Romance Contemporary Suspense

When Destiny Intervenes 


Norman Musiiwa

It was sunset in the Nyazvidzi River Valley, some five kilometres to the west of the city. The sun had hidden beyond the western mountains whose shadow intensified the evening haze. Albert lay upon a rough rock on his back, hands supporting the back of his head. His legs were folded knees-up-together as if pointing an emphatic accusation to the skies. Tears rolled past both his ears as he peered the hazy sky. There was a sudden transition as Albert made attempts to count flock after flock of birds gliding eastwards in their evening rush to rest for the embedding night. He had thought that Salem had called him for yet one of their usual pastimes. The two were clocking their second year in a strong and romantic relationship. Undoubted prospects were such that a wedding was imminent. Local villagers and friends alike periodically endorsed the two as a pair that displayed a rare match. For the two, love had been so sweet that life looked too short.

That day Salem had declined Albert’s hug as they met; a rare surprise for the young man of twenty-eight since such behaviour was very unusual from Salem. The boy had known and cherished only Salem’s love and was determined to make her his first and last lover. 

“Here is your phone and watch Albert,” Salem had said stretching her hand to ensure that the boy was within reach. The boy had cupped his two hands without putting much thought into the whole transaction. With tears rolling down her tender chicks, Salem had handed over the two items to Albert and made a U-turn that saw her starting off. Albert had run and attempted to block her to no avail. Even his attempt to solicit an explanation had fallen on deaf ears.

Now the boy was introspecting to find what crime he had committed; so painful and unpardonable. He found none landing on his innocent mind. Salem had been adequately faithful to the relationship. She had however left him in such confusion that he could hardly move from where he was. Such an end to a long and exciting relationship was out of the normal. ‘If ever I am to marry, it has to be Salem and no other,’ Albert thought to himself.


“Men are such inconsiderate beings,” Salem would always say to herself whenever she thought of Albert. The girl had actually determined to postpone any form of affair till a time when the bitterness that Albert had caused her had run its course. When she resumed work in the New Year, she focused on her duties and nothing else. Two years passed with no communication between Salem and Albert. The boy would have loved to send an apology to Salem but he had no idea where he had wronged her neither was he sure whether the girl would allow him space for such a triviality. To add insult to injury, Salem had blocked Albert to make sure that he would not have access to her ever.

Salem worked as Personal Assistant to the Chief Executive Officer at a local company in the capital. She got overly offended when her boss began to make advances on her. Immediately she started scouting for a local job on internet. She was called for an interview with one up-coming company that was fast growing in the manufacture and distribution of indigenous furniture. The girl was ready to take up the job at any time if she got one. Fortunately she did exceptionally well in the interview and was at the company’s head office for work resumption within two weeks from the interview date. Salem was lucky to find the same post and was engaged as Personal Assistant to the furniture making company CEO. She went quite early to work and was seated in the reception waiting for her next instruction.

“Good morning Salem! Please come with me, I want to show you your office,” the Human Resources Manager gave the girl a hand shake and led her to a very spacious office just by the side of the one labelled CEO in golden capitals. “This is your boss’ office. He will be in office the day after tomorrow.” the HR manager pointed to the CEO’s office with an open palm. He proceeded to let her into her office first. “This is your office, your laptop, the printer and photocopier. In fact all that you see here is at your disposal. Please feel free to ask for anything else that you may need to facilitate your operations. Your boss is committed to excellence but I know you will be able to work well with him. Good luck Salem.” The HR Manager left the girl admiring her new office. She touched this and that with unquestionable satisfaction. This was indeed more spacious and better equipped office than the one she was used to. Salem utilised the interim period before the arrival of her boss to familiarise herself with every gadget in the office. Sometimes she read a few of the reports she could lay her hands on. She wondered how her new boss looked and how he would receive her. Sometimes she imagined him telling HR that they made a mistake hiring her. She quickly dismissed all negativities. Varied questions raced in her mind and she managed to remain optimistic about everything. She felt her decision to change her work station was not in error. After all that was the only way to uphold her moral integrity.

On the morning that she had to meet her new boss she was punctual at work as was her professional custom. She kept her door closed and was busy on her smart phone when there was a knock at the door. The HR Manager entered upon her answering the call.

“Good morning Salem! I believe you’re ready to meet your boss now? Shall we?” The girl followed the Manager through the CEO’s door. A young light skinned man was busy on the laptop while standing.

