No More Baby Boy

Written in response to: Start your story with the words: “Grow up.”... view prompt


Sad Creative Nonfiction LGBTQ+

This story contains sensitive content

Warning: This story contains language, and transphobia(maybe homophobia?)

This story is in the same universe as the story Sara Mason. I ended up really liking the characters.

"Grow up, Jesse. You simply can't do that to yourself- it's just not right and it just hurts you!" She shouted.

They looked at themself in the mirror. Their hair was short, just barely underneath their ears. It was chaotic fluffy too! They smiled big when they realized that. They inhaled sharply looking at the shirt, with it's flowy sleeves, the corset belt.. The slim black leggings. That night they went to the store, using the money they saved up for clothing, and this haircut. 

Their grin grew and quickly they repeatedly punched the hair in excitement when their plan worked. Taking a deep breath they grabbed a nearby brush brushing their hair before messing it up. "Jesse!" A voice shouted. They immediately tensed up feeling that punch them in the gut. "They're almost here! Hurry up!"

"Okay mom!" They called out, cringing at their deep voice. I hate that so much.. They thought to themself. Combing a hand through their hair, they messed it up a little more, making it look like a messy neat.

They took a deep breath, coughing real quick to clear their throat. "He-" No. "Hello-" They cleared their throat again. "Hello ever-" So close. "Hello everyone-" They said, their voice finally neutral. They grinned big. "I'm Alex." They punched rapidly again, so heavily excited. Knowing they were happy, they turned around heading towards the door.

"Hey mom." They say, in their voice. They flinched hearing their mom move quickly.

"Are you okay my baby boy?" She asks peeking around the corner. They gulped hearing the old nickname for them. Her face showed extreme shock for a few seconds before she blinked when she saw them dressed like that. She nodded once. "The haircut's nice- but must you look like… That?" She asked a little unsure. They shifted their weight uncomfortably. 

"It makes me feel good- mom.." They say quietly. She sighed heavily. 

"I'd be happier if you were simply gay not- not-" She waved her hand frusterated. She sighed once more before nodding. "If it makes you happy I guess.." She turns back to go into the kitchen. They scratched at their fingers. "You'd better take that outfit off though." She called out. "You know Aunt Mari doesn't like that kind of stuff." Their lip twitched. "Neither do I- honestly. I mean- you're a boy, my love- not-.. Not whatever that is." They rubbed their arm, looking at the ground.

"You and Aunt Mari can fuck off." They said, ignoring their mom's gasp they continued: "It's my body, my hair, my clothes and my money. I can spend it on what I want and do what I want. It's hair, and clothes. I haven't even had bottom surgery!" They bark.

"I'm your mother!" She snaps. "As long as you live underneath my roof you'll be my son. Continue acting like this and you'll be out on the streets like Josephine-"

"It's John, mom-"

"It's Josephine, Jesse. Shut-" She, herself, shut up upon hearing the cars. She slammed whatever she was using onto the counter, Alex flinched. "Of course they come now- I guess you can't change." She says shaking her head as she walked to the door to welcome the family. They scratched at their fingers again. I wish Wendy were here.. They thought staring at the ground. Or Jack. They chuckled. Jack would beat her ass..

After thinking of what their friends would do, they wandered over to the couch shuffling through the pillows and grabbing a hoodie. They put that on, hiding the shirt they love so dearly.

"Karline- it's been so long!"

"How are you doing?"

"It has been forever- I've been good." Their mother says, responding to Aunt Mari and Uncle Deven. "Hi dad- mom!" She says happily. 

"Hello darling."

"Hmph." The two reply, making a few of the adults chuckle. Alex inhaled deeply. 

"Hey sis!" A voice called- Uncle Max. They smiled. Least one's okay with me. They thought to themselves, shoving their hands into their pockets. Alex looked up at the door.

"Hey, Auntie, Uncle Deven, Uncle Max, Grandpa, Grandma." They said, in their voice. Immediately five of the adults tensed. 

"How are you doing, Jesse?" Uncle Max asked quickly, filling in the silence. Thank you, Uncle Max. Alex thought to themself. 

"I'm good, how are you guys?" They ask, motioning to the kitchen. Alex walked over to help their mom set the table. They heard the adults start talking about some random neighbor of their grandparents. Apparently noisy dogs are quite common in that neighborhood.

"Will the dogs be okay?" Aunt Maci asked grabbing one of the sandwiches Alex just sliced. 

"It depends on how much they've been barking- if it's constant it can cause bloody diarrhea. Definitely not good." Uncle Max answered.

"That's horrible!" Their Grandmother said with wide eyes.

"You should probably call animal control, Grandma, Grandpa." 

"I agree." Their Grandpa sighed. Alex's eyes widen. That's a first. They smiled. 

The family sat at the table, talking about nothing and everything. They looked around the table. Stopping when they met Uncle Max's eyes. Their Uncle's eyes seemed to scream 'Do it'. They blinked, unsure if Uncle Max knew or not. When he nodded, with his eyes, they knew he did know. They inhaled deeply.

"Hey, family.." They say, in their voice. "I- I have some news." Alex says looking up at everyone. "I'm nonbinary, which means my pronouns are they them, not" They look at their mother and Aunt a bit sharply. "He him. I would prefer if you call me Alex too." They say.

"Jesse!" Their mom shouted angrily. Their Grandfather inhaled deeply.

"Just don't talk about it." 

"I agree." Their Grandmother said.

"Let me know if anything changes, Alex." Uncle Max said immediately.

"What- you-" Aunt Maci looked at all of them before shaking her head.

"Maci-" Uncle Deven started. Alex took a breath, preparing themself.

