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Posted on May 27, 2024
What Is an Editorial Style Sheet? [+Templates]
About Linnea Gradin
The editor-in-chief of the Reedsy Freelancer blog, Linnea is a writer and marketer with a degree from the University of Cambridge. Her focus is to provide aspiring editors and book designers with the resources to further their careers.
Learn more →About Martin Cavannagh
Head of Content at Reedsy, Martin has spent over eight years helping writers turn their ambitions into reality. As a voice in the indie publishing space, he has written for a number of outlets and spoken at conferences, including the 2024 Writers Summit at the London Book Fair.
Learn more →A style sheet contains a list of editorial decisions to follow when editing a text. The purpose of a style sheet is to help an editor or author maintain consistency in things like grammar, spelling, and word choice throughout a single book, or even across a series of publications. It is usually based on a larger style guide, but is more customized to the specific project you’re working on, allowing you some creative freedom. But what exactly goes into a style sheet, and how do you create one for yourself?
In this article, we’ll outline the different components of an editorial style sheet, give you some tips on how to use it, and even provide you with two customizable templates to use for your upcoming projects.
Style sheets come after a style guide
Although some of the content may overlap, the functions of a style guide and style sheet are different. Style guides (such as Chicago or APA) include every tiny language detail that users should adhere to on a general basis, such as best practices for punctuation marks and their different usages. Oxford comma or no Oxford comma? Hyphen or dash? These are the types of fundamental guidelines that a style guide can provide. Because they are comprehensive reference guides, they aren't particularly accessible — often coming in at over one thousand pages — and are something editors or writers may go to for specific questions rather than use on the go.
Style sheets, on the other hand, focus on the main stylistic choices in the current text, rather than listing all possible language conundrums you can think of. This key information is usually created by the editor or author themselves and is intended to help them stick to their editorial choices, as well as help other collaborators maintain consistency throughout the process. It’s not so much about language correctness, but about uniformity.
Now, let’s look at some practical examples of what this might look like in real life.
They help you stay consistent
Style sheets are useful for both writers and editors as a place where they can quickly note down stylistic choices to remember for the current manuscript they’re working on. They outline a handful of spellings, punctuation, and other creative preferences. Let's take a look at Dune, the seminal science fiction novel by Frank Herbert, as an example.
Set over 20,000 years in the future, in a world where languages have evolved, many terms that Herbert uses in Dune are made up, such as Muad’Dib, Bene Gesserit, and gom jabbar – and that's just from the first page! All these words are uniquely created and their spellings must be kept consistent to keep readers engaged, so it’s likely that the editor assembled a style sheet to keep track. Beyond newly created words, there are plenty of linguistic and creative decisions that Herbert deploys as well, such as: ‘Voice’ being spelled with a capital V to distinguish the vocal powers of the Bene Gesserit from their normal speech, and always having internal thoughts written in italics.
Each of these decisions may seem small individually, but here’s another reminder that all the examples above are from the first page of a 500-page book. There are dozens of other decisions that an author and editor will need to keep track of that won’t necessarily be outlined in a style guide — and inform the proofreader and typesetter about — each of which had to be maintained not only in the first Dune novel but throughout Herbert’s entire 6 book saga.
So to summarize, here are the three main ways that style sheets are beneficial:
- Maintains consistency: Consistency is key to keeping readers engaged. You don't want them stopping to question whether Lady Jessica is the same character as Lady Jesica or why Lasguns have suddenly become Lazerguns. This consistency becomes even more important with a series where a sense of linguistic continuity helps keep each book connected.
- Keeps you organized: Rather than having editorial decisions scattered on post-its all over your office, or even just remaining in the author’s head, a style sheet is a great way to get all that key information organized in one place that is quick and easy to reference.
- Facilitates collaboration: You might have all the editorial decisions in your head, but when working with collaborators (like other editors and proofreaders) it’s important to have reference material that is quick and easy to share. This reduces any wasted time with back-and-forth questions and should make the whole process more straightforward as you hand over your work. Basically, it makes sure that everyone is always on the same page about any creative decisions that have been made and saves you some admin time.
Q: How can a style sheet help in the editing process?
Suggested answer
When most people think about an editor's work, fixing errors is probably the first thing that comes to mind. But the truth is, another huge component of any editing job is fixing things that aren't necessarily wrong -- they're just inconsistent. Are you Team Oxford Comma, or not? Do you prefer to spell out numbers all the way up to one hundred, or are numerals more your speed? And are those green veggies called scallions, or green onions? When these kinds of questions come up during the editorial process, a style sheet can help everyone involved to keep track of the answers.
As an editor, it's never my goal to impose my own preferences on an author -- instead, I want to learn what they prefer, and then make sure those choices are reflected consistently throughout their work. A style sheet helps me to do that as efficiently as possible, and also serves as a constantly evolving record of the decisions that have already been made. As the book is handed from development editor to copyeditor to proofreader, each editor can turn to the style sheet to learn the "rules," which are unique to every book and every author.
Christine is available to hire on Reedsy ⏺
I would never edit without creating a style sheet in the process. It's there to keep me on track as I work and show me the changes I still need to make before I can consider the work finished.
Before I had the manuscript back to the editor, I add additional notes and explanations to help them understand the process and answer some of their questions, which is then useful when we discuss the edit. I also find style sheets incredibly useful when I'm jumping between different projects and when I return to working with the same author again in the future.
Mairi is available to hire on Reedsy ⏺
Now that we’ve seen the value of using style guides, let's see how they're useful for different genres.
Style sheets are useful for all genres
Style sheets are well worth taking the time to create for all genres of writing, from fantasy novels to non-fiction science books.
With fantasy or sci-fi novels, there will undoubtedly be varied character names as well as made-up terminology for places, weapons, and ancient artifacts! Going back to our example of Dune, Herbert often creates terms by combining words from other languages or crafts entirely fictional words for new concepts: lasguns are energy weapons, the Sardaukar are elite fighters, and Arrakis is the desert planet known as Dune. These dozens of new words can be easy to lose track of or slightly misspell, but style sheets help keep everything in order.
Factual text will often include plenty of specific terminology or abbreviations that need to be confirmed and kept track of. Let's take a look at Sapiens by Yuval Harari which includes plenty of technical terminology like Lascaux Cave, Sungir, Göbekli Tepe. Using the correct term with the correct spelling is important for non-fiction books to maintain the author’s authority and trust in the subject. Once an editor has checked the terms, they can note them down clearly in their style sheet and save themselves from having to Google or use an enormous style guide each time they’re in doubt.
They should be functional and personalized
As we’ve seen, the main purpose of a style sheet is to help you work more efficiently. There’s no right or wrong way to design it: its most important feature is that it should be personalized to the specific project you’re working on. That means that style sheets vary widely. Nonetheless, there are a few common components that you’ll often come across in any style sheet.
Freelance editor Jon Oliver set up the style sheet for one of his projects like this, in a spreadsheet format:

