Adventure Crime Mystery

Amy was super excited. She had found a really good deal on a hotel for a vacation. It was a very cheap one person room. It had a bed, a couch, a bathroom, and a little kitchen area. She was going to Klosa, She was 21 years old. She twirled  her long blond hair with her hands. Her green eyes sparkled in excitement. Amy had been trying to save money for this trip. She started packing her bags. She delivers pizzas at a place called Classic Pizza Parlor. Her boss had approved for her to take a vacation. She had 6 weeks off. It took one day to get there. She began to get restless. Then she was finally there. Amy grabbed her bags and went to the hotel to check in. The hotel clerk had a blue name tag that said Jake. Jake was the owner of the hotel. Amy observed Jake had short black hair and tried brown eyes. Amy showed the papers to him for the room she had paid for. Jake then said there had been a last minute change and she would have to share the room with some else. Amy said ¨It is a one person room.¨ Jake replied ¨I know but there is the coach as a pull out bed.¨ Amy was upset because she had to share a hotel room with a stranger but could not say anything seeing how cheap she had got the room. The stranger was named William Tuffin. William Tuffin would arrive in the next hour or so. Their room was on the second floor. There were 5 floors in all. Jake gave her a key to the room and she headed up. Amy put her bags in the room and then decided to get something to eat for lunch after the long ride. She left and found a restaurant nearby. She ordered a burger with fries. Once she finished she went back to the hotel. Amy went to her room. There was a man putting all his bags on the bed. He was wearing a suit and tie. He had short blond hair and dark blue eyes. When he saw Amy he said ¨I am William. Guess we have to share the room. I will take the coach and you can take the bed. You stay out of my way and I will stay out of yours.¨ Amy thought that was fair enough. She could not believe she had to share a room with a stranger for her vacation. William then left the room saying he had stuff to do. Amy decided to take a nap. She slept for a few hours and then decided to read a novel that was based on a true story. It was about a boy named Sebastian. Sebastian was forced to become a child soldier in his country called Cavirda. Sebastian went through a lot but eventually was rescued and transported to Nerael Land. Sebastian became a famous singer and was very talented in music. Amy soon finished the whole novel. It was 10:30pm. Amy wondered what Williman was doing and why he was gone for so long. Amy showered and then went to bed. Hours later Amy woke up to a  shuffling sound. Amy saw that William just got back. Amy looked at the clock and it was 3:00am. Then she went back to sleep.  The next morning Amy woke up to her alarm clock at 7:00am. William was already gone. She decided she would go to a museum today. She wanted to learn the history of Klosa. She put on a plain white t-shirt, jeans, a black leather jacket, and tennis shoes. Breakfast was at 7:30am to 10:00am. Amy was ready by 7:46am. She went downstairs to eat breakfast. She saw Jake and William arguing but could not hear what was being said. Jake was wearing a black t-shirt and blue jeans. He also had a blue jean jacket on. When they noticed she was in the room they went into an office and closed the door to talk. Amy went to get her breakfast. There were trays of food on a long counter. Amy got some bacon, eggs, and pancakes. She also got coffee. She went to a museum called International History Fire. It was only a couple minutes from the hotel. She saw swords that they used in battle a long time ago. Their side won the battle. She saw an old valuable red diamond. Klosa used to have a monarchy and that was the gemstone of the royals. The red diamond used to be passed down to each person who became the king. She passed an empty glass case with a description. It said that ¨This book  Argo was published in 1925. Argo was a man known as the most  dangerous war general the town had ever had. He was very smart and had deadly military tactics. The book contains a biography of Argo and his diary. ¨ Amy decided to ask the caretaker where the book was and more about the book. When Amy found the caretaker she was surprised to see William there talking to the caretaker. He always seemed to be around. She overheard Williman say ¨If you think of anything else then call me. We need to catch Jackson Miller red handed and as soon as possible.¨ Amy walked up and greeted William and the caretaker. William was about to leave. He greeted her back and then left. The caretaker named Luke Williosn asked Amy if he could help her with anything. She asked about the empty glass case the book was supposed to be in. Luke looked away and did not say anything for the next few minutes. Then he said, ``We do not have the book at this time but I can tell you more about it.