
Imagine you're walking on a cloud. The soft air soaks your ankles but still manages to hold you up. You're floating and you look around you. It smells like fresh rain and there's a gentle breeze that moves you and the cloud. You smile as you take it all in. You're so at peace up here. And you look up from the swirling clouds to see Jesus with his arms welcoming you in a nice big hug. He holds you, and whispers I love you my daughter into your ear. He says he's always loved you and he always will. He tells you just how special you are and you feel at home. You have the greatest joy in your heart. And you feel so loved. You feel safe. You tell him what's on your heart and your mind. He listens and smile at you saying" I know. And I love you. Find your rest in me. You're ok and you'll be ok. I'm gonna take care of you and I'm going to keep taking care of you. You're mine, but when Izzy finally decided to trust herself she knew just how to end it becide's leaving it as your mine she added that to it that your mine and you are loved even when it hurts. The moral her though it that it took Izzy 5 weeks to realize how to put her whole story together only today she finally could place it the way she wanted it to go. But she also had another story she, said one day this simple statement... I wish I had enough worlds to leave people with but if they write down some of the ones I already have shared maybe they can use them to help them with there start to writing and also That way you have them when you need them like if you need a place to go to when you cant sleep go to one of the places that you know or have read about then bam you'll be asleep in no time. Bit that night before she submitted her story she thought of another one she could send along with this one just to create a little twist in the road or a new place to run off to when you cant sleep or when your mind is running at a hundred miles per hour its a place like the one before but better and because of the first story she knew just how to tell this one.... Now there was one thing special about the two story's she wrote and let me share its that they are always a place full of comfert , and a place of what some may call safety, or a place of calm quite relaxation to run from what the world is bugging or nagging others about. Now that night Izzy thought up a new place that people could especially go when they can't sleep at all especially when they were in a lot of pain, now the first story was one of the two that do all but this final one is a special one to help with sleep specifically, There's a valley that people can go that has a river but this river isn't an ordinary river, this river is magical this is a river of sleep and grace , this grace brings you to a place of hope for every day to come and the hope that there is for every single day that there is in life. Now the first step is to go to a quite place snuggle in close and or snuggle up in bed and listen.... Where the north wind meets the sea,there's a river full of memories, sleep my daring safe and sound For in this river all is found In her waters, deep and true Lay the answers and a path for you Dive down deep into her sound But not too far or you'll be drowned Yes, she will sing to those who'll hear And in her song, all magic flows But can you brave what you most fear? Can you face what the river knows Where the north wind meets the sea There's a mother full of memory Come, my darling, homeward bound When all is lost, then all is found.. But what she didn't know is that one day this story that's at the end was actually a song before she even tried to write the story but this song and story was actually in a movie called frozen 2 but when you look at it it makes you realize. Never go to deep into water for you never know what could happen.You're sitting outside on a dock. But if you just sit you can see in this song that there are mountains across the river and the sun is slowing setting. You see a big beautiful pink colored cloud and you hear the birds in the distance making beautiful music. The air is warm and cozy and you feel at peace. You wonder about how amazing God is and His creation is. You spend time praying and just taking in God's amazing creation and try to see what positive things there are like the birds and the bees and the wonderful sky but remember not to dive down deep or else something might happen unexpectedly.... Now remember she was new to this at first but then inspiration struck her and she ran with it to see where it would take her and it takes her far to this day, she finds ways to help others out and she realizes to lean on others when life wasn't the way she wanted it to be, she created an imaginary place to run to no matter what happens to her in life, she takes the good and the bad and learns to fight for what's right in her opinion.

Plz stay tuned to try and find out the things that might turn the tables when I come back next time till then have fun and stay interested, awaiting for more.

April 04, 2020 03:59

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