Jennifer Marchman
Author on Reedsy Prompts since Jan, 2022
Author on Reedsy Prompts since Jan, 2022
Submitted to Contest #129
Jennifer Marchman lives in Austin, Texas with her husband, three nearly-grown children, and the best dog in the world. At different times, she has worn various authorial hats, including ghostwriter-memoirist, editor, curriculum writer, educational blogger, grant writer, and addicted social media oversharer, but now, after many years, she’s writing for pleasure. She also enjoys flamenco dancing, is the proud owner of a white belt in jiu-jitsu, and wishes to compete internationally in mounted archery, but lacks a ticket to Kazakhstan. She has toyed with the idea of picking up pottery again but needs more hours in her day and a husband willing to install (for the fourth time) the necessary electrical outlet for a kiln that may likely go unused. www.jennifermarchman.com