
Lucas took a hold of my hands. “Olive, I—” 

Eve walked out of the clearing. “Olive, I can’t believe you would do this to me! You are the worst friend ever!” I got up and ripped my hands from his.

“It’s not what it looks like!” I protested. 

“It’s exactly what it looks like!” Eve got up and ran away into the woods back to camp. 

I got up angrily and left Lucas behind. I scurried back to my cabin.  

Arriving back at my cabin, I saw that Eve was packing her stuff.

 “I am so sorry!” I cried as Lucas walked into our cabin.

 “I’ll explain, Olive.” Lucas said. I nodded slightly. 

“Yeah, so. . . Olive said she liked me!” Lucas exclaimed. 

My jaw dropped in horror. “That is a lie, I would never go out with Lucas!” I declared. “He is not my type,” I added, folding my arms across my chest. 

“I am leaving camp, and I hope I never have to see you again!” Eve shouted at me. 

She got up and we watched as she stomped across the lawn and disappeared into the main office. I knew I would see her again because we lived next to each other. Meanwhile, I had to apologize to her, and since camp didn’t allow phones, I would have to send it the mail. 

But before that, I needed to have a little chat with Lucas. I turned around, glaring at him. 

“You are the worst person ever, I can’t believe you lied to your girlfriend!” I roared. 

“It’s not like I liked Eve. I can’t believe she fell for me.” Lucas shrugged. “Anyway, that is why I took a shot on you. It doesn’t matter because you’re not going to see her for the rest of the summer.”

I took a step away from him, horrified. “And you think I would date a snob like you?” He leaned down for a kiss, and I was so mad that I put my hands into fists and punched him on both sides of his ugly face. He groaned with pain, stumbling out of my cabin. “And that’s what we call a Knuckle Sandwich back at my home!” I called, feeling satisfied. I looked at the bubblegum pink sunset. Now, I thought, it was time to write to Eve. 

I sighed, seeing Violet enter the cabin, her head in a book. Now that it was quiet, I could hear Amelia taking a shower. 

“Where’s Eve?” Violet asked, still deep in her book

“Sh-she left camp.” I replied, my voice shaking. 

“Oh,” she said softly. 

I got out an envelope and piece of paper, sat on my bed, and started to write.

Dear Eve,

I miss you so much. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings, Lucas was lying! I would never hurt you like that, or lie! Lucas wanted you to leave so that he could date me! He is a large bag of barf. I talked to him, but it didn’t go so well. DO NOT LISTEN TO LUCAS. I miss you.

Love Olive

P.S. Please write back

I thought it would’ve made Eve angrier if I told her I gave Lucas a Knuckle Sandwich. 

I got out my stamps and stuck on my favorite one, the hummingbird. And then I put it in the camp mailbox. I was hungry so I slumped off to have dinner.

That night I could not fall asleep. I kept thinking about Eve. I promised myself I would do whatever it took to be her friend again.

The next day passed, and there was nothing in the mailbox. Then the next, still nothing. But then it was Friday, and there was a note in there for me! Scribbled in pen were the words Olive Miller. I sprinted to my cabin to open it. I ripped it open and slid the note out. On the front of the card there was a picture of an oak tree and in the leaves it said ‘Thank you.’ I suddenly got happier, maybe she was forgiving me and thanking me for the truth. I opened the card, there was a short letter in messy handwriting. I took a breath, and read.

Dear Frenemy,

I don't believe anything you said you are just trying to get me back, Lucas would never betray me. You may hate Lucas, but I hate you!


P.S. This was the only card I could find.

Well, looks like she doesn’t believe me. 

I walked outside onto the field, and I took a turn and went to the forest. There I saw something I couldn’t unsee—Amelia and Lucas sitting on a tree, kissing and taking selfies! I hid behind a different tree and watched them. After about five minutes I decided to go back to camp and write Eve. I took out an envelope and a lined piece of paper. I got a sharp new pencil, and wrote.

Dear Eve,

I saw Lucas and Amelia B. kissing in the forest. You might not believe me, but I will get proof.



I put it in the envelope and put a postage sticker of a cheetah on it. I write her address on the back with her name. I sprint to the mailbox and drop it in. If I know Eve, she won’t believe me. I needed proof. 

Two days later I checked the mailbox, and there was a note for me. As usual, I ran to the cabin and sat down on my bed and slowly ripped the seal open. This time the note was on lined paper, just like mine was. 

Dear Frenemy,

There is no way to get proof of something that is not happening! Stupid. You can’t win me back.


That night I lay in bed. I still needed proof about Lucas and Amelia. How could Eve see that I was right about lucas? But then I thought about it, and I remembered they were taking pictures! They must have posted them on Lucas’s Instagram account. I wasn’t sure, but it was worth a shot. 

I woke up in the morning and got out a pencil and paper and went down to the lake to write to her. I dipped my feet into the cold water. Thoughts were swirling in my head. I just packed them into one note:

Dear Eve,

I had a thought that if you looked at Lucas’s Instagram you might find pictures. Phones aren’t allowed here, so I can’t see for myself. I hope you forgive me because you are my best friend. I will see you in a week when camp is over!

Miss you!


I got a stamp and smacked it down onto the envelope. I wrote her name and address on the back and put it in the mail. 

I waited days but nothing in the mail for me.

But finally, on the last day of camp there was a note for me. I slowly tore it open and pulled the note out. I unfolded the paper and read.

Dear Olive,

I checked and Lucas HAS been cheating on me! I am so sorry, I have been a horrible friend. I will see you once camp is over! 



P.S. Life has been lonely without you. 

Camp was done, and I was on the camp bus heading home. 

Once we arrived at the station I waited for about five minutes. Then my mom picked me up and took me home. I gathered my stuff and opened the door. I looked around my house and saw Eve sitting at the kitchen bar. 


“Olive!”  We ran towards each other and dived into a hug. We would be friends forever.

August 12, 2020 15:35

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Scout Tahoe
15:41 Aug 12, 2020

Oh my gosh, Faith! I absolutely love this! Olive and Eve are such strong characters. I'm really glad they stay friends in the end. Also: Congrats on your first story! It was amazing. Stay safe and keep writing, -Scout


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16:06 Aug 13, 2020

Hiya, Faith! Amazing job! I love your writing style and the narration of this story. The notes definitely add to it! Nice work! ~Aerin P. S. Could you find time to check out my new story? Thanks!!


Faith Hunter
21:54 Aug 13, 2020

Thanks so much! I'm glad you liked it! And I was just about to check it out.


22:00 Aug 13, 2020

Yes, I saw! Thanks!!


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Genevieve Taylor
19:54 Aug 12, 2020

This was such a sweet story! Great work. I loved how you included the letters (especially the PS's). I learned a lot about your characters through their writing. Also, absolutely adore the details about the stamps. Wonderful first story! Stay safe and keep writing, -Vieve


Faith Hunter
20:03 Aug 12, 2020

Thank you so much!


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Deborah Angevin
10:08 Aug 17, 2020

I love the little letter you included throughout the story (and even propels the plot of the story!) P.S: would you mind checking my recent story out, "Grey Clouds"? Thank you :D


Faith Hunter
14:18 Sep 02, 2020



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נιмму 🤎
21:51 Aug 13, 2020

I love that name (faith) really pretty💕 I also really like your pfp cute doggieee🐶😂 I like the little letters you put in your (awesome) story !! And that knuckle sandwich ...😂😂🙌 he probably deserved it


Faith Hunter
21:56 Aug 13, 2020



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