John Van Wageningen
Author on Reedsy Prompts since Oct, 2019
Author on Reedsy Prompts since Oct, 2019
Submitted to Contest #146
Submitted to Contest #11
Hi, I’m John Van Wageningen. I’m retired and live with my wife in a mud brick home on twenty acres in the Australian bush. My main job for a large part of my life was as a postman but I also worked as an assistant in a local library a few years before I finally retired. I’ve always loved books and tried several times to write, even enrolling in a writing course as a young adult. But like most projects in my life, I never finished it. I have a small collection of unfinished stories and ideas that have been gathering dust in an old cupboard in the shed and only recently fished them out and took a new interest in perhaps trying to finish them. I’m 72 years old.