“Good morning sir. Good morning madam,” the man on the laptop greeted them.

“Good morning Brighton. But where is the boss? He actually phoned me and I thought he had arrived already?” The man on the boss’ laptop was the ICT technician. Before the young man could answer, the door to the rest room opened.

“Good morning Mr Adam,” there was all the evidence that the man with a clear and confident voice was the CEO. He said those words posting a professional handshake to the HR Manager.

“Good morning mad……” the CEO could not finish his salutation as he stopped his hand short of stretching for Salem’s reach.

“It seems the two of you know each other?” The HR Manager interjected.

“Not at all Mr Adam! Please proceed!” The CEO pretended as he said the words with restored composure and professionalism.

“Fine Sir. Salem, meet Mr Albert Motsi, Destiny Furniture Manufacturers Founder and Executive CEO; your new boss. Sir, Please meet your new PA, Salem Tasvika. She has proved capable to deliver as your Assistant given her experience and outstanding performance in our very strict interview. Thank you sir. All the best Salem.” With these words the HR Manager together with the ICT technician took their leave. 

“Welcome to DFM Salem. Please have a seat.” Salem slowly dropped herself into the chair opposite her new boss. She was in total confusion but tried her best to maintain her cool. She was no longer sure what her fate was giving her. Had she made a mistake in leaving her former company?

“I don’t think you need much induction to understand your job description. If you are in agreement with the conditions given you by HR, I simply need to give you this flash which contains how my itinerary goes and shows everything that you may need to get started. In it you will be taken through our company policy, modus operand, mission statement and whatever you need to know about the company. I believe you already know your office?” Albert asked this question as he handed the flash to Salem. “Best of luck Salem!” The girl stood up and left quietly. 

Moments of love drought make one abnormal. As soon as Salem sat on her office chair, a volcano of emotions erupted in her heart. Love is a world of its own, where a few trade but there life assumes a mysterious completeness and uniqueness that only true lovers can explain. Right from where she sat, she realized an emptiness that came from remembering that she was trying to live a life free of any love partner because of the man who had assumed the position of her boss. She consoled herself by assuming that after all he must have long married somebody. She after all had determined that she would never want to speak to him again. Little did Salem know that the hunt for life needs would one day bring them close together. At least there was the probability that her job was secure. Albert had not in the slightest way made reference to their past. He had made their meeting maintain its professional flavour. There are circumstances in life that force us to dramatize personalities but the call for love reduces all and sundry to size.

In the CEO’s office there were emotional dynamites as well. ‘Was Salem married?’ He had not seen any marriage ring in her fingers. ‘Had she completely forgotten him? Even if she remembered him, had she forgiven him? Forgiven him for what?’ These and many more questions competed for attention in his mind. Yes, she looked prettier and more mature this time. Where there is love prohibition the heart grows fonder. What Albert felt about Salem then was far much deeper than the original love he had experienced. He felt himself dethroned of his superior position in the company. Salem had suddenly become the central and most important person in the entire company. Love knows no rank. It is the most powerful emotion of all human feelings. Love acts as the antidote to most human vices and it was meant to be so. Thank God it was Friday. Albert could ask Salem out for dinner. He could not contain the urge to talk to her at least in a relaxed atmosphere. He could not endure beyond today. All other ideas and issues took an involuntary stand still in his mind. Salem’s name seemed scripted on every item in the office.

“I think it’s only courteous for a CEO to seek to know his close subordinate better. Shall we have dinner together this evening after work?” He knew there was no way Salem could turn him down considering that he had shown some professionalism from the start. He had gathered the courage to call her into his office just for this request-cum-announcement.

“Well, maybe if only that will not take much of my time? I need to get home much earlier today.”

“I’ll personally take care of that myself.” The two sat together at one traditional food mall. It was relatively relaxing, romantic and tailor made for lovers. They helped themselves to some juice as they waited for the first course of the meal.

“One would want to believe that Salem is long married but I am not seeing a ring in your finger?”

“Yes, I am not married and I don’t think I’ll ever be married.” Salem showed that she was conscious that they were now out of the work place. “Are you married boss?”

“No, and I don’t think that I’m ever going to be married. But why do you sound so anti marriage, if I may ask?”

“Really I have been thinking what more would my boss want to know about me? This subject of marriage and not wanting it should better be forgotten about.”

