#6 On The Road
On September 5th, 1957, Jack Kerouac published On the Road — a novel based on his travels around the United States. It's viewed today as a defining work of the Beat generation. And fun fact: Kerouac wrote the book on one long reel of paper over just three weeks.
There's something about literature and road trips that work inherently well together. Just like road trips, stories must start in one place, and end in another.
This week, our prompts are all road trip inspired! And remember, it's about the journey, not the destination.
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⭐️ Shortlisted
This week's prompts
Write a story about a family road trip.
Short Story
22 stories
Write a story about a road trip taking place 300 years from now.
Science Fiction
18 stories
Write a story about someone who started a road trip ten years ago and hasn't stopped since.
22 stories
Write a story about friends taking a road trip they've been planning for years.
22 stories