Sad Teens & Young Adult Fiction

This story contains themes or mentions of physical violence, gore, or abuse.

People are rushing in every direction. Karens bump into me, followed by snotty kids. I'm continually glared at before they shuffle off somewhere else.

Terminal 31, 30, 29... Crap, I need to get to 41. I whip around, sprinting towards the way I came from. I trip over multiple suitcases, not to mention people, but manage to keep myself upright.

35, 36, 37... Almost there! I only have a minute before they close the gate! I need to go faster.

Time stops. Everything slows down.

Someone screams a blood-curdling, make-you-want-to-cover-your-ears scream. I wince at the sound.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bangbangbang!

Kids and adults alike fall to the ground. There are more screams. Another gunshot. I let go of my bag, dropping to the floor. I start army-crawling towards a row of seats, but it's too late.

Bangbangbang! Bang!

There's a blinding pain in the center of my back. Warm, sticky blood gushes out of the wound. I gag at the sensation. More screaming, more falling. I drag myself to some chairs, shimmying under them. I grimace with every movement.

Bang! Bangbang! Bang!

Another bullet lodges itself into my calf.


One in my arm.


And the last one... it penetrates my skull.

Mom... Dad... Sam... I love you guys... I'll see you again someday...

Then, there's black.


I jerk up and take a look at my surroundings. People dressed in all black are sitting in pews. It's a church? Why are they all looking at me? No, they're not looking at me; they're looking at something beneath me. I tilt my head to see what I'm sitting on and shriek. It's... it's me!

That's when everything from the airport comes flooding back to me. I was shot four times. I died with no one there to say goodbye. And this is my funeral. My family and friends... they're all here.

But if I'm dead, how can I go to Harvard? How can I start a family? What about becoming an engineer? It's all gone.

And what am I now? A ghost? Am I just a soul? Nothing makes sense.

I take a closer look at my corpse. My face is almost peaceful, except for the makeup. Someone applied a hideous silver eyeshadow and hot pink lipgloss. People are supposed to be nice to the dead, not make them look like tacky grandma.

I pry my eyes away from my vandalized face and view the people here closer. My mom, dad, and sister (Sam) sit in the very front pew, next to my grandmother and best friend (Livvy). The pew that sits across the aisle from them holds my aunts, uncles, and cousins. From then on, it's distant relatives and friends. I need to try to say goodbye to my family.

I'm able to swing my legs through the casket, and my eyes widen in shock as a wave of chills goes through me. Right. I'm a ghost/spirit/thing. Tentatively, I take a step towards my family. To my relief, I don't fall through the floor. I walk another couple of feet, but when there's only a yardstick space between us, I'm jerked back. I look behind me to see a translucent rope connecting the center of my back to the head of my actual body. Frick. This will have to be good enough.

I look at Livvy first. She's looking through me, at the pastor speaking behind me, but silent rivers of tears flow down her cheeks. I've seen her cry before, but not like this. There's another level of sadness now.

Then my grandma. She's bent over on herself, her body shaking with each sob. I was her first granddaughter, and I promised her that I would make it into Harvard since she couldn't.

Unwillingly, tears slip from my eyes. There's no stopping them.

Sam... Oh, Sammy. I was supposed to help her with boy problems and homework. I was supposed to be there when she graduated. Now she has to go through all of it without me. Her shoulders chatter.

Dad has his arm around Sam. He's trying to hold it together, but I can see his lip quiver and the glistening of his eyes. It shakes me down to my core. I was his first little girl, and he said he'd always protect me. I guess he couldn't this time.

Mom is gripping Dad's hand so hard that her knuckles are white. She gasps as the tears rush down her flushed face. Mascara mixes with the stream of salty droplets. It crushes me to see her like this.

I scan the rest of the audience, spotting friends from school, church, volleyball, and dance. All of my teachers from the recent year are here, even some from previous years. From what I can tell, there are few dry eyes in the room. I guess that means people cared, even when I didn't realize it.

I look to my left and find a mirror. Another downfall of being dead: I can't see my reflection. However, I heard that people's ghosts are the same as what they looked like when they died, so I must still be wearing my Nike sweatpants and old volleyball tournament t-shirt. But then there are the gunshot wounds. Red, bloody, oozing, swelling; all of the words I never imagined would be used to describe my body. Yet here I am.

Then there's my mental state. I'm dead. Shouldn't I be more worried about it? I guess it doesn't matter now. There's nothing I can do to change it.

So, that's it. The end of my life. I lived it as best as I could. I'll miss my family, but they'll move forward.

And this is Amaya Fuller, signing off.

December 20, 2021 21:09

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McCampbell Molly
20:11 Mar 01, 2022

Such a sad story. A little short, but well done.


