
I finally left my husband, he was too much of a jerk. Not thinking of my feelings, and getting with every woman he saw it seems.The line was drawn when he started getting interested in a man, Now I am alone, well I suppose not really since I have Jamor, one of his girlfriends I got close to. Also, my daughter and her son.

I still feel empty, and betrayed. I am afraid to try to find someone new because of my looks. It is me and Maddie, two heads I have. I go out wondering if anyone could like Maddie, she could have a temper at times.

I notice someone who is looking at me, but not staring like I am a freak. He is kind of wearing odd clothing, girly yet sort of guyish. I say hello to him.

“Hello! Nice to see someone friendly.” he says, giving me a smile.

I nodded, returning the smile. “Of course, I mean you seem to be acting like I am normal. Which is rare for us.”

“Well I know the feeling.” he sighed

“You don't seem too weird to me, people are dumb.” I frown.

“Well they make fun of me for my clothes, my name is Neeco by the way.” he holds out his hand.

“I am Gloria, and this is Maddie.” I shake his hand

“Nice to meet such kind ladies.”

“I warn you, Maddie can have a temper.” Maddie gives me a look. “Do you have to say that right away?”

“She seems nice to me, It's fine.” he said shyly.

“Well I am glad you think so, my ex seemed to think I was a horrid person.” Maddie sighed.

“It seems he didn't know anything, and a jerk.”

“He always was getting with others, not happy with just me. I finally got tired of it and left.” Maddie huffed

“That's terrible, sorry to hear that.”

“Anyways, enough of that. Do you like adventures? There's something he didn't want to do, there's a mystery in this town.”

“Sure, I like adventure. What is the mystery?” he asked, curious.

“It is about the older houses, they have random portals show. I am surprised you don't know about it since the Realtor made it a selling point.”

“I just wasn't sure which mystery you were talking about.” he didn't want to say the real reason he didn't know.

“Oh, what other mysteries are around?”' I asked

“Oh I don't know but I am sure there are others.” he said lamely.

“Oh I see, do you want to see the portal in my home?”

“Sure sounds interesting, what do you know about them?”

“Not much, it led to a lab last time I went. I didn't get to see much of it though.” I shrugged

“Sounds like some sort of secret is being kept, hum.” he pondered

“Oh, well do you want to go now or get to know each other more first?”

“Yeah let's go I want to know more about this.” he took my hand

“Alright, I will lead the way then.” so, we headed to my house. It didn't take too long to get there.

He gaped at the large Victorian style house. “Wow this is big...”

“It needed to be with how many lived here.” I open the door and go in

“Oh, are they still here​?”

“Just me, Dena, Jamor, Misty, and Fig. The rest went to live somewhere else.” I head to where the portal usually showed up. I opened the door. “Hum, seems it is not here right now. Do you want to know the others?”

“Maybe I will meet them later, for now I just want to talk to you. I don't want you to think I am interested in a bunch of girls.” he takes a seat on the couch.

“Well I am glad to hear that, but I know a female could be a friend too.”

Me and Neeco chatted, I felt awkward. I wasn't sure why, maybe because I was used to talking to John and how jerky he was, and Maddie's temper flaring up and something weird happening. With Neeco, he seemed quiet and sweet.

“Sorry, I guess it been a long time since I talked to a man besides my husband.” I explained, as I felt nervous about impressing someone new.

Neeco nodded. 'It's fine, I feel a bit odd myself. Am I supposed to talk to both heads or just one?”

“We are the same person, just different sides so just talking to me is fine.” I explained.

“I see, should we see if the portal is up yet?”

I got up heading to where it usually was. “Ah, good it's here. Ready?”

“Yeah, as much as I will ever be.” We go through.

There is a lab with a man working with some vials. It takes a minute for him to notice us. “Ah! What?” he stares at me.

Neeco looks at him. “What is going on here?”

The man snorts. “Science, what do you think?”

Neeco glares at him. “I meant why are the portals going here?”

“Portals? I had no idea.” The scientist pondered.

“You mean you don't know?” Neeco blinks.

“It might be because of my test subject, some odd things have been going on with her.” he shrugged.

“Her? You mean it is a person?!” I was shocked.

