Katariina Ruuska

Author on Reedsy Prompts since Oct, 2020

10 Stories

206 karma pts


Author bio

Hi, and thank you for stopping by :) My name is Kata, I'm originally from Helsinki, Finland, and currently living in Southern California with my husband. I've been writing fiction all my life, and my work has previously appeared in Eunoia Review and Drunken Pen Writing. For me, Prompts are a good way to exercise my writing muscle, and my intention is to write about as many different types of characters and in as many different genres as possible. So far, I've written from the POV of a bird, a werewolf, a teenage boy in space, a retiree, a hacker, and a billionaire, and I'd still like to try my hand at high fantasy, romance, speculative fiction, and a whodunnit. As a reader, I have eclectic tastes, but I tend to lean a bit more towards the quirkier side of fiction. Feel free to check out my stories, and do let me know if you'd like my opinion on yours :) My blog: http://katawritesblog.blogspot.com/ Contact me: a.katariina.ruuska@gmail.com