Mumbai Love

Submitted into Contest #60 in response to: Write a post-apocalyptic romance.... view prompt

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Romance Funny Drama

The story begins, when a small town boy first time , goes to Mumbai. He has never seen buildings, Malls and has never travelled alone. His journey towards Mumbai starts when his father gets transfered in Mumbai. Soon he goes with his father for his college education. A boy who doesn't how to speak with girls, always stays away from girls.

Finally he reaches Mumbai and gets admission in Siddharth College.

The process of college admissions is like becoming a doctor. So difficult for a small town boy like me to get admission and for me college is college, whatever the ranking of college Is. I just want admission. In our town there is only one college so we never think that there is ranking of college also. Anyways I get admission.

I am excited that it's my first time in college and let's see something is happening like in Bollywood movies , it happens. The things which help me in college is that one of my professor who is my dad 's friend ,so I am confident that ragging is not going to happen. The next problem I face that every one mostly speaks in marathi, ohh its little difficult for me to understand. Anyways, I enter in class and mostly my classmates are speaking Marathi. I am confused how I should talk to them, the day is gone just to understand the things and the good thing is that professor speak English but as I am a small town boy and not so good in English also. As I am one of the best students of my school but in new city like Mumbai , people speak more Marthi. One thing is that there should be one Subject you have to choose either Marathi or Hindi, Ofcourse, I choose Hindi.

Next day when I go to college, that day is, my first hindi lecture day but hindi classes have different classrooms. I go to hindi classroom where I meet with my classmates who speak hindi and Marathi also. I thank God that there are students like me. That day professor is on leave so we are just interacting with each other. My question to most of the students is" Are you from Mumbai, if you are from Mumbai then why you have taken hindi subject as you know Marathi also. I am not satisfied with any of answers given by boys but only one girl give me a truthful answer, Her name is Simran, The story of my first girlfriend starts here...

This is the first time I meet Simran and we interact on why Marathi is mostly spoken in college and students speak less in hindi. My point of view is that we must learn languages either it is any state language. And now, I am in Mumbai so I must know Marathi. So I request Simran to please teach me Marathi and help me how to speak with local shopkeepers. This is the our first conversation, now the class is finished and we both go to our classroom. The day is gone and the next day, same, I go to college as I am a small town boy, I learned to cross the road, first see left , then see right , and then cross the road. It takes so much time in Mumbai to cross the road. Finally after half an hour, I cross the road and reach college, it is the most difficult job for me in Mumbai.

As I am good in studying and even i don't miss any class. Slowly, all students become my friends and teachers also know me that I am a regular student. Again, the hindi period came and I go to my hindi class room, Simran is absent and my eyes are searching for her everywhere but I don't see her anywhere .I am thinking, may be she has changed her subject. This day is also gone, this time we don't have mobile so that we can ask anything on phone.

Anyways , as my dad gets new transfer, we have not taken landline connection yet. Next when I go to college, she luckily meets me on the gate and I ask her soon why you didn't come in yesterday 's class, As all girls say that my health is not fine. I asked her, "what happened? "She replied , "Nothing!!". Ohh I never understand, health is not fine and nothing happens. Soon we meet in hindi class and discuss about what's good in Mumbai. I think I am lucky in such a way that all my classmates follow my suggestions.

Now its time for first weekend of college, this weekend is the longest holiday for me ,I am getting bored at home. I feel college must be open on Sunday also. So, I decided to join NCC in college because you only come in college on Sunday if you are NCC Cadet. So, I apply to join NCC on Monday and I think girls may with us in NCC. But my luck does not favour me and my college has only boys NCC. As I tell my parents that I want to join NCC, now I can't deny to join NCC because girls are not with us. This is one of the wonderful mistake of my life which makes me a disciplined boy. My thought is that I should ask simran to join NCC but for girls NCC is not available in our college, so I am not able to speak to her.

Next week I have a good circle of friends but the most difficult thing is to learn their names as for me Marathi name is difficult to speak. And in Mumbai college, your surname always

comes first, so mostly everyone speaks with your surname. I even , sometimes my classmates call me by my surname and I get confused, whether they are calling me or some

someone else. Because in my town people call us by name because most of surname is same.

Now I and Simran become good friends because we mostly speak Hindi.

Simran is teaching me culture and traditions of Mumbai. As we are short of pocket money, we order only one thing from nearby cafeteria and divide into two parts. Its most practical way of money management which I understand later. Now We become very good friends, we meet each other daily. And Even Simran is waiting for me after her lecture is finished. Because She knows that I never miss any lecture. So she is waiting till my lecture is finished.

After my classes I go to drop her at CST Railway Station and meanwhile I take my bus from CST Bus Stop. The most funny thing is that she say you catch bus first and I say you catch train first as ladies First.. Meanwhile we sit for hours on bus stand and yet we don't decide anything because we both don't want to leave. And finally we go together. This is my mostly favorable routine of college which I never want to forget.....

September 23, 2020 11:24

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1 comment

08:03 Oct 02, 2020

This was an interesting read, a written story told as an oral one, with very fast pacing. Although, I am afraid you didn't quite meet the prompt's guidelines, in the post-apocalyptic term. Nevertheless, it was very interesting learning about your culture and college system, although it got a bit confusing at times, such as when you didn't quite explain what NCC was, before using it.


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