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Author on Reedsy Prompts since Apr, 2020
Submitted to Contest #83
She arose from the ocean.Sea foam bubbled and thrived around her, jumping like fish at her feet. The water itself parted to make way for her, and she bent down to pet it, smiling and revealing perfect white teeth. Her body was perfect in every way, shape, and form. Her platinum blonde hair was as waves of pure earth, sofly reflecting the light of the sun; each strand moving freely in an ocean born breeze, a compliment to her stillness. Her sun kissed skin shone in the sunlight, as if it sparkled. With eyes of river waters, in glossy ser...
Submitted to Contest #71
My arms are wrapped tightly around my family's recipe book, the very one that my great-great-great grandmother made years ago. It holds all of the secret recipes of the Neal family, and each one has the secret ingredient that is included in any food my family makes, whether it be anywhere from pastries to pastas."Ma'am, where were you when the robbery took place?"I shift in my seat, and I can feel the blood rushing to my face. "Uh, I was in the..."The police officer rolls his eyes and raises his eyebrows. I can tell he would rather be doing ...
Submitted to Contest #70
Before we start this whole "It was her fault" sort of thing, let's get this straight. I've got a 4.8 GPA, skipped sixth grade, have joined every club possible, and still managed to screw things up with my mom. Why? Because I was dumb. But Sophia, you must be like a genius with that GPA! Yeah, well, apparently I'm smart academically, but not when it comes to life decisions. I tend to screw a lot of things up. At least I definitely didn't do anything as bad as my mom did when she was high school. That's pretty hard to beat. You'...
The man was broken. That was all there was to it.He was going faster than he should have, and he knew it.He never meant for the brakes to stop working. How was he supposed to know? If there had been any possible way to save his daughter that day, he would have done anything to fix it.Without warning, a small blur of sky blue dashed in front of the ATV, blonde hair blown straight back by the wind, waving her short arms wildly.After being convicted of involuntary manslaughter, he was carted away to the jail, alone and depressed. His only hope ...
Submitted to Contest #64
Do you remember that day?The one where you almost died? I remember very clearly what I said to you as you told me to run; to save myself."If you die, I die."That brought tears to your eyes. Your beautiful eyes.Blue as a clear sky on a summer day. Your blonde hair was turned black with soot and ash, your throat was clogged with smoke as you tried to cough it out.But you will always be beautiful, inside or out, no matter what you look like, where you are, or what you do. And as I saw you trapped, mouth open in a silent scream of plea that nobo...
Just a little bit of background: I wrote a story a couple weeks ago, and people really seemed to enjoy it. So here I am, making a part 2 (It's about what led up to Callie creating the portal). Hope you guys enjoy!Fortune tellers.All this hanky-panky palm reading and crystal ball seeing is starting to get to me.Don't get me wrong, it's a fun experience and all, but I've just never really cared about what they say.For instance, one told my mother that I was "destined for greatness" and "going to make the world a better place."That's funny. I c...
Submitted to Contest #62
novembir 2 2013 i put a peese of cande in the time capsol toda there are 2 things in it now. mommy said aftr lots of yers of puting things in it we can bary it undurgrond and i can look at it in a lon time. rite now i am 7 so it wil be alon time befor i can opin it. i wondr if the cande will be good enuf to eat when i opin it agan. August 16, 2016 Hello diary it has been a while. I think that this writing will be better thogh because I have been to school for 6 years so I know a lot more about grammar. It will not be perfect yet. ...
I keep pedaling, inching toward my destination and enjoying the newly cool air. It has been a lovely day; the first of all the days of spring, with crocuses and daisies in the neighbor's garden, and white asters blooming all around.I don't simply like nature, but I rather love it. The trees and the flowers and the animals who lasted all around. Imagining all of nature destroyed would be like leaving my soul gasping for breath.On the city streets I am a walking wallet, a consumer, a citizen. There are rules of conduct any which way you go. I ...
Submitted to Contest #60
Most people are scared after and during an apocalypse. Am I?Nah.I basically run around with LOSER tattooed on my forehead; I'm sure a few zombies aren't scarier than half the bullies at Gire High School.I'm that Harry Potter nerd. The computer nerd. The Percy Jackson nerd. Guess what?I'm a nerd.You know, in case you haven't noticed.Want to know what's ironic? My best friend is captain of the football team. Boy, does that have its advantages. My bestie can beat up Andrew Vanderwalk, Jake "The Pit (DON'T ask, you'll regret it)" Jackson, and ab...
Submitted to Contest #59
The last glimmer of starlight dims and goes out as the holes in the sky are sewn up. I look around me, hoping to somehow find out where I am, where I came from, and who I am. But all I see is black."Haley." A female voice calls out softly to me, almost a whisper. I drop a crumpled up piece of paper I didn't realize I had been holding, but I pay no attention to it. I turn around, but see nothing. The floor of wherever I am is covered by water, about half an inch deep. It is warm."Who are you?" I am confused. I am worried. I am scared. I have ...
Submitted to Contest #49
As the allotted time draws near, the steady summer heat becomes far less bearable; I want the air conditioning of the mall, not the filthy downtown sidewalk. I can't sit on the burning tarmac, so the best I can do is prop myself up against the lamppost, letting my eyes move over the scars in the paintwork. I run my hand over the rough paint and feel my insides squirm in a way they haven't done since the last job interview I went to.I wonder what this Joel will be like. I don't know his age, what he drives, or whether he likes the kind of mus...
"Are you waiting for somebody, too?" he asks, casually flicking a cigarette onto the ground. I shift in my seat on the bench, about 3 feet away from him."You could say that, yes."The young man pauses. "Ah. You would rather me not know.""It's not that, no...I don't mean to be rude. Sorry." He's awfully handsome. His dark brown hair moves slightly in the soft wind, and his blue eyes glisten in the moonlight. He wears a black leather jacket; his hands shoved into the pockets. His ripped jeans are a little bit too short, but a person would not n...
Submitted to Contest #44
You know, I'd hate to kill you.But I will.The funny thing is, you think you don't know who I am. But you do. I assure you, you know exactly who I am.I am you.I wish I could save you, I truly do. But he has taken over my mind, my spirit. And now I must kill you.Oh, I'm sure you have many questions. I will answer them all in good time. First, I think I'll answer the most important question: How am I to kill you?It's very simple, really. I won't go into details; it'll be more exciting that you don't know what's coming. But let me say, it will n...
The man sat at my father's desk, feet kicked up and a cigarette dangling dangling from his mouth. He wore a cowboy hat that flopped over half of his face, revealing only a long, crooked nose and what was left of a freshly shaved beard. The feet that were carelessly plopped onto the desk wore big, bulky cowboy boots, the kind that clinked when you walked.I dropped my suitcase onto the floor none too lightly, and the man sat up suddenly, blinking rapidly. His cowboy hat fell to the floor, and his cigarette landed on his lap, which he quickly s...
Submitted to Contest #42
1.You are Dr. John Freeman, a 34-year-old millionaire for finding the cure to Leukemia. You have recently been put in jail for accused murder, and have been sentenced to 113 years in prison. You know you are innocent, but there is no proof. You must get out of here somehow. You get one call with somebody, and you know you must pick wisely. After a lot of thinking, you decide you want to call another doctor, who helped you find the cure but got no credit. You know she would want some money. So now you sit across Dr. Diana Cross, who glares at...
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