Megan Mixon

Author on Reedsy Prompts since Dec, 2021

Author bio

In elementary school, this kid and I decided to have a book race, and not the kind you're thinking of. We weren't racing to see who could read something the fastest. We were racing to see who could write a novel and get published first. Granted, I don't think anyone would've wanted to publish our second grade ramblings, but to my knowledge, neither one of us have won the race yet. Needless to say, I've been storytelling for as long as I can remember. Recently, I graduated from film school with a minor in creative writing. Film is fun and all, but there's something absolutely addictive about writing prose to me - even if I'm a more visual thinker. Sci-Fi and Fantasy are my favorite genres, so you'll find that's what I primarily write in!