A Hero to Me

Submitted into Contest #48 in response to: Write about a person who collects superhero comics.... view prompt

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If you're as crazy about supernaturals and magic as I am, this is the place for you.

My name is Adrian. I'm a pretty average high school boy, and totally not struggling with my math formulas like the rest. Seriously, how do you calculate the volume of a sphere?

Back to the point, I love supernatural comics. And when I use the term 'love', I mean it. Come on, page 17 of Mindful Command? That pow was hilarious!

How about we start from a few months ago?

I was walking home from school, as per usual. Nothing of interest here.

Have you clicked away yet?


Guess I'll have to keep going, aren't I?

I decided to take a break halfway. My place is like, on the other side of town. Yeah, Yellowmarsh isn't a very vast town.

Sliding my backpack off my shoulder, I searched for a tree to relax underneath. Trees provide nice shade from the heat of Summer, especially when it's 3 PM and the Sun is beating down on you. Is the Sun mad at me today? I thought to myself as I stared at it, imagining my father's angry face when he finds out I barely scraped together a pass on my upcoming tests and plastering it on the Sun.

I pulled out a classic comic out of the small pocket on the front of my pack, nothing too special, I wanted to save the best for last after all!

This comic was just about a human wih the power of mind-reading and telepathinesis, and he fights crime and always wins because of how accurately he can predict the anti-hero's next moves. This fails him sometimes though, because his powers are classified to the public, but how can you forget plot and those weird zombie-looking villain masterminds who somehow figured it out and use it as an advantage to juke him?

You can't, can you? I thought so.

Anyhow, as I was reading, a thought at the back of my mind popped up, making me jump up suddenly in excitement. I quickly grabbed my backpack and walked as fast as I could, not run, walked, to the nearest tailor, designing my costume on my phone on the way.

By the time I exited the tailor, I was proud of myself. But after a while, I started to get hesitant. What if this doesn't work? Nah, it'll work. I just needed to be determined enough to force it to come out as so.

Fumbling with the lock, I finally unlocked the front door. My home? As simple as ever. It was wooden, painted a comfortable slight off-white, with a peachy slated roof and a nice garden on both sides of the home, splitting them with a path to the sidewalk, and a mailbox at the tip of the trail.

After a while of waiting around in my room, coming up with techniques to use and occasionally running downstairs to exercise, a package finally came in the mail holding my tailored request.

I brought it quickly up to my room, ripping off the red packaging and trying it on. The flourescent white with matching yellow boots and a headpiece in the shape of a crown looked perfect together. I had to admit, that tailor was good. I looked just like Telepathimind!

I was gonna go out there and be a hero!

I started off, exiting my house as I waved to my mother from the porch. Running out, I looked for any kind of ongoing crime, but all I found were people laughing at me. Rubbing the nape of my neck, I wondered if this was such a good idea after all.

After walking for what seemed like ages, I decided this was a fail, again, and decided to head back, when I heard a woman screaming. I quickly made my way to the scene to find a woman being robbed by two funky looking criminals in disco jumpsuits. Classical 1920s criminals.

I quickly jumped at the nearest one, knocking him down, but he almost instantly pushed me off, knocking me off my guard and balance. This was gonna be tough.

The duo exchanged whispers, and I took this as my chance to catch them off their guard, grabbing one's arm and twisting him around, pinning him down all the while grabbing the purse and the woman's arm and scampering away. I had no chance against both of them, I got too ahead of myself.

"Hey, hey, wait!" I heard behind me, realizing I was still dragging that nice lady from before, though she didn't look very nice to me right now. Oops, my bad!

"I'll have that back, thank you!" She scowled at me, ripping her purse out of my hands and storming off. Stuttering a little, I called, "you're welcome?!"

Walking back home in despair, I realized this wasn't over yet! Batman is a hero without supernatural healing or float skills, right? Why can't I be one too?!

I ran home, getting as much of my crafts together, then realizing I still had that flashy flourescent jumpsuit on. Swiftly switching it for a comfortable pajama, I got to work on some gadgets.

After a while, it was set. I made smoke bombs, sharp boomerangs, spiky fist rings, and, um, a mentos-coke bomb.

Putting on my most inconspicuous greyscale attire, I looked at myself in the mirror, realizing I didn't even recognize myself anymore! I looked.. um.. like a criminal. But that's okay! Once people see what my purpose actually is, they'll love me! I'll finally be able to help the world and be a true hero!

Being it almost midnight, I considered the time perfect, quickly grabbing a small pouch for my gadgets and leaving the house, leaving my family confused, siblings and parents alike.

I found another few criminals exchanging drugs, and decided this was my chance! Hiding behind a wall of a building to the right of their alley, I waited for the right moment, before I struck, leaping in while a smoke and mentos bomb made their way in, doing their work pretty well, but maybe not too well. I got too caught up in all the commotion, awkwardly splattering onto the ground, the criminals stepping all over me in the confusion of the twin bombs I used.

"Ow!" I let out. Worst. Mistake. Ever.

I quickly ran out of the smoke and back out onto the sidewalk, knocking one of them down in my path. 911 would be able to handle this better than some hero wannabe like me.

Sighing sadly, I made for home. This wasn't gonna work. I should just stick to comic books and dreaming.

Entering my home for the last time this evening, I hesitantly gave a sad hello and good night to my family, and locked myself in my room, sulking for a bit.

After a while, sulking started to get boring, and I decided to read a comic book about my number 1 idol, Zero.

While skimming the pages, I noticed one line that he mentioned at the end of his victorious battle.

"You don't need to have a flashy jumpsuit, powers and gadgets to be a hero!"

Wondering what he meant, I turned the page to the very last one.

"Just be you!"

Staring at that one line, I realized I was looking at this all wrong. Smiling, I quickly remembered all the times I had helped this world, finding an old lady's lost cat and helping her across the street, running across a train track to save a little child from a train and helping a dog out from a tree.

I realized Zero was right.

I was human.

I was a hero.

The thought comforted me, and I slept well, knowing I had lots of deeds left ahead of me, but it didn't bother me at all.

Not one bit.

July 02, 2020 21:09

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1 comment

Brandon Johnson
21:18 Jul 08, 2020

I really liked what you did with this story. It was fun to see what was going on in the mind of someone trying to be a hero.


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