20:18 Mar 03, 2022

Thank you so much!


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Megan Sutherland
19:18 Feb 15, 2022

Hey. Remember me? ;) Only critique I have on this is that it doesn't really go anywhere. I haven't been on here in a while, but I'm assuming there's still the 3000 word limit for stories? I would've used that to my full advantage and had someone offer her a way to come back to life, or something. Just to add more spice. -meg


14:46 Feb 18, 2022

OMG MEG YOU’RE BACK WHERE DID YOU GO Yeah, I get that. I’ll try to add more next time. :) thanks so much for reading it!


Megan Sutherland
02:44 Feb 20, 2022

I left because I'm not paying to write lol like what's the point, and apparently a lot of people agreed with me cuz like there's barely any of my friends on here existing anymore


17:42 Feb 21, 2022

Lol same, I've been trying to stay active and write a little bit but I've been in a slump for like 6 months (trying to get out D:) I want 2020 Reedsy back :(-[-<


Megan Sutherland
13:39 Feb 26, 2022

FRRRRR I've been so busy with school and sports, literally the only thing I've written September is a horror short story for English class


21:15 Feb 27, 2022

I've written this story and then a memoir for English since like August There's a story I've been working on for the past like month that's making some progress tho


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23:36 Jan 21, 2022

lol I’m back AGAIN cuz idk I’m bored ENTERTAIN ME BESTIEEE


22:27 Jan 23, 2022

YAY YOU'RE BACK Question: What came first--the chicken or the egg?


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23:33 Jan 20, 2022

AHHHHHHHHHHH BROOKE THIS IS SO SAD And good!! Very good writing!! But VERY SADDDDD I love the last line ;)


22:28 Jan 23, 2022



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02:14 Jan 15, 2022



02:29 Jan 15, 2022



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Nainika Gupta
15:45 Jan 05, 2022

holy mama what a story!! awesome job!! one thing is that maybe instead of using all caps for the gunshots, you use italics?? but other than that, amazing job!!


23:57 Jan 05, 2022

Thank you so much! That makes sense; the feedback is appreciated! :)


Nainika Gupta
16:39 Jan 08, 2022

:) of course!!


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Aishveer Dhillon
08:42 Dec 31, 2021

Hey, Brooke! I just found your account and this was the very first story I read and I almost got crushed by the words you have used, this story was so intense and best of luck for the upcoming stories! :> HAPPY NEW YEAR :)


23:59 Jan 05, 2022

Hey! Omg, thank you so much! I appreciate it so much. :) HAPPY NEW YEAR ^^


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Lilliane Wei
22:28 Dec 26, 2021

Hi, Brooke!!! Idk what about this story it is exactly, but something just touched me inside. I love the twist on the story where Amaya returns as a ghost/spirit/thingy! The story itself is heavy and bright at the same time, I don't really know how to describe it. The relatability with the airport scene and finding a gate was so perfect and gave no inkling to the setup of the sudden plot twist. I loved this story so much!! -Liv (Is tHaT mY NaME i sEe iN ThE StORy. LiVvY????)


17:44 Dec 27, 2021

Hi, Liv! Omg, I missed you! Aw, thank you so so so much! :D <3 -B (mAyBe HeHe)


Lilliane Wei
22:57 Dec 27, 2021

Hiiiiii I've missed you, too!!! Ofcccccc :p -Liv (0_0)


15:21 Dec 30, 2021

Lol do you mind the name Livvy? I couldn't remember if you did or not, but I wanted to add more to Liv... idek what I'm saying anymore


Lilliane Wei
19:49 Dec 30, 2021

Yess I love the name Livvy :D Liv sounds too much like live sometimes in my head lol so yeah XD


23:59 Jan 05, 2022

Yay :D Yeah lolol Anyway, whatcha up to?


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Woahhhhh this was amazing! :D I agree with the lipstick part smh i hate lipstick and I love her name hhhh good job banana 😁


18:43 Dec 22, 2021

Awwww thank you so much! Btw, in my Spanish class we get to choose our 'spanish' names and mine is Amaya, that's why i chose it lolol


Oh lol hahaha XD Np hehe


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Miles Gatling
18:20 Dec 21, 2021

Your character really likes Harvard. The best part in my opinion is how she doesn't like the pink lipstick on her dead lips. Nice work. No russian *wink.


23:20 Dec 21, 2021

Thank you so much for reading! 😁


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Unknown User
06:50 Mar 11, 2022

<removed by user>


15:40 Mar 31, 2022

FRRRRRR I miss all of it X(


Unknown User
19:22 Mar 31, 2022

<removed by user>


21:36 Apr 01, 2022

Sorry for the extremely late response btw


Unknown User
01:24 Apr 02, 2022

<removed by user>


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