Sushant Pandey

Author on Reedsy Prompts since Jan, 2022

Author bio

I am a reader and a writer who likes reading genres filled with action, adventure, fantasy, thriller, historical fiction, non-fiction, and many more which I don't know right now because I am clumsy. I read many webtoons till now and they all are awesome. Because of them, thoughts started to stir up my mind like this, "Will I be able to write something like this?" "If I wrote something, will readers read it?" "Will my work-able to stir up someone's mind like those books did to me?" And with questions like this, I started my journey to be a good author. I don't know when it will happen, but I know that I can do it If I put effort into it. But I need readers to help with it, they can do by commenting on it because it will help write a good story like those webtoons because readers can help an author write a good story, then a book, a novel, etc.