"Jesse- you can't do this to yourself you know."

"I can't be happy, or myself? Great advice, Aunt Maci." They say rolling their eyes.

"It's not right."

"Then why do I feel like vomiting when called a man?" They ask sharply.

"Because you tricked your mind into thinking like that." She responds just as clipped. The room grew quiet, all shrinking into their seats save for the two speaking. 

"There's a lot of people trickin' themselves then, Aunt Maci. Thought there's no such thing as a coincidence?" 

"Grow up, Jesse. You simply can't do that to yourself- it's just not right and it just hurts you!" She shouted. They flinched as she rose her voice.

"Not changing things is the thing that's hurting me, Auntie- don't you see that?" 

"Oh shut it." She snaps. She turns to their mother. Alex looked over, and felt their heart do a twang. She looked so confused. Hurt, even. "Karline, tell your son what he's doing!" They saw their mom gulp.

"I-... If it makes hi- them.. Happy.. Then, we should do it.." She says quietly.


"Finally!" Uncle Max shouted with joy. "About time you came to terms Karline." Said female chuckled.

"Max- you can't possibly believe in this nonsense-"

"Oh suck it sis, your family member wants to be called something else, by a different name, who gives a fuck?"

"God! God gives an f!" She barks.

"God has made our bo- grandchild, this way." Their grandmother said. "Telling them that their not that, hurt, and does still hurt, them so badly. We must quit it, don't you understand, my child?"

"Mother!" Aunt Maci barks.

"Grow up, Maci!" Their mother snaps. Everyone sat still, looking at her. Alex blinked, realizing the tears on their cheeks. She just-


"You stop it- leave, if you don't want to respect my child's choices."

"Oh hush- you haven't either-"

"I will now- after knowing the pain it puts them through- look at hi- them!" She stutters, motioning at Alex, making him freeze. 

"You bitch!" Aunt Maci screams, reaching for the table.

"Maci!" All shouted. Alex looked at the table, confused. They froze seeing what she grabbed.


They stood there with a huge ass grin. Thank you.. Grandma, Grandpa.. Uncle Deven and Max… Thank you.. They thought as they twirled in the skirt, feeling nothing swing.

March 26, 2022 04:18

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Unknown User
04:25 Mar 26, 2022

<removed by user>


Jasey Lovegood
04:30 Mar 26, 2022

*frowns because you beat me for first comment*


Unknown User
06:02 Mar 26, 2022

<removed by user>


Jasey Lovegood
08:29 Mar 26, 2022

revfb u ilqerhfd pinoqeflmd


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Crows_ Garden
04:30 Mar 26, 2022

This comment- omj, Sienna- I love how the story world went Sara Mason, to this.


Unknown User
06:01 Mar 26, 2022

<removed by user>


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Maraika!!! 😎
05:02 Apr 14, 2022



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Delia Tomkus
14:24 Mar 29, 2022

People.... gahhhhh they make me so mad *screams at the sky*. I did love this story! I'm glad that at least some of the characters were willing to accept Alex's identity. You made me really feel for Alex, well done


Crows_ Garden
14:28 Mar 29, 2022

People really are ewrfdgdse I'm glad you enjoyed the story! And yeah- I had to given Alex someone to have behind their back.


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Jasey Lovegood
04:29 Mar 26, 2022

Leo. I just- stop. This was so amazing, I really enjoyed reading this story. I think the different levels of acceptance was portrayed nicely and well-paced for each character. Great work :)


Crows_ Garden
04:34 Mar 26, 2022

Well paced character? From me? Dang I've improved. Thank you for the comment, Jasey Bear.


Jasey Lovegood
04:36 Mar 26, 2022

Of course, you've improved, love- that's the whole ✨process✨ of writing :)


Crows_ Garden
04:39 Mar 26, 2022

Thank you <3


Jasey Lovegood
04:43 Mar 26, 2022



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Maraika!!! 😎
05:19 Apr 14, 2022

Story 1 of my harrowing quest to read all of your stories!!!! LETS GOOOOOOOOOOOOO Okay this, this was beautiful. So beautiful I even made a meme: I only make meme's about incredible things. I love the story about a nonbinary kid accepting themself and having people for the most part accept them. I love how you protrayed Alex being comfortable with themself through using their pronouns more than their name. It was a really cool aspect. The only note I have is just make it more clear who's talking. And give mor...


Crows_ Garden
12:48 Apr 14, 2022

XD I'm honored!(that awkward moment where your chromebook blocks the link) Thank you for reading, as well as the advice. I'm closer to finding a balance thanks to Reedsy- so hopefully that'll come soon. Nope- this is not a series(as far as I know- this story is technically apart of Sara Mason cause Alex is a character there). And- that ending... Marci tried to.. Unlife Alex. So- she's in prison, or something XD Thank you once more, Maraika! I enjoy your comments.


Maraika!!! 😎
19:49 Apr 14, 2022

Oof sorry the link didn't work. I'll change my profile so you can see it. Yeah your doing awesome!!! I love how everyone is for the most part super nice here and everyone can learn how to write better. It's awesome. ugh Marci sucks and god that an extreme reaction. Hopefully she learns not to be a jerkface in prison Of course!!!! I love commenting so its a win win!!!


Crows_ Garden
20:11 Apr 14, 2022

It's okay, school's stupid. I noticed that- it's so cool! I'm honored to have a meme inspired me(positively) It's really neat, I love that part about the internet. XD Hopefully. <3


Maraika!!! 😎
16:53 Apr 15, 2022



Crows_ Garden
16:53 Apr 15, 2022

: )


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