The Quartet - Cal

Written in response to: "Start your story with the words: โ€œGrow up.โ€"

Adventure Friendship

Quick Author's note: Yes, this is from The Trio, I just changed my mind and made it a quartet, lol.


โ€œGrow up, Sis! Grow up!โ€

โ€œLike youโ€™re not the one squabbling over supporting directions.โ€ muttered Sis, shooting him a look.

Bee rolls his eyes and throws an obscure gesture at her.

I sigh. Nothing could be more bothersome than these two arguing.

Then thereโ€™s something scuttling down the ladder, and before any of us can do anything about it,  a girl with light green hair jumps from the ladder to greet us.

โ€œMother of heck-โ€

Beeโ€™s up in a momentโ€™s notice, upsetting his tea in the process. Sis scowls, still not over the previous fight.

โ€œI told you not to waste anything, you idiot! That tea took me forever to get!โ€

Bee half sighs, half groans.

โ€œBe quiet!โ€

Glancing warily at the girl, I casually clear my throat, as if I know her, which I donโ€™t.

โ€œHey there. Horrible weather weโ€™re having, isnโ€™t it?โ€

She awkwardly smiles.

Bee roughly turns his body to her.

โ€œWho the hell are you?โ€

โ€œBe nice, Bee.โ€

โ€œOh- er- well-โ€

She gulps.

โ€œI donโ€™t reallyโ€ฆahโ€ฆhave a name,โ€ she says, turning her head here and there, โ€œB-but you seem like you doโ€ฆ!โ€

โ€œNevermind that, how in the name of Christ did you get down here?โ€

โ€œUh, uh, someone left the hatch open.โ€



The siblings start another fight, Bee taking his gloves off, showing off his mechanical hands with sharp claws at the end, and Sis with her staff that doubles as a sword plus daggers(poisonous? I didnโ€™t know), just great.

Iโ€™ve learned to not bother their fights, or separate them.

I smiled at the girl, which just seems to make her scared even more.

โ€œDonโ€™t be afraid- not like Iโ€™ll hurt you or anything.โ€

โ€œA-ah, sorry.โ€

She rubs her head slightly.

โ€œYou do have a name, right?โ€



โ€œMy โ€˜nameโ€™ is Cal, which is actually just โ€˜companion.โ€™โ€

โ€œI seeโ€ฆโ€

She shyly shuffles her feet.

โ€œI-if it doesnโ€™t bother you, could you giveโ€ฆme one?โ€


I tilt my head to the side.

โ€œYou meanโ€ฆmake a name? Isnโ€™t that taboo-โ€

โ€œEh- you donโ€™t HAVE toโ€ฆโ€

I glance around for anything that resembles themโ€ฆand my eyes land on the plants Sis is growing.

Of course, my glasses decided to fall down immediately.

After I adjusted myself, I replied hastily.


Her face brightens.

โ€œClover! I like it!โ€

She comes closer, and now I can see what sheโ€™s wearing. It isnโ€™t too shabbyโ€ฆfor this timeโ€™s standards, anyway.

Her bright green hairโ€™s down, but itโ€™s in a braid that connects and goes down. She has a tattered, light brown skirt- or whatโ€™s left of it, as I can see scorch marks. Her light crop top has an intricate design, but itโ€™s slightly ruined by the burns near the left shoulder. She has yellowish white socks, impressively. Sis and I don't wear socks because of how stinking hot it is. Bee only wears it to cover up his body. Apparently this girl- Clover, decided to wear sandals before the world imploded, because her shabby slippers are exactly that. Even Sis has better shoes than her- worn down sneakers. Although Sis did steal themโ€ฆ


โ€œThis is Clover.โ€

I say to the siblings.

Bee has a minor scratch on his face, and some bruises around his neck, but nothing too major. Iโ€™m not surprised, as he is a formidable fighter. Once, he smashed an entire bugbot with both of his hands, then immediately pulled his gloves on.

Sis is bleeding from her neck, but was patching it up. Honestly, this was about the tenth time her neck got another bandage, so I wasn't worried. Sis isnโ€™t a very good attacker, because she usually is supporting from the back as Bee murders bug bots and I try not to die, but thatโ€™s another story, I suppose.

Clover waves silently, as the twins start daggers at each other.

Finally, Sis mumbles โ€œHi, Clover.โ€

โ€œHey, Sis. Nice name you have-โ€

Bee snorts.

I jab him in the ribs.

He immediately takes on a defensive pose, and I step back a little, worried that something might have gone wrong, or that I did something wrong.

โ€œWoah, chill.โ€

He relaxes, with a weird expression on his face. Sis looks confused as well, and Clover justโ€ฆstares.


Iโ€™ve never heard him say that before.

As if he was trying to change the subject, Bee turns to a befuddled Clover.

โ€œAt least you have a good soundingโ€ฆ โ€˜nameโ€™.โ€

โ€œWhy, I think Bee is a pretty goodโ€ฆerโ€ฆ โ€˜nameโ€™โ€

I pick at my tongue as they talk.

Sis looks at me, then them, then me again.

I sigh and go back to my seat, flipping through the pages again-

โ€œWhatโ€™re you going to do with her?โ€


Sis sighs.

