
" Can you keep a secret?”

“Excuse me!” Well, it was a reflex. What do you say to a completely strange woman sitting beside you in a plane ride? Plus it was one of those days when I was in a terrible mood. I was avoiding conversation with everyone ever since I boarded the plane and now just when I'm about to take a nap a stranger looks at me and that too with expectant eyes.

“I asked whether you can keep a secret for me.”

“Well, I heard but again, what?”

“Well now that you ask 'what' I have to tell you the whole thing, which by the way is a secret!” “So are you ready?”

I didn't have anything better to do, now that my nap was interrupted, and she was not the kind of girl who shuts up after you say no. So, I replied with an “I guess so”

“Well let me begin with hi I am Katie cooper and this is the story of my life”

“Sorry to interrupt but myself Joe”

“Apology accepted and nice to meet you”

Well my life begins with me being accidentally born to my parents who never wanted me but decided to keep me because supposedly they didn’t have any choice. I was brought up unloved and well that justifies me leaving my house when I was 13 and even after that I don’t think my parents even noticed that I was gone.

"Well sorry to hear that I bet it must have been hard"

"Well it was you have no idea"

well I did not my parents loved me dearly but what surprised me is that when I look at her she seems so loved cared and nourished like a happy soul

well it got harder when I moved to the city I knew no one and had nowhere to go sometimes I felt like I had made a mistake running away like that but then I remembered that I wanted to be loved the first few years I survived by stealing begging and doing a part-time job as a waitress at a coffee house which paid poorly but enough to rent a room

I looked at her again so beautiful; and glamorous she seemed like a spoilt brat but it was hard to tell if she was acting because her eyes stating otherwise, or she must be a perfect actor Then I started saving and within a year I had enough to buy a small apartment in a good neighbourhood till then I was 18 and uneducated I was a dumb girl, but I was a fighter I kept waitressing changed jobs and finally landed at a five-star hotel which paid well

Uneducated well she looked to bold and smart to be uneducated well she looked I don’t know professional I was good at my work I kept being promoted and was the head manager of the hotel when I was 24 I had a wonderful life I was independent had a lovely apartment, but I was deprived of love…….the only reason I left my home

deprived of love well she was beautiful and smart and bold it was just impossible to imagine this…. I felt bad for her

This thought kept ringing in my mind……….and I got suicidal I tried to end my life I had the will but not the courage I had worked so hard to be where I was I didn’t people who think independent girls is a myth to win I wanted to prove them wrong and this way I ended up in a mess of emotions

A girl who was giving me positive vibes ever since her eyes met mine I count even imagine that she was suicidal I started to see a therapist and that changed my whole attitude towards life she told me that the love I wanted was not necessary to come from another person but from myself self-love, she called it and that’s when I started loving myself by loving each moment of my life.

That explained all the positive vibes.

I don’t know why but a life story of a total stranger inspired me a lot………and the way she was telling full of emotions it felt like watching her biopic I gained a new perspective towards everything and then started public speaking and inspiring people but I never ever told anyone about and I should tell you that you must be honoured I always wanted someone to love me but then I realized that some dreams are meant to be dreamt

Wait I knew that quote it was from my all-time favourite blog maybe she reads it too

I know from ‘Cocowrites’ right I love that blog

Well actually I am cocowrites when I said public speaking I meant public writing too

Oh my god this can’t be real I just heard the life story of ‘Cocowrites’ I mean what are the odds

She just smiled

Well let me just tell you that you have taken me through many difficult phases of my life

With that the plane landed the flight was quite fast Passengers started boarding off but I just sat still I had so many questions for her

Can I ask you something I asked?

Only one question though

Why me and why now

Well that’s two questions but to answer them I would like to tell you my last secret

And what would that be

Well let’s get out of here first

We got out of the plane into the buzz of people

She started coughing and continued to cough for what felt like ages

Are you okay I asked?

Well that’s my last secret I have cancer from the age of 13 and today is my last day on this planet

I was blank I closed my eyes when I opened them she had vanished into the crowds of people on the airport but I heard a distant sound or maybe imagined

Well keep it a secret, will you?

August 20, 2020 12:54

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