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Science Fiction

The mismatched pair emerged from the passenger side of the taxi simultaneously, with Penny in a flowing pink dress emerging from the back seat to stand next to Adelai’s silver plating, partially obscured in a minimalist maid’s outfit. Adelai bent down so Penny, a full two feet shorter, could attach the maid’s headwear to her shiny head, then placed a sparkling tiara on Penny’s head, securing it in the blue wig. They both already wore their convention badges on lanyards dangling from their necks, ready to attend the country’s largest anime convention. Adelai slowly rotated her head towards the convention hall, stating in monotone “Let’s make this your best day ever, Penny.” 

They had barely made it inside the door when someone squealed and ran up to Penny gushing. “You are the perfect Princess Mayerte! And your android, ohmygoodness, is perfect as the maid slash bodyguard! Can I get a photo with you?” 

Penny nodded, and the gushing fan girl handed her phone to a friend for a quick snap. “Thank you so much! Oh, I’m Emmy… what’s your name?” 

Reaching into a pocket of her dress, she pulled out a pink card to show the girl. 

My name is Penny.

I’m mute.

“Oh. Umm… well, your costume is awesome, Penny! I’ll make sure to share my photo on the con’s Discord. Have a great time!” 

A quick swap in her pocket brought out a blue card. 

Thank you!

They moved slowly through the dealer’s hall and artist’s alley, with Adelai always half a step behind Penny, pausing frequently for photo opportunities as their outfits were admired. Shortly before eleven-thirty, they filed into a room with dozens of other Princess Mayertes and other fans to listen to the show’s creator, Miyata Yoshike, speak. Penny, being the shortest princess in the room, was given a seat in the front row. Adelai was relegated to standing stiffly along the back wall with the handful of personal androids who were chaperoning their charges or dragged along to carry their shopping. 

When the panel ended, Penny waited patiently for Adelai to rejoin her as the rest of the fans cleared the room. The pair of them caught Yoshike’s eye. “Are you entering the costume contest this evening?” 

Adelai tilted her head inquisitively at Penny. A green card emerged. 


Yoshike raised a puzzled eyebrow at the card, then let it slide. “It would be so exciting if two of my characters won the paired category! I’ve never seen such a creative use of a personal android at a convention. I’ll see you there!” 

After Yoshike had left the room, Adelai turned to Penny. “We’ll need to find the masquerade registration.” She set a backpack, matching the maid costume, on the chair next to Penny, pulled out the program book, and flipped to the masquerade page. 

Registering for the masquerade turned out to be a simple process of filling in some basic information: their badge and characters names, the source material their costumes were based on, along with contact details, including real names, in case they won. Penny did not use keyboards often, so Adelai stood patiently while she meticulously typed in each letter, double checking her spelling as she went. 

The afternoon passed quickly as they wandered through the convention. Penny folded origami poorly in the children’s area, then flopped repeatedly onto the available bean bags, ignoring whatever show was on the screen in favor of moving around the room to examine other crafts before flopping again. They hovered in the gaming room for a while, amused by the number of thematically appropriate games that seemed to revolve around food. Ninja Burger looked to be a longer game, so they just watched for a bit until some other kids arrived looking for a faster game. Adelai supervised as Penny played Ramen Fury and Sushi Go with some teenagers. Nobody seemed to mind Penny’s silence, and even cheered when she won the Ramen game. 

Eventually they lined up with other competitors for the masquerade. A full dozen Princess Mayertes assembled for a group photo, and as expected, Penny was the shortest, and Adelai was the only android maid. The other princesses had entered the individual contest, though some of them promised that next year, they’d bring an android too. 

The crowd was enthusiastic about all of the costumes and skits, and cheered wildly for the smallest princess when Penny and Adelai crossed the stage. Penny grinned broadly watching the other cosplayers on and back stage, waving back at anybody who waved at her, presumably having seen her earlier in the day. As the judges tallied the votes, Adelai glanced down at Penny. “Best day ever?” 

The green card came out again, confirming that it was. 

Penny held up a yellow card with confetti pieces colored on it after each award was given, beaming at each person as they returned back stage. A crowd of new friends surrounded her, holding their breaths, when they announced the audience vote for the best paired costumes. 

“We’re delighted to announce the winners of the best paired costumes, Princess Mayerte and her android maid, as presented by Adelai Thompson and her android, P N 0….” The presenter paused briefly. “... C H 0.” He put his hand over the mic, which did little to muffle his next comment. “Is this right? Aren’t personal navigator androids capped at four feet tall?” 

Adelai and Penny were making their way onto the stage, and the audience was already cheering as he said that. Adelai registered recognition on a few faces as they realized what it meant. 

The presenter, still a bit confused, stepped over to meet them with their award as Penny pulled an orange card out. 

May I speak? 

He hesitantly nodded and offered her the microphone. She shook her head, gestured to the screen behind them, and faced the somewhat bewildered audience as her words appeared on the screen. 

My name is Penny, I am a Personal Navigator 0 Charge Hours 0 android assigned to Adelai Thompson. My design does not include a voicebox; I am able to connect with any WiFi enabled device to share necessary information. 

All I wanted was the chance to be a real girl for one day, and today has been the best day of my life. This convention and these amazing people made this possible, and allowed me to understand how a human participates in the world. 

I would remember this day forever, if I could, but my next upgrade includes a memory wipe. I want to thank all of you, and especially Adelai, for this experience. 

She turned to Adelai, who had removed both the maid’s headwear and her shiny mask, revealing a normal woman to the audience. Adelai was blinking furiously, clearly trying not to cry, as the audience slowly rose to their feet to give Penny a standing ovation. Penny reached for her hand as they strode off the stage. 

February 23, 2021 23:12

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1 comment

Kyler Mattoon
17:04 May 17, 2021

Aw I loved the twist of Penny actually being the android! How fun and creative. Love your use of the prompt as well!


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