“Before you close the topic please do me a favour just to tell me how I offended you? To date I am followed by the shadow of a punishment I am serving for an offence I do not know.”

“You are not serious boss!” Salem expressed her surprise. “Just try and recall where you were and in whose company you were moving the day before we met by the river side.”

“I remember so well,” Albert answered in confidence. He went on to explain how he had driven his sister to the airport. He had seen her off at the airport. Salem realized that she had lived a lie for the past two years. She was at the airport the very same day and had seen Albert passionately hug his sister for some moments before he let her go off. Jealous had numbed both her mind and eyes. As she sat looking at the bowl of soup, she felt dizzy. Tears rolled down her soft chicks.

“What’s happening to you Salem?” Albert’s question sent her closing her face and sobbing profusely. The boy had long waited for this opportunity. He had always said to himself: ‘If only Salem would give me an opportunity to show her love again, I would summon all the expertise to draw out the best out of her. I have read about the kind of love that turned a hell-bound-thief into a paradise citizen. A serial prostitute was converted into an all-time evangelist just in one meeting. Give me a chance Salem! I will tantalise you with an unusual love buffet that will send your heart pulsating. I will ensure that you are electrified under the spell of an immortal and purifying antidote to your life adversities.’ 

Albert now saw his daily silent prayer answered. He softly touched and removed Salem’s hands from her face and patiently wiped dry her tears. He guessed that the girl had realised her error somehow and this was not the time for continued interrogation. That would humiliate her further. The path of love is delicate. It needs caution and quick wit to master the technique of the required gaiety. 

“I have actually served a jail term for a crime that I neither knew nor committed. In every relationship communication is power Salem. At least you could have allowed me chance to explain myself. Each day that you have stayed away from me, my heart grew fonder. You mean everything to me. I loved you unreservedly and I still do now.” Albert scooped soup from his source and fed Salem with his right hand while the left continued fondling the girl’s fingers. The girl opened her mouth and swallowed not only the soup but Albert’s heart-warming words as well. Just at that moment, the waiter brought the main dish and the two were soon but slowly at it. It was just like one long dream for both of them. A whole cloud of love obscurity was rolling from off their life.

“Find space in your heart to forgive me Albert. I could have come to greet you at the airport, but I was overtaken by emotions the time I saw you embracing your sister. I do not know what made me think she was another woman in your life? Actually I resolved never to allow another man into my life just for the bewilderment this misconception caused me.”

“I have forgiven you in advance Salem. I believe in progress and would rather start discussing over our marriage and wedding. Dwelling in the past arrests progress sweetheart. Let’s start charting our tomorrow. Time is not on our side.”

“It is not as simple as it sounds Albert. I don’t think I am qualified to be with you any longer. It would appear as if I got attracted to your material possession now. I made you suffer unjustifiably. I think it’s time for me to endure the taste of my own medicine. It’s far much better for you to move on with life just as you have moved on in business. I am to blame for all this confusion and uncalled for emotional torture. I will be content to remain your Personal Assistant and nothing more.”

“You belong to me Salem. Fate has placed you into my hands and I don’t see myself accepting to be hoodwinked by life trivialities so that I lose you to the winds of confusion again. I am not the type of person whose destiny is determined by circumstances or people. I have long made my choice and all this time I have been asking myself whether my choice was faulty. Our coming together today is glaring proof that even Mother Fate endorses my choice sweet Salem.” Albert looked Salem straight in the eyes. He could read deep entrenched innocence and soul beauty. His heart felt a breeze of fresh air whose source he could not detect. Separation had worked wonders on the girl’s make and mould. After all, the two would complement each other even at work.

“What would people say at the workplace?” Salem was still confused.

“I have several friends of mine whose Personal Assistants are their wives. After all it’s the only way to ensure that the company becomes strong. It is safe for our marriage too. Will you marry me Salem?” Albert said the words extending a bare hand to Salem. The girl hesitated and finally stretched a quivering right hand and said:

“Yes I will marry you Albert.” The two found themselves immersed in a reunion that none had planned. As the evening breeze signalled the approach of a weekend of rest and bliss, the two stood with their hands wrapped round one the other and their tongues and lips compensating for the wasted days. The days that followed saw Albert and Salem as love birds, undaunted by neither circumstances nor people. At work it was business as usual. The marriage and wedding ceremonies were earmarked to take place in less than four months.

February 19, 2021 18:37

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