Fantasy Inspirational Mystery

Which came first?

The chicken or the egg?

The stupid or the stupor?

”Keep me in a daydream, keep me going strong, you don’t want to save me, sad is my song.” (sw)

Writings on the wall.


Writing on the arm.


Excessive fear?

Losing my noodles.


Loosing my noodle😳

”When you believe in things, you don’t understand than you suffer”. (sw)

Which came first?

The chicken or the egg?

The stupid or the stupor.




Do it to ourselves.

Routine can turn into ritualistic bad habits fast. Too fast. The rewind button in our brains malfunction and we become.


Searching for meaning in the darndest of places, spaces and bases.

For the sake of argument. Genius is as genius does.

Seeking, in the same or similar way as a regular “Joe”.

Desiring the same “things”. Yet taking an entirely different path to

Get there.

Listened. Accepted. Understood. Can be the beginning of a beautiful life together beginning with a gagillion of your besties. It appears a chance was taken and the result is the likes and connectivity of people unknown of people we do not even know.😳

Or. It could be the ultimate spy game.

The ultimate upper.

The ultimate downer.

Well. My dear Watson, I think we are on to something: Noise + Irration+ Bias = a world in chaotic questioning of its very existence.

Dive bombing birds swooping for the crumbs of another, secretly planning to peck their eyes out if need arises.

There are no coincidences and deja vu is not a real thing.

But. Is it? Are there?

Wanna take a trip?




With pocketbook of besties in hand. Window to the world at your disposal. No real connecting allowed. Just an “arm’s length perspective of life.”

By the seat of the pants.

By the seat of chance.

State by state.

Mentalism is inclusive…..and isn’t that what modern day society and science wants?

Give ‘em what they want. Right? Or. Wrong? Who knows anymore.

Today. A diverse class, including perception, pain/pleasure experience, belief, desire, intention, emotion and memory.

Privileged access.


Not so.


Statistically speaking. Unexpected occurrences can be inevitable.

Who knows (Just seeing if you are day dreaming right now😊)

Nothing is left to chance.

Everything is left to chance.

Spurious, indeed.

How well do you know you?

I dunno.

I think it is like looking in a mirror😉.

Many people infer other mental states from their own behavior.


Here we are.


Here we go.


Real, imagined, or fake. The questions is a begged one and a dogged one, at the same time, maybe…..maybe a lizarded one. I would never go so far as to say retarded. That is clearly and wholly unacceptable.

In the world of inclusive tendencies and ritualistically enhanced enhancements.The medical dictionary has only so many of the answers. Only so many of the studies and clinical trials. Walk. One of the best remedies known to mankind. So. I took it. Took one.

And I met my bestie—my lifelong best friend!

On a walk one day, I met the friend I had been waiting for. We came eye to eye. Nose to nose even. We stared into one another’s eyes as if so say. “I get you.” It was one of the best days ever! I just wish I could remember the specifics. Just then. I met the guy of my dreams.

May I introduce you to my good friend DARVO! My new pet lizard. Well. I think he may be a lizard. He is an escape artist and really good at avoidance. The way he darts and parts his way in this world. But. No matter. We clicked. We chatted. We shared the inarticulable. That beautiful day.

When I went by for a chat. We talked geometrical patterns and division. oh. And I discovered DARVO still has not gotten over the fact that his cousin, the frog 🐸was the object of dissection in science classes around the world in the 70’s.

I will admit it. Sometimes I have nightmares about the dead and lifeless frog I was cutting a knife into pieces in the interest of science. Makes my stomach crawl. I have shared and commiserated this with DARVO. We are on the same page more than we think, more than we know.

The frog thing. Well.

DARVO cannot let it go.

Cannot. let. it. Go.

And. I understand completely.

Intentions and motivations render us incapable of ration and action. Factor in beliefs and desires. Factor in akrastic tendencies of command and lack and weakness.


It is a wonder we are all still breathing. Except of course. The frog. The frogs. They died for our benefit. And. At least they were not eaten alive.

On that note. After my usual routine of chasing DARVO, I found myself reading the dictionary of medical terminology of motivations and intentions.

”To intend or not to intend.” That is the gagillion dollar question to ask the gagillion book of facer—besties out there. On the flip side here in the space between my ears, there is a lot going on😏.

DARVO and I became bonded in a time and a place and a space that can never be repeated or replicated. Time passes. The feeling of bonded-ess does not. What was the key?

The nonverbal.


Basic understanding between right and wrong.




Eye movement.

So much noise and so little time. As my mind wandered off and I continued to daydream about where the 7th grade frog may have ended up. There was a knock at the door. I opened it to find a much larger lizard standing at the door. One that looked so much like DARVO. I reached into the recesses of my brain.

Gloriously recognized my best of friends instantly.

It was DARVO!!

He gave me a high five and asked if he could come in.

I said, Yes old friend, Do come in!

As his tail banged the door jam, I remember the good old times when we would play together outside and just talk for hours. Running, slithering, looking for him under rocks—that escape artist!

Inside quietly, I asked myself had I nodded off for that long?……Where has the time gone?

We sat down and I offered him a snack of bugs. 😏

We reminisced and laughed just like it was yesterday.

It could have been. Yesterday. I wasn’t really sure. Wasn’t really certain.

Mind the gap.

A mind at a time.

Mind the gap.

It is all so different, yet all so the same.

May 23, 2024 20:08

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