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Author on Reedsy Prompts since Aug, 2019
Bael-Roan Island 3089Remy adjusted the soft creamy gloves as she looked in the hall mirror; her eyes roamed over the rich cream silk of her jacket and delicately ruffled skirt, fuchsia bows decorated the front of her gown and a large fuchsia bow that sat on top of her bustle. Her hat was just as elegant as her gown, made of the same creamy silk with a short white net veil that covered her left eye, tiny diamonds decorated the net veil. Remy's chocolate brown hair braided into a chignon with little tendrils that curled in front of her ears, p...
Submitted to Contest #101
Katie walked slowly through the antique store. She was looking for a vintage mirror, a sigh of frustration escaped her lips, this was the fourth antique store she had been to. Each mirror she looked at seemed to be 20 years old. Katie wanted something unique yet elegant and somewhere between 80 and 100 years old. A flash of silver caught her eye, taking a step closer to the gleaming silver; her fingers gently brushed some of the dust off before she used both hands to carefully pull it out of the stack of mirrors. 'This is exactly what I've ...
Submitted to Contest #92
Jaymie adjusted the backpack resting on her shoulders, sweat slowly rolling down her face; the heat from the sun pressed down on her as she continued to hike up the steep mountain trail. Her grandfather's cabin sat at the top of the hill, abandoned for the last dozen years. Jaymie remembered hiking to the cabin as a child with her family. Late last night, she decided that would hike and see what was left of the building that her grandfather had built so many years ago. Streams of sunlight winked at her from the spaces between the green leav...
Submitted to Contest #81
Evelyn's weathered hands once again tied the apron strings behind her back into a perfect bow; the smell of bread filled the tiny kitchen alongside the smell of meat pies. She checked on the progress of the food before swiftly moving to the dining room; Evelyn gathered the fine china crockery, pure silver silverware and snow white candles from the china cabinet. As was her habit each Sunday, Evelyn laid out the lace table cloths and decorated the table with her best crockery and utensils as she cooked her dear Albert's favourite meal: meat...
Kate balanced on the ladder as her eyes scanning the bookshelves, hoping to find a copy of The Canterbury Tales. After a few moments Kate finally located the leather bound volume, unfortunately the book sat just out of her reach. Kate leaned as far as she dared to try and reach the book, her fingers lightly brushing the spine. 'Just...a...little...further...' she thought when she lost her footing, she braced her body for the inevitable landing. Her eyes were still squeezed shut when she realized that two strong arms were holding her; taking ...
Submitted to Contest #77
Bridget pulled her car over to the side of the road, she couldn't hold back the tears anymore. As soon as the car was turned off, tears streamed down her cheeks; Bridget felt as thought she were gasping for air as she tightly squeezed her eyes shut. The past few months were finally catching up with her, she couldn't remember the last time she had felt so overwhelmed with panic at what she was about to do. 'I assured my family I would be alright,” sobbed Bridget furiously wiping the salty tears from her eyes, 'I need to do this...I have to ge...
Submitted to Contest #73
Charlie's eyes popped open when someone knocked loudly and repeatedly on his apartment door; a groan escaped his lips as he rolled from his bed and stumbled to the door. He wiped a hand over his face in an attempt to erase the sleep from his eyes. “I'm coming!” Charlie growled as he squinted at the kitchen clock: 5:15 am. 'Seriously, this had better be good!' He peered through the peephole, a delivery man stood on the other side of the door; the man anxiously looked down and looked as though he were trying to shush something or someone he c...
Submitted to Contest #68
It had been twenty-four years since she'd last seen it, but the place looked exactly the same. Ruby's eyes crinkled as she smiled fondly at the run down cabin that had been in hiding for over a decade in the middle of the woods. Ruby leaned on her cane as she slowly walked towards the cabin that had once provided her escape. She marveled over at the moss covered building, it looked as though it could collapse at any moment and yet, it looked so strong at the same time. Ruby continued to make her way over to the cabin that held so many memori...
Submitted to Contest #67
Through tired eyes, Lydia managed to unlock the door to her apartment; once inside, her suitcases fell to the floor with a loud, jolting thud. With a sigh, she looked at the ticking clock: 3 am. Lydia decided to save the unpacking for the morning when she had more energy. After she had changed into her pyjamas and had a mug of steaming hot tea, Lydia sat down on the window seat, the open window allowed the fresh, cool air to cover her like a blanket. Her eyes followed the rain plummeting to the ground below, 'It's not much of a view, but I...
Submitted to Contest #65
10 years earlier '“How do I know it worked?” asked Henry quizzically “Just wait a few moments and you will have everything you’ve ever wanted.” growled Muhtal his sinister smirk seemed to grow more malevolent by the second Before Henry could ask any more questions, a searing pain scorched his body; a pain filled howl ripped from his throat. Henry looked down at his hands, his hands grew larger, his nails became dangerously sharp claws! The pain overtook his body, he sank clumsily to his knees; Henry looked up at the genie, his eyes ...
Submitted to Contest #60
3024 There weren't any warning signs. It all happened so quickly, no one had time to prepare for what was happening. The Government's army had begun their take over quietly. They distributed damaging information about the President and members of Parliament, this caused unrest among the people. The Government tried everything to assure the country that the flyers posted everywhere were false; this temporarily worked and everything quieted down. Everything seeming normal, the army stayed quiet and no one suspected. They made their move in...
Submitted to Contest #59
“Honey...Kaiya,” grinned Ben gently shaking awake, “We're here...” “Huh?” gasped Kaiya snorting as she jolted awake, when she heard her husband chuckle, Kaiya playfully shoved his shoulder. “We should be pulling up at the bed and breakfast in about ten minutes.” chuckled Ben flipping on the turning signal Kaiya gazed out the window as they drove past a lake, a smile touched her lips when she saw the beach. The brochure promoting the town of Juaqwin promised beautiful hiking trails, a small beach with a large clear lake; the photos of the t...
6:30 am Florida-Georgia Line begins to play softly, causing the cell phone to light up; sleepily Rachel swipes the snooze button. Placing the phone by her hip, she keeps her thumb over the phones speaker to make the sound of the alarm even softer. Her entire body begins to tremble as she awaits the dreaded call. After some time passes, Rachel falls back into a fitful sleep, anxious thoughts in the back of her mind keeps her from gaining a deep peaceful slumber. A couple of hours later, she's awake again, blinking the sleep away despite...
Submitted to Contest #58
Laura winced as she walked down the long hallway, after an eight hour shift at the law firm in stilettos, she was more than happy to go home. A wide smile lit up her face as she remembered the look on Jeffery's face when she told him her last shift was that very day; he tried to convince her to stay with promises with a raise and a better office. 'I think leaving is the smartest thing I have ever done,' grinned Laura pressing the down button to summon the elevator, 'now I can finally live my dream as an photographer.' Moments later, a cheer...
Submitted to Contest #52
Sweat rolled down her forehead, Anya continued to toss and turn as a low moan escaped her lips; panic curdled in her stomach causing it race up her body. Ice blue eyes and a mocking sneer refused to allow her to escape him. A bloodcurdling scream ripped free from her throat, her body snapped up from the mattress; Anya's eyes were wild with fear as she gasped for breath. It seemed that no matter what she did, Lincoln would always haunt her dreams. Sighing, Anya slipped from her bed and headed for the bathroom; as was her custom each night af...
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