¨ For the next 20 minutes Luke talked about the history and what Argo had accomplished during his time as a military general. She then got something to eat and went back to the hotel. William was not there. She looked around the hotel and noticed that William had one small suitcase and a briefcase. Both were the color black. She then saw a small black safe that was on the other side of the coach. She thought about what she overheard William said to the caretaker. Amy thought to herself maybe William is  a cop or detective looking for a wanted criminal in the area. Amy decided to look up the name she heard William said. She looked up Jackson Miller. A crime stoppers website was the first thing that came up. She clicked on and saw that the book Argo had been stolen. Jackson Miller was the number one suspect for stealing. There was one witness who wished not to be named who claimed they saw Jackson Miller steal the book. They went for a jog and then saw Jackson zipping up a book bag that had the book in it. The witness had felony charges just a month before so the judges deemed the witness uncredible. They were urging anyone with information to speak up. Amy concluded that William was probably on this case and was convinced that Jackson Miller was the one who stole the book. She also concluded that he was trying to pile up evidence on Jackson Miller. Amy wanted to be a detective since she was little. She could not believe she shared a room with an investigator. Amy decided she would comfort him and ask him if she could help. Soon William came back to the hotel. Amy soon told William everything she found out and said she would like to help. William was annoyed that  she figured out that  he was working undercover. He said ¨Yes, I am working undercover on a case. You are not certified to help with this case. You do not have the training to help with the case and should not interfere. I do not need help anyways.¨ Amy was disappointed but decided to respect his decision. The next couple of days William was cold towards her. Amy did a lot of sightseeing and learned a lot of history. She also did a lot of shopping. It had been 2 weeks. William was very close to getting enough evidence to prove Jackson was the thief. They were both at the hotel. Amy was reading a novel and William was working on paperwork. A loud banging on their door startled them both. William said he would get the door. William opened the door to see Jackson Miller. He had stringy black hair and was sweating. He had a white t-shirt on and black shorts. Jackson tried to push through William into the hotel room. William pushed him back hard and said why are you here in a cold stern voice. Jackson then put his hand in his pocket to get something. William shut the door as fast as he could. He told Amy to go into the closet. The closest was on the other side of the room. Amy quickly rushed to the closet. Before she fully shut the two wooden doors she saw William get a handgun.  Jackson was banging on the door demanding to be let in. Jackson stated that he was armed. William decided to call backup. He was an officer in the police force. He took cover behind his desk that was near the door. He had to  protect himself and Amy at all cost. He hoped back up would be here soon. He tried to tell Jackson to stop but Jackson refused to listen. Soon Jackson fired a shot. Luckily the door was thick enough that it did not go all the way through. It confirmed to Williman that Jackson had a weapon which he thought was probably the case when Jackson reached for his pocket. Amy jumped at the sound of the gun. She was scared and was praying that Jackson did not make it through the door. Soon a whole squad of policemen came and surrounded Jackson. Jackson put his weapon down and was arrested. He would be charged with the crime of trying to break in and stealing. Amy and William were relieved  that Jackson was going to jail. William was glad to have finally closed the case. He had plenty of evidence against Jackson and would now be charged with trying to break in. When the police interrogated Jackson they figured out that he was trying to break in to destroy the evidence against him. William apologized over and over again to Amy for what happened. He did not expect a thief to find out where their hotel room was and attempt to break in. Amy forgave him but wanted to know why he was arguing with Jake. William said he was arguing with Jake because he was on professional business and  thought he should not be sharing a room with someone else. Amy had been through a lot. It took her some time to recover. After what happened Amy and William started talking a lot. They became really good friends. Soon it was time for William to leave because he had a new case. Amy and William exchanged numbers so they could stay in touch. Amy had one more week for her vacation. She went to a beach nearby for the rest of her vacation. Amy and William stayed and touched and were now very good friends.

March 05, 2021 18:05

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21:12 Mar 11, 2021

This story was great, but it could of had a little mysterious touch to it. But other than that it was fantastic! Keep up the great work.


Stone Burn
14:41 Mar 12, 2021

Thank you!


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Diana Quill
09:09 Mar 11, 2021

Interesting story, but you definitely need to work on how you form your sentences. They were very short and quite repetetive\boring, and from author to author, one of the worst ways to write is with 'she did this, then she did this, then she said this', etc. It will bore your reader and will not present fluidly, and it is hard to be captivating. Using more variation of words, separating your paragraphs, and adding more description and commas will help you improve your writing significantly.


Stone Burn
18:20 Mar 11, 2021

Ok, thank you for the feedback. I will work on it.


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