Linguistic preferences, e.g.
First of all, many style sheets will start by noting which style guide it uses as its base and whether the text is in American or British English. Some other linguistic preferences that you might want to mark down include:
- Writing style (academic, casual, etc.)
- Numbers and date formats
- Terminology e.g. OK vs. okay
- Preferred abbreviations
Punctuation, e.g.
Though the style guide will govern how punctuation is used, some editors prefer to include some quick references to how punctuation is used in the current text too, such as:
- Single vs. double quotation marks
- Ellipses spacing or not
- Oxford comma or not
- Sentence case vs. title case
Creative choices, e.g.
The bulk of a style sheet should be focused on the creative choices that you can’t find outlined in a style guide, like:
- Made up words and names
- Overall timeline of events
- Formatting and layout, e.g. use of italics
Creating a style sheet is a running process, with new entries being added as you go through the text. Depending on your needs, it can be as simple as a list of bullet points and a couple of headers to keep it organized, or a more complex spreadsheet. The layout and where you choose to set up your style guide is entirely up to you. You could keep it analog, if it pleases you, though setting up a simple Word document or Google Doc might be more convenient for everyone.
Here’s another example of how editor Jon has set up a style sheet, this time in a Word document:

Regardless, the best way to structure your style sheet is to break it down into easy-to-digest sections and divide it into headings that make sense to you. This will help keep the author, the editor, and anyone else collaborating on the piece on the same page when it comes to all editorial decisions.
Q: What elements do you prioritize in a style sheet?
Suggested answer
I provide your personalised Style sheet with my copyedit. That means, I produce a list of your style choices that we will agree together: US, Australian or UK spelling and other style options.
For example: -ise or -ize (organise / organize); -ed or -t (learned / learnt), indented paragraphs or not, "double" curly quotation marks or 'single' straight ones, and hyphen choices (wellbeing / well-being)
It's a negotiation we agree on together based on your preferences and my knowledge of international readers and the editing conventions that should future-proof your writing.
Alex is available to hire on Reedsy ⏺
My answer mostly pertains to literary work, both fiction and nonfiction. The style sheet is a crucial tool for ensuring consistency but also preserving a writer's voice and style. There are general things that should always be present in a style sheet, such as regional spelling, any rules of a specific publisher or journal the writer is submitting to, the style guide and dictionary consulted, Oxford comma, commas after introductory clauses, spelling of character names or treatment of proper nouns (World War II or Second World War, for example), etc. But I would argue a good style sheet also takes into account a writer's voice and style, especially for literary texts. Perhaps a large part of the texture of a writer's voice is through the occasional use of sentence fragments. Maybe there exists an intentional choice to avoid semi-colons, preferring comma splices for the casual way they encourage a breath. These are discussions an editor should have with a writer; in that sense, some of the style sheet can be co-created between writer and editor.
Holly is available to hire on Reedsy ⏺
Style Sheet Templates
If you're looking for some inspiration to get your own style sheets started, we've put together two templates that you can download for free below:

Editorial Style Sheet Templates
Set up a sleek and easy-to-use style to keep track of all your creative decisions.
We hope you find them helpful.
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