โ€œWith the girl.โ€

โ€œClover has a name. Use it.โ€

โ€œEugh, fine, ClOvEr- whatโ€™re you going to do with her?โ€

โ€œKeep her here, duh.โ€

โ€œAhโ€ฆI thought you were gonna let her goโ€ฆโ€

โ€œWhy would I-โ€

I stare at Sis.

โ€œHold on, are you jealous?โ€

โ€œN-no!โ€ She protests, but her face says otherwise.

Ignoring her, I motion for Clover and Bee to come to the table.

โ€œClover, do you have anyโ€ฆer- possessions?โ€

She brightens a little.

โ€œI do, actually. I keep it in this satchel.โ€

โ€œYou have a satchel?โ€

Bee gripes, shuffling his hands a bit. I know why. He used to own a light blue one until, of course, his entire house was blown up.

โ€œYeah, here.โ€

Clover puts it on the table.

The first thing I realize is how stinking PRETTY it is.

Itโ€™s actually white. Whichโ€”given how everything in our base is basically stained blackโ€” is impressive. 

Thereโ€™s jewels all over it, all glittering, all rainbow colored. The string is golden, looping around the top of it.

โ€œItโ€™s pretty small thoughโ€ฆโ€ Sis trails off.

Clover has a sad smile on her face.


She pulls out a stuffed bunny, a headband, and coins.

Bee makes a BEEline(get it) with his eyes for the coins.

Sis looks at the headband evilly. I make a mental note to slap her later, as she always steals stuff.

I glance at Clover.

โ€œIs thisโ€ฆall your stuff?โ€

โ€œYesโ€ฆbefore everything.โ€ She saids, picking up the rabbit and hugging it.


โ€œYou can have the coins. I donโ€™t need them.โ€


โ€œNo, if-if I am staying here, I need to share, donโ€™t I?โ€

I stop for a moment, shocked.

You need to understand that, no one was this willing to share before. Sis, although nice to me, stole stuff all the time, and Bee was basically a hoarder.

โ€œI seeโ€ฆwell, thank you.โ€ I swipe the coins away before Bee grabs them.

He makes a disgruntled expression.

โ€œIโ€™m not having a repeat of last time, dolt.โ€ I say, grinning.

โ€œCome onnn, it was useful!โ€

โ€œYou are rightโ€ฆbut we sacrificed a lot of money for it.โ€

โ€œShut it!โ€ He says, slightly pushing me and losing his cold tone for a few seconds.

Cloverโ€™s still hugging the bunny.

โ€œDoes the bunny mean anything?โ€ I ask her, not because it really matters, but because it looks very important. 

โ€œOh, it was a giftโ€ฆfrom a friend.โ€ She smiles, but thereโ€™s a hint of sadness in it.

I understand her pain. I used to have a friend like that too.

Suddenly, thereโ€™s a sharp smack and a yelp.

Clover winches and runs over. 

Sis is holding her hand, while Bee is slightly waving a fan in front of his face. It doesnโ€™t take a genius to figure out what happened.

โ€œI was just- looking!โ€

โ€œTo hell you were. Iโ€™m not letting you steal another thing.โ€

Oh, right. The headband.

โ€œAh- p-please donโ€™t fight.โ€ Clover said softly. 

โ€œI donโ€™t mind sharing w-with herโ€ฆโ€

Bee flicked his hand violently.

โ€œDonโ€™t care, that brat needs to be taught a lesson.โ€

While I agreed, secretly, it did seem a little harsh.


I wrote this AGES ago, forgot about it, and then found it and posted it, lol.

Have a great day! That Resident Evil fic is coming soon >:D

Posted Mar 30, 2022

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10 likes 32 comments

Maddie's Closet
14:29 Jun 25, 2022

Nice end!! Iโ€™m never able to like leave my stories at a certain point they either drag on endlessly or have a cringy ending lol :)))

Also just good story in general :)


thanks! omg same though?? like my old stories are so cringey ๐Ÿ˜”

awww ur so sweet โค๏ธ


Maddie's Closet
14:48 Jun 25, 2022

lol mine too

Thanks ๐Ÿ˜Š


Maddie's Closet
15:18 Jun 25, 2022

Donโ€™t mean to be nosy, but what are u doing rn? Iโ€™m at a swim meet being bored and waiting for my next race


Maddie's Closet
23:20 Jun 26, 2022

Lol was it fun? I love the beach ๐Ÿ˜



04:21 Mar 31, 2022



05:18 Mar 31, 2022

Ooooo cool

Yeah that would be awesome. Idk what character though. I don't watch anime much
(which is kinda shocking cause I watch a lot of movies as a kid and I am a fangirl but noooo never clicked with anime. Life's weird)


ayyy alr
(ahahhaha #relatable i used to be like that too- i would binge books but never watch the movies)
just drop the description hereeee


20:45 Mar 31, 2022

Oooo okay
so like thick ash coloured hair in about mid length wavy curls (not tight curls but loose one). Light almost grey eyes, pale skin, tiny freckles. Maybe wearing something suit like in Dark navey or black? (idk if there's a diffrence but what ever) Black lip stick (if possible), a circlet or a crown thingy, and a kinda badass flirt expression if that makes any sense. *shrugs*
Thank you so much and please telll me if you need some clarifactions or anything!!!!


Unknown User
12:53 Apr 01, 2022


Unknown User
21:42 Mar 30, 2022


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