Inspirational Creative Nonfiction Bedtime

Once upon a time, on the planet UIO, in a beautiful Blue system lighted up the Blue Sun, far away from the planet Earth a man with no commitment was born. His name was Jussepppe. Since a very young age his parents have been trying to pick up a hobby and, to tell the truth, Jusseppe wasn't against it, but he had a problem he never could keep up with a hobby for more than 3 days. All his life he tried and tried to find that one special hobby for him, but no hobby was enough for him. Once while reading a Galactical Newspaper Jusseppe found an article that was called 'Top most fascinating hobbies for you'.

"That is just perfect for me", Jusseppe thought.

Next morning Jusseppe woke up early, put his favourite yellow overalls on and decided to start his journey to the perfect hobby. Poor man was always so jealous of all those men being passionate about something and he wanted that...

First on the list was painting the walls. The advertising said: "Bored of ordinary painting? Come to us and we turn your view on painting from upside down". Jusseppe came into the studio with a newly bought yellow paint, not to bedraggle his overalls. He drew and drew and it seemed interesting, but then, after he finished and looked at his project he felt defeated. "It isn't pretty at all," he thought.

There were many hobbies that Jusseppe had tried before and didn't succeed. There was horse riding, ice skating and other things on that list. Once he thought of retrying those hobbies again horrible memories from the central ice rink appeared in his mind, like it all happened yesterday, but Jusseppe never stopped trying, no matter how sad he was. There was rarely someone in his life to tell him that he is doing a great job, but his parents taught Jusseppe well, he always was a ray of sunshine, even in the strongest rain.

"How about this one?" Jusseppe would ask himself silently. After all those disappointing trials he never stopped going, but now it seemed it was the end. His precious smile began to fade, he couldn't hold it anymore. "Dear universe, why are you doing this to me?" a man with no passion asked. He never knew what he did wrong, but it didn't even seem that something bad could have possibly been done by him. 

Everytime after finding a new possible hobby Jusseppe filled with excitement, but lost all of it after not succeeding in his personal mission.

‘Ho ya, who came to my place? Hello and welcome, my friend,’ said someone as soon as Jusseppe walked in the architecture club. It was a very low woman’s voice.

‘Hello…’ nervously said Jusseppe, ‘Can you help me? I’m looking for a hobby’.

‘Of course, and by the way architecture is a great hobby for artistic people like you and me’, said a woman looking at Jusseppe’s yellow overalls. ‘My name is Miranda. When do you want to start?’

‘And when is it possible to start?’ Jusseppe asked

‘Oh what a gentleman, you can start even now…’ Miranda didn’t finish.

‘I’ll do it, works for me’ interrupted Jusseppe.

‘Very well then, let’s go, honey’ said Miranda sweetly.

From the main area and entrance Jusseppe and Miranda walked into a room, filled with color. Miranda explained that sometimes people like to draw on the walls, and, well, she let’s them.

‘It’s art, you see’, she told Jusseppe when he asked.

Besides the bright colors the room was filled with different architecture models or small buildings as Jusseppe called them. Small building were everywhere and he was eager to start creating projects and models as well as all other people there. 

Being influenced by knights and complete fuss Jusseppe decided to create a castle based off his sketch. His process began. He spent lots of time carefully drawing every little element of his castle. The night came to town and the Blue Sun began playing its games, oh how it loved it. Finally, Jusseppe felt that his sketch was ready. He proudly raised up to look from distance and was disappointed. It was nothing that he imagined, that grand castle faded from his memory. Then he thought ‘Why don’t I create a small house, my own model? Everyone is having so much fun with them’. He took all the tools and elements required for the model. He started moving his blue humanly fingers trying to create what he wanted, but this didn’t go as planned either.

Just like in all other times he decided to leave, there was nothing for him to do there. Another hobby down…

‘Hey, what’s wrong?’ asked Miranda on his way out.

‘Everything, but nothing new, I got to go’, said Jusseppe and rushed out.

He rode his newly bought bike, his other chance for a hobby. Under the dull lights of the streets he was trying to hide his pain. Suddenly his bike stopped and he began to walk. Another hobby didn’t attract him, nor did running, the hobby he has tried before. 

When he got home, the whole ball of emotions came out of him. The tears coming from Jusseppe’s eyes couldn’t stop, they needed to get out, finally. Little blue gentleman hadn’t cried in a long time, he was taught not to. 

When Jusseppe finally got home, he didn’t know what to do, his life was as plain as nothing else in that world. He took a shower.

‘Should I take up soap making again?’ he thought, ‘Sure, why not?’

After he had taken a shower, Jusseppe felt clean and renewed. He felt like he could do anything, so he took the ingredients needed for making soap. 

‘Let’s start’, he said out loud.

For a couple of minutes everything went smoothly, but as soon as Jusseppe got distracted, the mixture went bad.

‘Oh, no, again’, repeated for a thousandth time Jusseppe.

That was it, Jusseppe needed help, but he was scared to ask for it, because his father always told him not to, to be strong on his own. 

The following morning right after the blue man got off the bed and ate his cereal, he went to a psychologist, he needed help and his lost confidence. 

The only psychologist in town he knew was Fraida, a woman he met when he tried rock climbing. She was nice, even helped him to put on his equipment. 

‘Good morning, can I please see Miss Fraida?’ Jusseppe asked when he reached the psychologist's office. 

‘Jusseppe is that you?’ Miss Fraida asked from her office, ‘Сome in, darling’.

‘Hello, Fraida’, said Jusseppe when he walked in.

‘Hello, what is wrong?’ responded Fraida. 

‘Well, remember how I was trying out different hobbies’, the blue man started. Fraida nodded. 

‘I tried everything there was and not even once, but I don’t know what to do, I don’t feel any emotion towards everything, all my beginner's excitement disappears as soon as I finish. Nothing keeps me entertained for too long. Can please help me? I don’t know where to go and whom to ask’, Jusseppe finished.

‘How sad and I know how long you have been like this. I feel so sorry for you. But what did you say you feel every time you start?’ Fraida replied.

‘Oh I love that, it is so exciting always to try something new,’ Jusseppe replied. 

‘I don’t know what you think, but I notice that the only fun part for you, blue man, is actually trying new things. I’m no expert, but trying new activities can be a hobby too, and you seem interested’, the psychologist said nervously.

‘Yes, I suppose you are right’, Jusseppe said. ‘No, you are actually absolutely right, how come I’ve never thought of it?’

‘Why didn’t ask anyone else? Maybe someone would have helped’, Fraida told Jusseppe.

‘Asking people for help? That doesn’t make me strong, my dad taught me well’, the blue man answered and looked at Fraida surprisingly.

‘No, that attitude will not lead to anything good. No person can make it on their own. Life is hard enough to be alone on the way’, Fraida said. Jusseppe looked puzzled, but knew that she was right and he proved that on his own. ‘Do you understand? Don’t be afraid to ask for help, that is why there are so many creatures on this planet. Each one is different and has different perspectives, but that is not bad’, finished Fraida.

‘Yes, I understand, thank you Fraida, for everything, seriously’, the blue man said and Fraida nodded. 

After this meeting Jusseppe never was the same, but that wasn’t bad - he needed changes. He began to live his life in a new way, with his newly found hobby - trying out different activities. 

Legends say that he gave up his job to become a critiс, the happiest critic ever. He was passionate about his job and, well, his yellow overalls, which he wore even more often since then.

The end.

January 28, 2021 09:02

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