“Don't think that way, she gave me permission to do it!” he threw his hands up.

“Let us see her.” I growled

“Fine, this way.” he lead us to a room, there inside was a brown haired woman.

The woman looks at us, blinking. “You are probably wondering why I wanted to be experimented on.”

Neeco nodded. “That, and if it was your own free will to do it.”

She blushed. “You probably won't believe me, but I am the teleportation goddess. People don't follow me anymore, so I am trying to see what other things in me he can bring out.”

“Is that where the portals are coming from?” Neeco asked.

“Portals? Oh this must be making my power go wild. I should stop this.” She tries to make a portal but it glitched. “Oh man now it isn't working.”

I sighed a bit. “Well now the mystery is solved, I can't help but feel this was for nothing.”

Neeco pointed. “Why not go in that portal and see what's there?” one was on a wall.

We walk in and see several people in cages. “Hum, seems this scientist was not so good.” I look around opening cages. “I am guessing you guys don't want to be here.”

A familiar looking cat woman hugged me. “Gloria! I am so glad you are here, he trapped me and my daughters here again.”

I blinked. “Harriet? Is that you?” She had been one of John's interests, now looking at the group of women they all were!

“Hum, these are all John's I wonder if he is involved in this.” I frowned, he was worse than I thought if that is true.

“He kind of went insane after you left, it was really bad. He found out about a lab I had been in, and took us here and locked us all up. Robert has been doing experiments on us.” Harriet said, shaking as she held on to me.

I looked at the scientist. “You must be Robert, why are you doing this?”

“At first Harriet and her family said it was OK for me to do things, but the others working with me tortured them. It was not me but the others I was working with, honest.” he began shaking.

“It is true others were working on us, but you did too. You are not innocent like you say!” Harriet growled

“I am sorry, it is true. I was just so close to find the answer that I didn't want to stop testing when I got new subjects. John bringing you guys here was like a goldmine for me.” he sighed, slumping.

“You shouldn't of lied to me. You will be sorry!” Maddie growled and tried to turn him to a frog with her anger, he then turned into a bird person.

“Please, Mercy! I didn't mean to be cruel, I was trying my best to treat them right.” he squawked.

“That is true, he was kind for the most part, It was the others that did the really bad stuff.” said Harriet.

“We need to put them to justice,where are they?” I asked

“They went home for the day, I was working late because I was on a roll.” he frowned. “You must think bad of me for letting these people work with me. Just, something started to happen to make the others go mad and do things they normally wouldn't do. For some reason I was unaffected by it.”

“You should of done something when you realized they were mistreating the subjects!” Maddie zapped a spell at him, and he turned into a woman.

“I know, I made a mistake...whatever punishment you want to inflict on me...do it now.” she looked down frowning.

Gloria sighed and turned him back to a man, but of a strange furry horned species. “I think this is enough punishment for you.”

So, they went off to get the others treated from the illness that had befallen them. The lab was closed. Gloria looked at the other girlfriend of John. “I can't stand knowing that John may mistreat you. Please, stay with me as long as you need.”

Harriet hugged her. “Thank you Gloria, I fell on hard times when my husband died...I won't stay long just when I get back on my feet.”

“If you want to stay forever it is fine with me. Do not worry.” I smiled

Neeco looked over at her. “Um, what about me though?”

I gave him a confused look. “What about you?”

“Um, I kind of live in a cave right now. I didn't want to tell you before. Maybe it is too soon to ask you to stay with you though?” he blushed.

“Of course not, I can't have you living in a cave!”

So, me and all of John's exes lived together with Neeco in my house. He didn't seem interested in the other girls though thankfully. So, the mystery was solved and my family was bigger! I had a feeling things will be great with Neeco in my life.

The End.

April 17, 2020 22:03

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Barbara McLay
23:32 Apr 29, 2020

The story needs some proofreading--should have, not should of, for example--commas, capitals, spacing... The story has potential. The woman having two heads is clever, but it seems disconnected from the story. There needs to be a point for that. Enlarge on it instead of just leaving it hanging.


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Rebecca Lewis
21:31 Apr 29, 2020

Writer has potential but a bit too much rambling conversation.


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