Coming of Age Happy Inspirational

It had been twenty-four years since she'd last seen it, but the place looked exactly the same. She was 12 years when she visited the place and now as an adult of 36 years ,she was visiting it.However,the place looked exactly the same. The place always had a special thing in her heart as she used to visit that park with her family and friends ,play there with them and enjoy with them every evening .She was having a nostalgia because memories are like that only .The best comparison of memories has to be with a 'box of sweets' because you go for one but end up with many .Aren't the special ? But what makes them special. The answer has to lie in their weird character. Isn't it weird that when you think of a good memory,you cry and when you think of a bad memory ,you smile over the fact that how you used to cry over that .She was also feeling the same as she remembered ho she used to enjoy here and cry when she used to fall. The park was just an ordinary park for her but now ,standing in the middle of the park ,she realised that it was not ordinary but special. What is the meaning of special . Does anything has to be a costly affair to be special. Well,in this materialistic world ,may be but deep down,we all know that special comes from something else .Special things are the moments which you have cherished ,the time you have spent with you dear and near ones or the journey that made you you,but for her, at that moment ,that park was the most special thing .She was crying and laughing and when you do that ,it means you are living a moment of present or sometimes of your past but that crying and laughing is indeed special... She went in every corner of the park and it was very relaxing for her .It seemed like every corner was talking to her .Every non -living thing was becoming living. She looked all around and started thinking that why she visited this place after such a long time .The answer lies in the concept of desires...What are desires ??To be successful or to be the best . Well,it differs from person to person but one thing is common that desires do make you selfish and when Gautam Buddha said that there is no end to desires,he was right. So ,for the materialistic things and her desires ,she went away leaving her hometown and this park as it is . When she was leaving,she felt bad but the desires to achieve more in life consoled her .Her parents wanted to achieve more and thus ,they went away and took her also from her hometown and ,then ,there was no looking back . Desires are like that only,you get struck in a web to achieve more and more and then ,there is no looking back .So,what made her come back here .It was the deal of her house in her hometown as her parents were dead and she had to sell this house to someone ,so ,she came here .She already knew that it would be an emotional moment for her but it was more than that ,it was her connection with her childhood.

What is so special about childhood?The answer would be' everything'.When they say that childhood is like a holy scripture,they are right because it is full of purity and piousness .One can never forget it and the relations that one has made in it even with the non-living things and that was why she was feeling so connected .It was a routine for her to come here,she used to talk with the tree ,tell them everything going in her life as they were never judgmental and she knew that.

Coming back in the present from her nostalgia,she thought and regretted that why she didnt come here earlier.

and is it so important to be successful

The answer is yes!!it is . Every person in this world has to have a goal to strive but is it essential to leave your roots for it . No!!we can maintain a balance too but humans forget this while running behind their goals and the result is that they achieve their goals but something is left in their heart ... A void..

Suddenly,she was interrupted by someone .That was th house broker ,he told her that he has come up with a very good deal for the house and then,he asked that you must be thinking that how the park has changed so much . On hearing that,she was astonished because she was seeing the whole park as it was earlier .Then ,suddenly, she looked around and realised that he was actually right ,the place was all changed because there was less trees now,obviously the world is going for industrialisation at the cost of environment .There were less swings now and less people .She then realised that she was looking at the park with' her own view' ,a view that relied and was built on her memories .She then told the broker that she will not sell the house and she told him that from now onwards,she will come here on a periodic basis because some things are not meant for trade,they are just near to you and so was that house and the park in front of that house have become her to now. She realised the importance of these things .The broker went away and she was happy and contented after so long. She again realised that in the park,everything was again the same as it was twenty-four years ago .Thus , a realisation came to her that we humans shoud see a particular thing with 'our own view' ,the view of others doesn't matter at all ,she realised that memories are special and the ongoing development and the craving for success can become very high but it can't take away your memories ,they will be yours till your last breath and the realisation that there has to be a balance and humans should start doing that because contentment comes from being attached to your roots .She knew that she could not visit the place for so long but the realisations were worth .'Her own view' was hers only ,free fro any external pressures and for her,"that was all that mattered"

November 19, 2020 09:53

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