Creative Nonfiction Coming of Age Black

My name is Jodi and I'm six. 

Six year olds are in the first grade like me. My teacher is Ms.Spring. I like Ms. Spring. She reads lots of books to the whole class and we have to sit in a circle on the carpet. I don't like when she reads boring books though. I like Eric Carle, and Robert Munch books because of the pretty pictures. I can't talk about books too much because then I would talk about them alot more in my head and then I wouldn't hear what Ms.Spring was saying. I said shh to my head and then I heard Ms.Spring teaching.

“Alright first graders, because Mother’s Day is this Saturday, we’re going to be making gifts for Mom. Today, we’ll be making a box of love. Does anyone know what that could be?”

Almost the whole class put their hand up, even me. Kaden raised his hand up way higher and shaked it in the air. Ms.Spring said “Yes, Kaden?”

“Is a box of love a box for our Mom with hearts inside?” He said. He's sometimes shy like me but everyone likes him so he's friends with the whole class. I don't think the whole class likes me as much.

“Well You can put hearts inside. '' Ms.Spring said back. “Later I'll tell you what we're actually putting inside! Your moms are going to love it!”

We all had a blank white box in front of us on our desks. And, on the table in the corner of the classroom there was some paint. And there was some tissue paper too! And pom-poms, and coloured paper and scissors. Oh and the wet glue that we put on our hands to dry, and then we peel it off like lizard skin!

I got glue and tissue paper. There are so many different colours but I got purple and red. I got purple because it's my favourite colour and red because that's my moms favourite colour. 

Ryan, is the boy who likes the same colour as me, which is purple even though purple is a girl colour. He got purple tissue paper like me but then he got pink instead of red and pink is the other girl colour. But I don't like pink, just purple.

Mom says I shouldn't like purple because in Jamaica people wear purple at funerals. She says it's a dead people colour. That's why I only have one purple shirt. I try to wear it everyday but mom won't let me.   

I sat back down at my desk and painted the whole box black It was taking so long because it was hard to paint the corners. When we were all done painting Ms.Spring said we were about to do something special.

“Ok class, now I want you to put your love in the box. Were going to close our eyes, and think about how much we love Mom and think about all the nice things we do with Mom”

I closed my eyes and I can see Mom smiling. I don’t really know what love is, but something tells me it's when people are smiling. Mom only smiles when Dad isnt home. When he's home we have to stay in our room and practice math and spelling on the closet door till our feet get tired. Then, we have to stand on one leg to give the tired one a break. Sometimes mom writes new things on the door in chalk when we rememborized the old words and numbers. 

One day I asked Mom to show me how she draws stick people. She said I did really good for my first try. It almost looked as good as hers. I liked when mom was showing me how to draw.

Another time I remember Mom smiling was when we lived in Hamilton and I was four. Dad wasn't there because he was just a picture dad. Picture Dad always smiles and you can't see his three horns. He gets them when he’s mad right in the middle of his eyebrows. He has three horns everyday.

In Hamilton We used to play boogeyman with Mom. We would laugh cause mom would jump on the bed and scream boogeyman! I hugged Mom really tight because I didn't want the boogeyman to pull me under the bed. And Mom hugged me tight right back. When I remember things that make me happy I get sad. Mom calls them tears of joy.

One time when dad wasn’t home me and Mom made friendship bracelets. I felt like me and Mom were like the Moms and kids are on t.v when they do nice things together.

“Now, Imagine all those memories and love going into the box.” Ms.Spring said.

I imagined the movie memories in my head turning into golden sparkles and then they started swirling around my head. I smiled at the sparkes I was imagining. Then the sparkles floated into the box and swirled around inside.

“Now quick, grab the lid and close the box before the love escapes!” Ms. Spring shouted.

We all started giggling. I grabbed my lid really fast and slammed it on the box. Ryan the boy who likes purple slammed his lid so hard his box was crushed up! Some of the love sparkes tried to escape my box but I catched it really fast in my hands and lifted up the lid a teeny weeny bit so I could put the sparkes back inside. That was close. Then grabbed a red ribbon and tied the box up and put lots of decorations on it to make it look pretty.

When it was home time I held the box in my hands and I could feel the love sparkles inside moving around. Just like the time, I caught a ladybug in my hands and it was flying around in there. I felt the lady bug bumping into my fingers trying to get out. I think that's what the sparkles are doing inside the box right now too.

Mom picked me up and saw the box of love I made for her. I was smiling so much I had to use my fingers to pinch the smile away.

“Who's that for Jodi?” Mom was smiling now too!

“It's for you but I can't tell you what's inside until Mother's Day.” I said

She said “looks nice.” I think she's excited to know what's inside. 

Ms.Spring said our moms are going to be so happy when we tell them because last year some of the first graders' moms cried. I think it was tears of joy because Ms.Spring said she got thank you cards.

On the way home the box was shaking in my lap. I think some of the sparkles were scared of the bumps on the road because the box would bounce really high after the bumps. I whispered to the sparkles that it was ok they don't have to be scared. I was really quiet because I didn't want Mom to figure out what was inside until Mother’s Day.

Then when we were home Mom said she'll put her box on top of the fridge. I tapped the side of the box to let the love sparkes inside know they have to be quiet so they don't ruin the surprise. I think the sparkes listened because they weren't shaky anymore.

After Mom put it on top of the fridge all I could do was think about Mother’s day. I wonder if Mom is going to cry like the moms did last year. Or maybe she would give me a big hug and squeeze me really tight like when we played boogeyman! Or maybe she'll give Ms.Spring a thank you card because of how happy she is!

For the rest of the week I was looking up at the box way up on the fridge. And it was shaking! I think it was excited for Mother’s Day too.

