#255 The Five Stages
It's a commonly held belief that, when we grieve a loss, we go through five emotional phases: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and finally acceptance. Science tends to disagree; there's no actual evidence that we go through these stages, or at least not in a neat, linear fashion. But despite this, the model remains a part of our popular consciousness, and is frequently referenced in art, literature, and day-to-day conversation — perhaps because the idea of having a map to our grief, a way to organize and compartmentalize our most complicated feelings, is so alluring.
This week's contest is inspired by the model, and by the feelings described within it. Your characters don't have to be grieving a loss of some kind; they may simply be navigating the challenges of life in general. Whichever route you choose, begin with one of the five stages.
🥇 Winner
⭐️ Shortlisted
A Guide to Surviving Your Corporate Execution
Shortlisted for Contest #255 ⭐️
This week's prompts
Write a story about a someone who's in denial.
68 stories
Write a story about anger.
64 stories
Center your story around a character bargaining for something that's important to them.
43 stories
Start your story with a character in despair.
89 stories
Write a story about someone finding acceptance.
97 stories
Rain Moon Dreamer Writes About Visitors from the Afterlife
Submitted to Contest #255