Adventure Bedtime Coming of Age

The cottage in the woods. The pines, the fur, the birch.

A small fire in the fireplace. Reds, Oranges, and yellows ripple across the floors and ceilings. Out the windows, shining on the dark wood surrounding the tiny house.

Footprints go inside the house as the sun retires to bedtime, so the moonlight can glow softly onto the dim earth. Creatures awaken and fall asleep.

Owls question the people,

Squirrels rest in their many homes,

And coyotes hunt and walk.

Moonlight creeps through the trees, making the woods surrounding the cottage look beautiful and warning at the same time. The clouds were alighted by the soft beauty of the moon, making the night a little less scary.

Looking out into the vast woods, you see the joy of walking through the woods, and the dangers of walking through the woods. Wolves, Moose, Mice, Deer, Rabbits, Robins, Eagles, Hawks, Beatles, Bees, and even mosquitos too.

Scary animals.

Cute animals.

Happy animals

Sad animals.

Silly animals.

Mad animals.

Crazy animals.

Mellow animals.

Sleepy animals sleep.

Awakened animals arise.

The people fall into their beds, seeking the sleep that they need for the morning. Closed eyes as the day closes with them, waiting to be repeated, but in a different way, tomorrow.

Rugged boots by the door, coats on the rack, and the fireplace licking the stones laid into the wood. Removing the day's work, as their clothes on the floor, waiting to be put on again the next morn.

Their dreams creep into their minds, sweetly drifting them into a different world. A world they want to be in, so dearly that they sing themselves to sleep with their own thoughts.

Animals fly, creep, and crawl, so silently yet it crawls up your spine knowing that evils are out there, waiting and preying on their victims.

But the evils stay away from the small cottage, for being alighted by the beauty of the flickering light makes the flee from the tiny being.

The flowing flames seem to float out of the house, almost setting alight the many trees outside. You see the shadows of the animals pacing through the forest, making no noise.

Birds sing in harmony. Like little bells singing sweetly, surely reaching every single ear that's awake or asleep.

Sometimes people are outrageous. Or just plain stupid. They release the small fire, out into the woods, making the small lighted twigs, into fiery fumes that consume everything it sees.

The rage that it brings with it too. People admire the small fires until lit gets out of control. They run away from the small thing that they once stood in wonder.

Psychotics stand in wonder in front of the small fire and in front of the burning, raging fire. They are outcasts but stay away from the regular people.

Fire is their comfort. Looking at the flaming bushes.

A dark illumination upon light tree-tops. Consuming the earth, the trees, the bushes, and even the animals.

We never know when it is our time to "Go in fire" but when that time comes, welcome it as an old friend. You have seen them many a time when you kept near to the dead, but you never noticed. They looked at your body saying, "Soon. But not yet." as they take away the ones you love into his arms and realm.

But the world lives without a worry in the world, floating in the emptiness of space, turning endlessly 'till the end of time. People live at different stages. Some might only be starting to live, others have lived for a very long time.

Every person falls deep into the earth once they've grown old, but a piece of their quality into something that they loved. Make that an animal, plant, or even their brother or sister.

Giving back to what keeps them alive. You eat from the earth, you sleep on the earth, you live on the earth.

Soon your body will start to deteriorate slowly, but with beauty, it will do so in.

Then you are given back into the earth, as a baby needing to be cared for still. You sleep endlessly, but still awake in everyone's cottage. Living forever, and never being forgotten. Until, every person starts to forget, and pushes them out of their cottage, sometimes never to be welcomed back, again.

But be like the small cottage in the woods. Strong, sturdy, warm, and cozy. Keeping the dark out, but having an illumination that shines on others, makes your coziness even more unique.

Be like the cottage. Your door is closed, only to let yourself, or a person that is dear to you, inside to stay warm and cozy in your heart, staying forever in your mind.

Be like the cottage. The fire inside you keeps burning. But not enough to burn yourself and others. But just enough to warm yourself and others around you, and inside your heart.

Be like the cottage. Keep others close, but keep the ones you love closer. Animals flying, jumping, climbing, and crawling around you. not bothering you in the slightest, but you take note of them. Just you don't pay any of your important attention to them.

Be like a cottage. Your outside can be wood or stone. It can be ceramic. Don't let others break you easily. Make them work to be inside your heart. In someone else walks out of your cottage or chips your cottage, inside or outside, Don't forget about the others who are still inside your cottage.

Be like a cottage. You have a choice when someone leaves your cottage, to either leave the door open for more harm or stand up and close it.

Be like a cottage. Looking small on the outside, but be big on the inside. Seeming to be small and like a sitting duck, but in reality, you have a fire inside you, that you know when to let out a bit, and when to let out none.

Be like a cottage. A small, but bright flame in the big, and dark world. Everyone desperately wanting your light, not knowing that they can have it if they tried. But those whom you love, are people that others grow jealous of, because they themselves see the light from the window, while they see it right in front of them, and live in it.

So, Be like a cottage.

August 15, 2023 17:48

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