At school I couldn't wait to get home and sleep because one day when I wake up it will be Mother’s Day. Then I can tell Mom what I put inside. At dinner I watched Mom’s box of my love on the fridge and I was smiling to myself. 

I don't remember how many sleeping I did but finally it was Mother’s Day. I can tell Mom what’s inside her box!

I was up before even the sun woke up today! Then I was waiting till I heard Mom getting up from sleeping. She went in the bathroom, so I got up and waited outside the door then when she opened it I said

“Happy Mother’s Day! Mom, do you want to know what’s inside your gift? ”

Then she said back, “Thanks Jodi, Uhm I’ll open it after breakfast.”

I don't have school today and Dad doesnt have work today because it's the weekend. It's Saturday because dad is usually up real early on Sunday making Sunday breakfast and playing reggae music real loud. Today breakfast will be my dinner from last night. Everyone else will get cereal probably, or eggs. Mostly, I have to stay up by myself and finish my dinner in the kitchen. One time when I was done eating dinner the clock said 12 : 30 which is lunch time but outside it was dark so I think Mom or Dad wants the clock to be wrong like that.

Everybody ate cereal for breakfast. I finished eating my soup and then I asked.

“Mom, do you want to know what's inside now?” I'm so excited. Ms.Spring says it has sentimenal value, and Mom isn't supposed to open it. I know she will be so happy to know how much I love her.

Mom looked at me and said yeah sure. She got the box from off of the fridge and put it on the table. Then she started to untie the ribbon.

“Wait Mom, you're not supposed to open it. I'm supposed to tell you what's inside” 

“Who says I can't open it?” she looked mad now

“m-Ms.Spring said I have to tell you what's inside and you're not supposed to open it. Because it has senimental value!” I said, a little scared.

“You don't tell people what's inside their gift before they open it! And I don't care what your teacher says.'' Then Mom opened the box. The love sparkles were glowing golden on Mom’s face. She looked jumbled up inside..

“What’s this?” she asked

“It's my love for you. I put it in this box at school.” Mom didn't smile, she looks mad now. Maybe I put my love in the box wrong? It's probably because I didn't listen Ms.Spring. She said mom isn't supposed to open it. I tried to stop her but I couldn't because mom is the mom and I'm the kid.

“Do you think this is funny? Why would you give me an empty box?” Mom said even more mad.

“It-it's not empty. I put my love in it at school. Ms.Spring said whenever you are sad you can hug my box of love and you will be happy again” I said.

“That's so stupid! The teacher made you give me an empty box and say its love?” she called my dad into the kitchen

“Guess wah Jodi teecha sen har come gi mi fi Mudda’z Dey. ” she said in patois to Dad. 

“a wah ina di box?” he asked.

“Nuh emptiness! The teecha seh it wan box of love” she said with a big smile.

“Ah di fus mi eva ear dis” he said back Then they both laughed.

I was kinda worried because I thought Mom didn't like the gift but she's laughing now. I started smiling too. Mom looked at me and smiled a little. Then she said,

“Yeah it’s stupid, I don't know why your teacher would do something like that. That's not a gift, even a card would be better than this. You don't see love, you feel it. What does she want you to do? Put all your love for me in a box, and I'm supposed to put it on a shelf? That means when I look at you, you have no love for me in your heart because you put it all in that stupid box. I don't know bout’ these Canadian teachers, always inventing stupidness.” She shook her head, “I'm just gonna throw this out!” Then she opened the garbage can and threw her box out.

I guess Mom didn't like it.

At school, Ms.Spring asked us what our moms said when we told them what our gift was. Almost the whole class put their hand up but not me. Kaden put his hand up way higher and shaked it “Yes Kaden?” Ms.Spring said.

“My Mom said she's gonna get a clear box to put it in so it doesn't get dusty. And this morning she brought it to work because she said she’s gonna hug it when she misses me at work today.”

“Aww that's so sweet Kaden I’m glad your mom liked it. Who else wants to share?” Ms.Spring asked

My eyes start to sting a little so I shut them really fast. Everyone has their hand up but not me. Ms.Spring called Ryan.

“My Mom gave me a hug, but she squeezed so tight I had to tell her to get off of me” he said giggling.

“Ha ha. That just means your Mom really loves you Ryan. Does anyone else want to share?”

“Me, Me, Me,” said Kayla, she had her hand so high she almost touched the roof. “Ok, Kayla what did your mom do?” Ms.Spring asked

“My mom held it up to her ear and she said she could hear a heartbeat. Then she put it to my ear and I could hear it too!”

“Wow that's amazing Kayla! We have time for one more story. Who would like to share?” Ms.Spring was looking around the room everyone who didn't tell their story yet had their hand up but not me then Ms.Spring looked at me “Jodi, tell us what your mom did”

I didn't say anything then Ms.Spring asked again “Its ok Jodi, did your mom like it?” I didn't want to say anything but Dad said I have to speak up when grown-ups  are talking to me. I don't want to get in trouble with Dad like last time.

“My Mom laughed and threw it in the garbage” I looked down.

“Oh. Ok. Thanks for sharing Jodi…Uh Ok for today's lesson we're going to learn about geometry!”

For the rest of the day my eyes kept stinging. 

August 11, 2023 12:15

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Emilie Ocean
16:18 Aug 14, 2023

Poor Jodi :'( My heart aches for that little child... I actually didn't expect the ending to be so moving. I really enjoyed the bits and pieces of Jamaican culture in your writing. And the way you rendered the parents' speech was clever. Thank you for this story, J.


J Walters
15:56 Aug 15, 2023

Thank you, I glad you enjoyed it!


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