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Posted on Aug 18, 2020

Freelance Proposal Templates for Signing More Clients

Beyond setting your own freelance rates, working independently also means that you’ll have to send proposals to potential clients all the time. In this case, it’s easier to have a tried-and-true freelance proposal template for professional offers than to whip one up every time you receive a request.

Luckily, we’ve put some together that you can download for free! But first, let’s make sure that we’re all on the same page regarding what a freelance proposal actually is.

What is a freelance proposal?

A freelance proposal, also known as a freelance quote, is what a freelancer sends to a potential client to outline the project and the estimated price. The recipient will evaluate the quote on the basis of the exact services offered and the funds they are willing to invest, before deciding to decline or accept said price.

❗ Note: A proposal is not an official contract. Once your client accepts your proposal, you send them a contract that’s more detailed and concrete.

As a freelancer, you’ll extend quotes and send out proposals so often that it helps to have a template on hand. And publishing professionals, you can download a ready-made freelance proposal template that suit your needs here. Our templates also include some helpful communications tip according to your occupation!

💡 These templates can also be customized to work for any publishing or freelance writing profession.

Download: Freelance Proposal Templates

If you’re working as a ghost and writing books on behalf of others, you’ll want to cover your process in your proposal and account for how much you'll charge for them. Get the perfect freelance writing proposal template sent to your inbox here.

Ghostwriter Freelance Proposal Template



Ghostwriting Proposal Template

Lay out your rates, deliverables, and timeline with a professional template.

And if you’re a freelance editor, you may wish to download this template. It’ll impress your clients whether you work on their story structure or do line-by-line edits.

Editor Freelance Proposal Template



Quote Template for Editors

Lay out your rates, deliverables, and timeline with a professional template.

Tips for creating your own freelance proposal template

Of course, there are other types of freelancing out there that require a proposal template — or perhaps you’d like to strengthen your brand image by designing your own quote template. Either way, we’ve got you covered: here is everything you need to know about creating a flawless template.

How to write a freelance proposal

Regardless of your trade, a comprehensive and professional freelance proposal will include the following:

    • Your name and contact details
    • Your potential client’s name and contact details
    • The date the proposal was sent
    • A breakdown of the problem and objectives
    • Project deliverables
    • A project timeline
    • A proposed price for the service
    • Payment terms and schedule
    • Space for both your and your client’s signatures

Other than these elements, there are several pieces of information you can choose to add to your quote. These include:

    • A “valid until” date, or a deadline for the customer to accept your offer
    • Information about taxes applicable to the service
    • Terms and conditions for revisions of the price

While a proposal is not an official contract, there are some terms here that would closely reflect contract terms. These help both sides understand what can be expected of the collaboration (and thus avoid misunderstandings or even scams). Beyond clarifying the scope of the project, you also want to set the tone for your working relationship and outline ensuing payments.

That said, keep this document brief: one should stick to the point during a proposal, and save all the details for the wedding vow. Only include information what you think is important to the client.

Demonstrate your competence

Clients can get a sense of your work by looking at your profile, but they’ll also get an idea of how you’ll work together from the clarity and presentation of your proposal. How organized and reliable are you? Do you have the straightforward communication skills needed to realize their project?

Show that you are an orderly and reliable partner by keeping your freelance proposal template neatly designed, with clear headings and sections. Use tables and bullet point lists to explain the task at hand and your work process. This way, you’ll account for the proposed cost and demonstrate your expertise while showing that you’re a trustworthy partner!

Anticipate and answer questions clients may have

In addition to sending a professional and succinct proposal, you can also win clients over by being thorough and answering their questions before they realize they need answers.

Put yourself in the shoes of a client who’s never hired a freelancer before — then answer all of the questions you might have about the service in a concise, informative, and friendly manner. Proactively communicate with potential clients and attach a brief document answering questions about your work. The fewer questions you leave unanswered, the fewer hurdles you need to jump before you get the job!

Personalize your communications to show that you care

Finally, remember that people are human: we all love to feel like we’re speaking to another human, not a robot or an automatic email. This is especially true for projects like these, where most of the communication happens online. To show a client that you’re really invested in their project, you can add personalized messages along with your proposal. Ask them specific questions about their vision and mentioning any relevant experience you have.

💡 Consider attaching samples of your previous work related to the client’s project to show that you understand what they’re looking for.

Below are some questions you may consider asking potential clients (but bear in mind that we strongly advise you to make your questions specific to the project at hand):

  • What are you hoping to achieve with this project?
  • Who are your target audiences?
  • When do you want to start?

FAQs and personalization are optional extra touches — you can add them to help yourself stand out from the crowd. Most of the time, if you stick to well-formatted and reasonable quotes, you’ll get clients just fine. Good luck!

Freelancer | Proposal Template | 2021-08

Proposal Template

Impress your potential client with a professional quote and proposal.