Fiction Friendship

So Vicky it has been a whole year that we have been working on quitting the smokes

What do you think?

Oh come'on Tess you know we have been trying since a few years ago

I know, but we are not getting a y younger you know

The couple has been in a long term relationship for eight years and both has been battling with smoking

Well look at the bright side that we tried nicorette and champix yet we still smoking like a chimney, Vicky laughs as she looks at the chimney

....weeks passes and the couple is still struggling on quitting

They starts their day with an early morning work out, which ofcourse is good

"Teas can't we do atleast twenty minutes exercise instead of thirty minutes please?"

Oh you are just like a baby!

We will stick to thirty Vicky now come on give another five minutes then we can take a shower and have our breakfast

Vicky gets into the , while Tess prepare the icy cold juice and places it on the table

After both had their shower they sat on for breakfast

They close the door behind them and heads for work

Both is working at the same Legal firm in Cape Town

Tess is trying hard not to have so many smoke breaks at work and succeeds in smoking only three for the day, but Vicky is working in a stressful environment and often heads for the smoking area

....Months after both tried many ways to quit, but it seems just not to work

Vicky our men section will be joining the board meeting in Johannesburg next week so I will be away for a few days

Okay I will ask Chrystal to come over for the days you will be away

You think she will stay so long?

Ofcourse she will, after all she is living alone since Rick left for greener pastures

..the following week Vicky kisses Tess and heads for the long and sticky road that he is so use to over the years

Luckily he will be driving with Peter and John so he will have good company on the road trip

Chrystal do not smoke, but she is addicted to reading

She has been reading so many books and her favourite author is Lori Wick; white chocolate moments

Tess is settling in to watch the series The handmaids tale , but Chrystal insist that Tess reads the book instead

Let me see if I can download the book for you Tess

She quickly downloads an epub for Tess and hours later the two girls are deep into their books

I can't believe that reading is so much fun!

"I told you reading is good and better than watching a movie"

Vicky arrives at the Protea hotel and checks in

Luckily we booked online, Peter says

Let's meet up at the club opposite in an hour guys

Sure I will wait at the pool side

As the three guys sits at the club having an ice cold beer Vicky notices that it is a no smoking club and walks outside to have a smoke

Peter and Ricky follows and they sits outside

The music seems to be in the early eighties and the club is quite crowded

Guys I think we needs to head back to the hotel as our meeting is very early

The three takes a stroll back and turns in early

....a few days later they arrived in Cape Town and Vicky is happy to be home

"He missed Tess"

Oh there you are!

Tess is relaxing on the bench in ťe living room and the kitchen is in a filthy condition

Tess what on earth is happening in the kitchen?

When last did you clean it?

Do you even know that I am home

Vicky walks down the passage to his bedroom and unpack his suitcase

The room looks like a daycare centre paid them a surprised visit

Tess! Come in here immediately

Tess marks her book and with a lazy walks she reaches her room

What is the matter Vicky?

Why did you not stay at the hotel?

Please don't come home with an attitude

Tess what happened with the house and where is Chrystal?

Chrystal left this morning

What have you been doing while I was gone

We were reading

Reading? Are you freaking kidding me?

Not at all Vicky

I started reading while you were gone and i enjoy it so much

Oh I am heading for the library later so I will clean when I get back

Vicky sits on the untidy bed and wishes he stayed longr in Jo'burg

The door slams and Tess seriously left without saying goodbye!

Vicky starts to pick up the clothes from the floor and places it in the laundry basket

He makes the bed and walks to the kitchen where he starts to clean up as well

....weeks later and he cannot remember when he last had a warm conversation with his partner

Peter knocks on the door

Tess will you get that please

I'm busy Vicky!

Vicky heads for the door and is surprised to see his friend standing in the door

Come in Peter

I was coming to fetch you for a game pool at Ricky's

Tess I will be back later okay

Vicky grabs his jacket and closes the door behind him

Peter notices Vicky enjoyed the beer way too much and is happy that he is not here with his own car

Hours later a high intoxicated Vicky gets in Peter's car

Vicky is something bothering you?

Yes Peter; I don't know what is wrong with Tess, but we are not the same anymore

When did this happen Vicky

Well, since I am back from Johannesburg my friend

I don't think she loves me anymore

She don't clean or cook anymore; all she does is reading books! Can you believe it? She even joined the library

Well that is not bad Vicky, but I hear you my mate

Peter drops Vicky st home and only pulls away after Vicky closes the front door

Tess is lying in bed with a book

Is there anything to eat Tess?

No, but you can make yourself a sandwich

.....days go by and Vicky is very unhappy and decides that he wants to leave the relationship



Oh yes what is it Vicky?

I want out of the relationship

And when do you want out; still with the book in both her hands

As soon as possible

Okay let me know when you leave so that I can cut new keys for the doors

She continue reading her book

Vicky takes off his shoes and throws his tired drunk body himself on the far end of the bed

.....weeks later Vicky packs his bag and place it in his booth; he makes a call before placing the keys in the tecnition

"Hallo mother"

Yes I will see you in an hour

Vicky pulls the gold doorknob and closes the door; a chapter is over

He stops at a bar and have a few drinks then heads to his mothers place in Campsbay

Months later Vicky and Vicky walks into a room full of people

He feels strangely uncomfortable as he takes a seat

"Vicky it is your turn now"

"Hi my name is Vicky and I am an alcoholic"

Hi Vicky

For months Vicky attended the support group and finally feels him old self again

Tess finished about fourty nine novels and is just about to finish novel fifty, when she hears a knock on the door

Chrystal smiles at her as she opens the door

Vicky I am worried about you

You can read, but you also needs to take care of yourself and your surroundings

Vicky left and yet all you do is smoke, read and work!

No my friend

Tess and Chrystal spends the day together and later hw afternoon Chrystal have to go home

Tess closes the book and walks to her room; a sudden emptiness overwhelmed her

What happened? When did Vicky leave

Tess sits on her bed and weeps as she comes to realize that being in the books and neglecting Vicky and her duties for months is the reason why she is alone

She looks at herself in the mirror and don't like what she sees

She takes a shower and starts to clean up her room; then she takes on the kitchen and makes herself a cup of coffee as she lights her cigarette

Vicky is much stronger, but he never thought he would be living with his mother at the age of forty

Tess sits behind her desk and stares at her computer; I never thought a book can make me lose the one thing that completes me

Vicky walks to his office and sees Tess at her desk

Good morning Tess

Hi Vicky

Tess can I ask you a question

Yes sure Vicky

Can I take you for coffee sometime?

Yes you can Vicky

Vicky walks to his office with a big smile and Tess stares at him as he disappears in the passage

The End

January 02, 2021 20:53

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