Suspense Drama Funny

Everyone strives to live to their fullest potential and that's what Emily wanted to achieve too, she didn't want to dampen her reputation as 'Trouble Emily' but unfortunately for her, her fears seemed to be coming true.

Toffee nosed Annie had set her eyes on Emily lately and she was determined to undermine her, she had hid Eric's notebooks in Emily's bag and tried to frame her for stealing but this ploy of her's didn't bear much fruit as Eric thought Emily had mistakenly taken his notebooks and even though it made Emily feel utterly disgusted, she apologized to Eric.

She didn't have an antagonistic relationship with Eric, they were friendly with each other and had a bond that people who are in the same class have, but after that incident she had started to feel awkward around him, even though she tried her best not to show it, he sensed it.

He tried to make her understand, it was all just a mistake that could happen with anyone and in his mind she wasn't a thief but what bothered her most was that Annie was half successful in embarrassing her, and she just couldn't let Annie get away with that!

She spread a rumor that Annie cheated in her tests and that all her achievements were due to her cheating, she knew well too that Annie, no matter how awful and sickly her nature was, wasn't a cheater and she studied diligently.

She didn't like stooping down to such petty things and she found gossiping beneath her but anger had gotten the better of her and she wanted to get back at Annie, no matter the cost!

When Annie was caught cheating in the weekly test, she couldn't believe it!, she knew that Annie didn't need to cheat, she always prepared for the tests a month in advance.

Her class shared her disbelief, they couldn't figure out what compelled Annie to cheat, to their surprise, even Annie couldn't define it, she just felt she wasn't prepared enough and didn't want to loose out on marks.

For Emily, there was something supernatural at work, she couldn't place a finger on it, but something in her made her believe that the universe truly loved her, maybe God agreed with how she was, maybe her ideas of life weren't as wayward as she thought and having fun was the supreme goal of life.

She tried to test out her theory, she thought hard about the person she hated the most in her class apart from Annie, she had a few names but found it hard to pick between them, she just couldn't decide who she hated most!

She finally decided on John, he was in line to become the next Annie, and always out to spoil her plans, she had no interest in him initially but now she couldn't decide who she hated more, him or Annie?

She spread a rumor that John hated Miss Natalie and was planning to play a prank on her in order to embarrass her, John sensed that she was behind it all but couldn't find convincing evidence that she started the rumor.

In her mind, she knew she had nothing to loose, if her rumor indeed came true, she knew she was right and if it didn't, people would ignore it just as some stupid rumor, after all how much truth was there in rumors, they were all stupid to begin with!

As Miss Natalie proceeded to open the desk drawer, a big fat lizard jumped out of it, Miss Natalie screamed in horror, if there was something she couldn't tolerate even for a moment, it was this!

She had never seen a lizard as fat and big as this one!, lizards were the primary antagonists of her life, she couldn't recall when she had started to fear them, but she clearly remembered that she found them disgusting and creepy since she first saw one!

Her mother had gotten tired of her fear, she would be screaming at least once a week and her mother had to take up the torturous and thankless task of throwing the lizard out of her room, she would throw one out and the next week there was another one!

She had resorted to killing them, no matter how immoral it seemed to her mother, there was no other way as she couldn't stand them at all!, but to her absolute horror she realized that the sprays did not work at all on the pesky creatures!

The whole class was in panic but at the same time they didn't know how to react, Miss Natalie had started to feel dizzy and as she reached out to grab the end of the desk for support, she collapsed on the floor, prompting a few girls in the back to scream in shock!

That whole week everyone suspected John because he was incharge of the desk and poor John, he could not come up with any convincing proof that he wasn't involved!, even the principal summoned him to his office and questioned him, he could not figure out how could a big fat lizard get into a tightly packed drawer on it's own?

Emily was surprised and shocked at the same time at the recent events, she had started to wonder what kind of sorcery she was blessed with?, was she a sorceress after all and she didn't know it?

Her new found joy was soon replaced with boredom and disgust as her classmates who suspected her of spreading the rumors came to see her as a fortune teller of some sorts, few girls even spread their palms before her to read what was in store for them, she was totally disgusted by it all, no matter how much she tried to avoid it, some people always found her to ask irritating questions.

What she had thought was a treat for her had turned into boredom and irritation, there was no real fun at all in having things you said come true, it just turned her into a petty gossiper, something she always differentiated herself from, if you couldn't go and get something done, you loose out on all the fun that comes with planning and the adrenaline rush of the fear of being caught, if all this was missing, was there any fun at all?

May 29, 2023 09:03

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