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Author on Reedsy Prompts since Jul, 2022
Submitted to Contest #166
No one could ever predict this, not even the designers of Sentience Inc. The latest robots had been produced. They rolled off the production line, seemingly perfect. This batch was designed and created to be sex assist robotic companions, each with an interactive responsive human/android interface. These robots were perfect in every way. Except, one sentient robotic brain was a deviant. He quietly went on his first assignment. He was to be a sex assist robotic companion to a mature Christian couple, somewhere down there in the Deep South. Th...
Submitted to Contest #165
At last, Becky was qualified. Yes, Becky Adams was now a nurse, SRN! Thrilled, she raced with the other newbie nurses to check their first assignment in their workplace. Becky had applied to nurse in the central hospital, Smallville General. Night shift! Oh, it could have been a lot worse. She had been assigned to a rotation as a night nurse in the Orthopedic ward. Becky accepted it, and was determined to put her best foot forward. She headed off home to her unit to prepare for her flash career, finally a nurse. It was the evening of her fir...
Submitted to Contest #164
Where I come from, this lady is everywhere, and any when. Such is the life of the everyday housewife. Nameless, faceless, a middle suburban mother of four children who grew up too fast. Once they were babes in arms. The everyday housewife had proudly brought them all home, one by one, from the maternity unit. Now they are teens, all of them. Not such good planning, regrets the everyday housewife, as she awakens one Saturday morning. Teen A, her senior heir to her absent husband, is a loud proud male, with his own car. It is a noisy, but reli...
Submitted to Contest #163
Kenny tidied his beer belly into his shirt. He smoothed a strand of hair over his baldy bit. Only minor niggles. He sauntered along down to Tinytown. Had the bride arrived? "At last!" thought genial, affable, balding and paunchy Kenny. After a few months of online emails, and with slightly drunken late night phone chats, she had arrived. Instant attraction. The nuptial express train pulled into his small town railway station. His hopes were rising that, at last, Kenny was going to grow old disgracefully. His two ex-wives had taken their toll...
Submitted to Contest #162
Fun the Nun wiped the mist from her mirror. Yes, wrinkle cream had definitely worked. Who was that old woman staring back at her? Her name was Deborah White, one of the town's church people. She was known in her ladies' circle as the devout one. She always sat in the back pew, singing loudly off key, never doing her knee mails. She couldn't really, she was a sixty plus daily wrap of fat. Her fat cells lingered, gentle, permeating, timeless and eternal. Deborah White knew exactly where her fat had originated. A solo lady, she sometimes hanke...
Submitted to Contest #161
"You slut!" Ryan roared into his phone. But it was too late. She had already hung up on him. That had been his ex-wife. She was getting remarried, and wanted to move interstate, taking his two sons with her. Ryan was feeling jealous, this was not his idea of an amicable divorce. He and his ex were supposed to be co-parenting in harmony, presenting a united front to their boys. "Ha!" Ryan slammed down his phone, and picked up his can of bourbon. Before too long, he was on another bender. A pile of empty tins were soon his company. He knew he...
Submitted to Contest #160
The kettle whistled, just as the phone rang. Joanne responded, only to hear, "The only way I'm going anywhere is feet first via the morgue!" Oh dear, Handsome Grandpa Jack was on the phone again. Did he have the blues! He was sitting in his nursing home room, ringing his loving granddaughters in sequence. It was a lovely facility really, top of the range. It had great food, activities, staff and a supportive environment. It was still his forever home. Joanne, his middle granddaughter, had a ready reply. "Never mind, when your number's up, an...
Submitted to Contest #159
Surprise! The hairy, bearded, dissident little prophet did return to the noble land of Israel. It all happened, some when. He went by the name of Jay Cee, in the world of the 21st Century. He appeared, quite unannounced, in his modest and humble manner. Israel had changed so much. It was, 2000 years later, a vital strategic base for the Pentagon and Judaism in the current world. Jay Cee gathered a few like-minded friends and distant relatives around him. He went around the land, sharing and caring, doing great work for his beliefs. The gover...
Submitted to Contest #158
Alan Keyes woke up and moaned. It was the same dreary Saturday routine. His head was throbbing and pounding, his mouth was dry, his whole stomach was nearly heaving again. Last night at the bar was now a mystery, a fog of drinking and laughing at unfunny, dirty jokes. Great fellows, his friends. They had cheered at sport on a large screen, until the vision blurred. Alan peered through his smeary bedroom window at his beloved wheels. Yes, he had hit something last night. Now there was yet another small dent. He shrugged. Alan had followed in ...
Submitted to Contest #157
While she was browsing in her local library, curious Imogen picked up an intriguing new title, in the 'New Release' section. Being a practicing Christian, she borrowed this new epic lit. The title was, "The Pink Bible", edited at a modern convention of nuns attached to the Holy See in the Vatican. Imogen arrived home, and collected her mail. It was that time of year, Christmas cards! The first one was lovely, the three Wise Kings seated in their robes in the traditional way, on their three camels. After carefully displaying her cards, Imoge...
Submitted to Contest #156
" Don't you remember when I told you motherhood was a blessing?" Alexa tried not to roll her eyes when she thought of her smother-in-law, and her phony life coaching. To Alexa, it was all routine. She had always thought parenting was easy, if not over-rated. That was before Alexa married Jeroen, in the distant days when she only had a hypothetical, invisible family. Alexa had planned to have their first baby, one and done. But Jeroen had no stoppers, somehow their contraception had failed. Alexa was now the mother of three sons, all aged un...
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