Unicorn Goddess

Author on Reedsy Prompts since Jun, 2020

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This Diary belongs to : Micheal K June 8, 1974, Today I set out on my journey to find the unknown. Unfortunately I am still unsure what exactly it is I am looking for.I have found a place to sleep under a large oak tree. June 9, 1974, Today I was feeling much better than yesterday.I was quite happy to wake up and see the fact that it was a beautiful day outside. June 10, 1974 Today I was looking at some wild flowers, and I swear it looked like one of them was staring right at me. I know I should be exploring but I felt like I should stay here tonight. June 11, 1974 I set off on my journey early and bright in the morning. I had walked a few hours to see a whole new scenery. I saw those wild flowers again tho this time it looked as if they were all staring right at me. June 12, 1974, I walked further and further so I could reach an entirely different type of landscape. I saw them again, I saw the flowers. June 13, 1974, Ikeep seeing the flowers, they are always there. They never leave me alone. June 86 1974, wHat a lovELy day. Perhaps it is just me tho. June 9823 1974, COME COME THE FLOWERS SMELL LOVELY