#106: Periergia
Ever found yourself experiencing a newfound appreciation for something you see or do every day? Maybe you think fondly of how many people have stood on the same street corner as you, or appreciate the centuries of craftsmanship that it took to develop the humble coffee mug you hold in your hand.
When you feel like waxing lyrical about the everyday, you might call it periergia — using flowery language to describe something trivial. While this is usually a writing no-no (purple prose, anyone?), there's something irresistible about romanticizing the mundane once in a while. So this week, we’re looking for beauty in unexpected places, whether that’s a character, something they see, or anything in-between.
This week's prompts
Write about a character who’s known to be a cynic, but secretly romanticizes everything.
Valentine's Day
15 stories
A mundane ability suddenly becomes a superpower. Write about someone or something affected by this.
Middle School
26 stories
Write a story about a character who takes nothing for granted.
21 stories
Write a story about a character who’s secretly nobility.
Thriller and Suspense
16 stories
“Close Proximity” by Sue Rau
Submitted to Contest #106
“First Sight” by Amelia Ward
Submitted to Contest #106
“The Light Within” by Dr. Verse
Submitted to Contest #106
“Paradise on Earth” by Elisa Wells
Submitted to Contest #106
“Wobbly Wheels” by Karen McDermott
Submitted to Contest #106
“The Lilac Bush” by Mark Baxter
Submitted to Contest #106
“Kirschen” by Kevin Schenk
Submitted to Contest #106
“Phases” by Benny Regalbuto
Submitted to Contest #106
“The Transporter” by Michelle Gregory
Submitted to Contest #106
“The Storm Watcher” by Sarah L
Submitted to Contest #106
“The Memorial” by A. Smoak
Submitted to Contest #106
“Truly Alive” by Abigail Campbell
Submitted to Contest #106
“Perceived Potentiality” by Elizabeth Maxson
Submitted to Contest #106
“My Stellar Smeller” by Ramona Scarborough
Submitted to Contest #106
“Lights Out” by Mike Garrigan
Submitted to Contest #106
Prize money
Contest entries
Ended on 23:59 - Aug 13, 2021 EST
Won by A.Dot Ram 🏆
Title: I Was Always Good at Taboo
Submissions must be between 1,000 - 3,000 words and will be approved and published on Reedsy Prompts within 7 days of the contest closing.
Read the full terms & conditions or check out the FAQ if you have any questions!