwing his arms over his head on his worn, over-used pillow. He let out a long sigh of relief. He lost his job, but was happy as could be.

However, he did want to come up with a good excuse for his father.

Someone robbed my place last night and I was too anxious to sleep!

Nah. Dad would investigate that for sure.

I spent the whole night drinking your money away and I slept past my alarm!

Honest! But no. That’d probably upset him.

Dad, I wasn’t fired - I was laid off!

Might be the best route to take…

I guess I can talk it over with the guys tonight.

“Oh well,” Ezra said out loud to himself, as he tried to force his smile into a frown.

“Times are tough dad; I’m trying my best but everyone I work with is intimidated by how great I am!”

    He made breakfast and took his belated morning shower. After watching his favorite daytime soap operas and reality shows, he went back to sleep.

    When he awoke, he was not sure what time the clock read, but he was sure it was an irritating chirp from his phone that provoked his consciousness. He lied in bed listening to the ringtone for a few seconds before sitting up in bed to grab his phone. He looked at the display.

He had sixteen missed calls from his mother, younger brother and even the maids over at his father’s mansion. He felt a lump in his throat and dialed his mom. His heart was pounding wildly. He didn’t know what to think. Did they find out about his ruse of a job? Did they see him out all night drinking with friends somewhere? He needed answers.

    I can’t invent a story if I don’t know what this is about…

    Drinking? Maybe.

    My job? Not likely. Bart usually makes all their meals…

    “Here goes nothing” he said aloud, praying for some other scenario.

    After calling his mother, she revealed the news, and then he broke down in tears. His father passed away during his scheduled heart surgery. He dropped his phone and started crying.


    A few weeks passed and Ezra had not yet received his allowance. He became so desperate that he started looking for a new job, but his limited experience and skill set didn’t afford him the luxury of choice. He was forced to take a meager position while looking for other opportunities.

He also started visiting his mother much more frequently than usual, trying to investigate when he would get paid. He knew she knew about the money, so why was she holding out? He would drop hints to her every so often about being let go from his previous job. She would just laugh and tell him that he will be fine based on his great work history and experience.

One day, shortly after his latest attempt to guilt her into giving him his allowance check, she led him into a room with a bunch of men wearing suits. Ezra was familiar with many of the men in the room; they all worked with his father before his passing. 

“Since you’re having a hard time finding work, I figured you may want to work at your father’s company,” she said, with an endearing smile across her face.

    “Ezra, my boy!” One of the suits yelled excitedly. “It’s great to see you!”

    Ezra waved, and looked at his mother with a confused head tilt. It felt like an eternity passed before anyone said anything else.

    “How would you like to work at your father’s company?” Asked the suit closest to his mother. He wore a wide grin and was excitedly awaiting his answer.

“He’s been wanting you to work here for years, y’know. He was always so happy at how responsible you are.”

Ezra’s chest got tighter at the sentiment. It was in this moment that he realized that he had nothing. He had no work experience to rely on, no life experience to fall back to and above all else, when his father wanted him the most – no, needed him the most, he couldn’t deliver. He couldn’t even think of a story to fabricate. He just let a few silent moments hang in the room, until he gathered the courage to speak.

    “Thanks, but I’m fine.” He took a deep breath. “Everything will work out.”

    The men in the room let out a light chuckle.

    “Oh no, that’s no way for you to behave!” The man chirped.

“Please, he’s done so much for us over the years, and if he instilled even a bit of his work ethic in you, then we’ll all be better off!”

Another few seconds of silence elapsed.

    “No.” He said, this time getting choked up. “I couldn’t possibly accept such a position.”

Everyone maintained their smile and looked around at each other once or twice.

    “I assure you’ll get paid very well. We’ve actually been looking for a marketing-“

    “NO! I SAID NO!” Ezra screamed.

He hung his head and covered his face with his hands. From between his fingers, he spoke again, shouting.


    Quiet conversations were being exchanged between the suits and their expressions ultimately faded to blank. His mother had a look of disbelief on her face.

    “I don’t want to.” Ezra stated. “I was lying to dad to receive money he was giving me. I’ve never worked a hard day in my life! I was never anyone important, I was just the recipient of a monthly check!”

    Ezra took his hands away from his face and dropped to his knees. He felt embarrassed and disappointed in himself.

    “Dear…” His mother started, concern filling her voice. But she never finished what she started saying. Instead, she tilted her head in heavy disappointment and rolled her eyes to the left. Her smile faded to contempt, and after a few moments she stood up and reached into her purse.

    “Here’s that allowance you’re wanting.” She callously said.

Her hands revealed a check made out to Ezra, and she let it fall from her hands to the floor. He saw her shadow disappear from the room, and she never once looked back at her son.

In this moment, he was feeling defeated; like an utter disappointment to his family, but above all a disgrace to his father. He turned around without picking up his final check and left the mansion for the last time in his life.

December 19, 2020 04:57

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