You’re killing me Smalls

Written in response to: Write about a relationship that has been greatly impacted by a movie.... view prompt


Adventure Christian Kids

More than you bargained for?

Does life sometimes feel like more than you bargained for?

For the sake of argument, let’s make an assumption here and now about cause and effect. Keeping in mind that when we assume, we make an a** out of you and me. That is no good. Does no justice to the humanity and civility of a person. No where even near to the honest to goodness promotion of civil liberty, rights, humanity.

It only takes one good person to make a difference. We do not need a perfect person. Good will do. But a person that believes in life for all in the most bonafide human way. A good person who believes in and has an affinity for the rule of law. A reasonable person.

Let’s admit it for a second. We are all capable of reverting to childish ways to get our way. Whatever it may be…candy, ice cream, cookies, cheating on a test. Although nowadays the prescription has changed to the hacking up of another’s lungs. All we hear, and are fed or not fed is a formula for death. Of our most precious of lives. All lives are precious. Bargaining for them is not a to-do-list.

That is not a life to live or plan to bargain for. Not for oneself, not for any human. If and when you sit across a table from another, give them all of what you see, think and feel. Like it or not. Personally at times, I have plugged my ears to the hurt filled noises. It makes my heart hurt.

When you make a fist, it makes your heart work harder. Depending on the situation. For some, this is a necessity. For some it could be a death sentence. Hey, could this be a theme of your life. If this was a movie of your life?

If for goodness sake you are gifted a platform, do your friggin’ homework. That way, if you continue to say how you think. That is on you—you earned your demerit, detention, dereliction on your own time.

For the sake of argument: Live a good and honorable life, then when you look back on it, you can enjoy it all over again. Let’s call it, “Your movie life is your movie rights” regardless of who is streaming or strumming your life along on a film. No instant replay allowed.

Therein lies the adventurous differences between street ball, street smarts, amateur and professional. Life lessons worth learning and taking the field on and challenging. Any field. Any coliseum, court, stage, pitch. With or without a plan. Really doesn’t matter in the long run. In the end.

Used to be, in many instances, it wasn’t the color, age or material of the uniform that won the game. But, increasingly the teams and uniformity are being made up for a game—the game of life failure.

Give us a break. And no. Not a bone break because we know full well, we will not have it automatically taped up without a gigantic roll of red tape. Achilles, Tommy John elbowed, gut punched, scratched, face, split lip, bit lip…all convenient tactics of use to get a person in a door. But. Painfully allowed and treacherously used to not allow exit on own terms.

The worst of the tactics nowadays is the constant stream of Crises. The crises of confidences leaving many in the dust with scratchy, itchy eyes. Unable to see things clearly. While transportational options dwindle along with liquidities to run. The gigantic problem with this field game is that it desperately pushes the least of us further down the goal post. At the same time, others are smashing their young bodies into the post for a chance at a life of grandeur.

There is a whole lot more going on on the field. More than you can probably or possibly imagine. More than you may want to know. One play your buddy is your buddy. The next play your buddy eats your toast, eats your for lunch. It matters who is footing the bill.

The invisible hand footing the bill. Unfortunately with all the modern day capabilities at our collective finger tips, increasingly many resort to devilishly (graduating from childish) ways to knee cap others in their way. Blocking the way. This is street ball experience offered to you at its hardest won efforts. With the reasonable starting line being the novel concept—not a novel virus—idea that you do not have to bargain for less than you are worth.

The Invisible Hand should slap itself in the face. In order to wake up. Not to inflict intentional pain on another person. Differences are what make a person beautiful in their own right. In their own beautiful right. Stop denying a person the right to their life (or body parts) because of your value attachment problem. The National Security Value Attachment Problem.

Fairly certain the well bred, fed and wed across the pond are not standing in appreciation of the lack of national security issues and problems.

Bernard Mandeville argued in The Fable of the Bees, that private vices are actually public benefits. He laments that the bees of social virtue are buzzing in Man’s bonnet. That civilized man has stigmatized his private appetites and the result is the retardation of the common good.(WK)

(Previous prescription of plugging your ears to the buzzing recommended)

Of course, Sensitivities, retardations aside. Correct? Or are they too ugly and far down the value ladder…Where is my Botox anyway. That’ll stop my headache AND plump my face for my auditions.

Back to the fields. Back to your life audition. Used to be called try-outs. But. Nowadays. Societal auditioning is 24/7. Keeping in mind a shot of botox in your back pocket keeps you up to date. Up to speed. Up to snuff. Through the front door. Out the back door.

“That’s not fair”. Stomp. Stomp. Stomp. Stomp. Arms crossed in front. Hmph. Hmph. Hmph. Hmph.

Still. Like it or not. No instant replays allowed.

May 20, 2022 19:04

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