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Author on Reedsy Prompts since Apr, 2020
Submitted to Contest #264
On her 70th birthday Alice knew she was in trouble.Unlike the blessed virgin Mary, no angels were lurking above awaiting to impregnate her. Or worse than that, she didn’t have a horny old Abraham itching to get a son out of her 90 year old body.Sarah’s tolerance was much greater than Alice’s.Alice was actually a rather chaste celibate. She had been penis free for close to 30 years and though she enjoyed the freedom that went with this status, occasionally she was tempted.The day it dawned on her that change might be brewing was a strang...
Submitted to Contest #263
Today seems packed with memories and stories.As I reflect back over recent years, especially the last 75, battle scenes drift across the landscape.I often feel like I’ve come through several wars and as I age, the battle scars heal slowly.I’ve stood against some formidable enemies and faced death several times.As a Leo, born in the year of the Ox, I arrived those many days ago destined for battle.There may have been real enemies hiding on the periphery of my consciousness and yet, it was those nearest and dearest to me who stabbed me repeate...
Submitted to Contest #261
My blood begins to boil as my resentments rise.The temperature in my suite is edging up to combustion level. I’m almost willing to endure the 450+F. that promises to destroy those things that bug me the most.I’ve been told I need to leave my apartment for 8 hours while this intrusive treatment takes place.I’m not happy. Water boils at 212F. Apparently it freezes at 32F.Hell’s bell’s for elections that’s mighty cold, I’m thinking about running and jumping into the hot pot.I sullenly turn to the one remedy that has served me well over the yea...
Submitted to Contest #258
"Strange Lands Invaded by Foreigner.”‘I've needed to take a little time.’Okay, back up a bit. I’ve needed to take a LOT of time.My brain aches as memories cascade. I want to say, “Cascade like dominos.” However as those words circle the bottom of the sink, watery images rise out of the steam of a thousand years of war. My brain hurts even more as I think of all my friends who’ve passed on to another realm, or simply gone back into some mindless void. I go back to the old days when we were all not dead.Hmmm. Very interes...
Submitted to Contest #256
Ground Zero and Square one sometimes seem to blend together. Once when I was in my 50s, I asked my mother a rather simple question.“Mom, if you had it to do over again, would you have had me?”My heart, if not in my throat, was throbbing quietly to a fear that scrambled for escape.My mother, a rather taciturn blend of Scottish, Irish, English genes was somewhat unpredictable.She could morph from a sweet loving woman who would allow you to nestle beneath her ample bosom into a straight laced Victorian prude who removed you firmly from that spo...
Submitted to Contest #253
‘Twas the night before I lost my right arm.Ok that might be a slight exaggeration but for all intents and purposes the exact truth.I sit with a stuffed turtle given to me by a feral young woman who pulled it out of her backpack and insisted I needed it.We had never met before but she told me she’d dreamed about me and that she was told to give me her turtle. She told me her name was Morning Star and that it was time for me to listen to her turtle and that his message was, “Slow down!” We both cry as I hold her in my arms. We each u...
Submitted to Contest #252
“Slow Down”byJeanne Labelle-PotvinI remember. And yet I’ve been told so often, “That’s impossible. You couldn’t remember that.” As I do my best to believe these doubtful Toms, strange things begin to percolate from somewhere deep inside the very core of my being. I watch as pictures dance before me, visions projected through my eyes onto the screen of reality. I remember.It was a long time ago. I’m peacefully asleep, wrapped snugly inside a cocoon of indescribable softness.There are pathways inside my brain that are being laid care...
Submitted to Contest #230
Jean-Luc was a man of many fantasies.His most persistent ones were somewhat delusional and had begun early in his life. He had been a quiet child, somewhat introverted and yet had a way of firmly holding stage center. When he was quite young, his parents began to be concerned about the slightly kinky nature of his narratives and often tried to temper his stories of murder and mayhem. They weren’t very successful.Time passed and Jean-Luc gradually learned to reign in his imagination. The look of shock and horror on his aud...
Submitted to Contest #220
“Are you hungry?”A rather simple question and yet for some, the answer lies deeply hidden beneath layers of complexity.He was very hungry. Though the family kitchen held copious amounts of food, to the little boy it was empty. To the uneducated eye his belief of emptiness was somewhat delusional.None the less, his hunger persisted. Empty promises lurked menacingly behind boxes and bags of food.He was just a little boy who lived with a good family. They looked after him as best as they could, but he had a hole somewhere in his belly that neve...
Submitted to Contest #194
It was the fourth day of the fourth month of the year 2024. I would soon be turning 74, and as I approached that landmark, I began to reminisce about the years I had wandered this planet I called home.I occasionally visited a time many years before. It was not a time I like to remember and I was grateful that as the years passed, the memories had become softer, and a little bit more gentle. I still approached cautiously for there were days when the images filled my brain with ugliness that spilled down throughout the veins and arte...
Submitted to Contest #189
It was so terribly cold. Snow was falling and it was almost dark.Sally sat in her kitchen, wrapped in several layers of guilt.She covered her ears as the loud howls from outside slowly quieted, petering off into almost silent whimpering.Her ordeal had begun several years earlier.Her children, aided and abetted by her husband had coerced her with their constant, pleas for a dog.Against her better judgment, Sally finally gave in to the pressure from her family.The reality was that with a working husband, five children under the age of 15 and a...
Submitted to Contest #167
I begin dreaming of endings.Scene after scene endlessly play across the stage that fills my head.Old movies race towards the finish line. The final credits roll down the incline, crowding my vision with shadows and shades.It is the final scene of “Raising Arizona”.I stand behind Nick Cage as he speaks of the child he and Holly Hunter once stole.Their movie characters desperately wanted a baby and believed that the Arizona couple who'd just had sextuplets wouldn't miss one.Turns out they were wrong.The pair eventually return the boy to his ho...
Submitted to Contest #166
Lilith was furious. Furious and disgusted with her nemesis Ginny.She put her hands up in the air, uttering the words that signalled her defeat.“I give up, I just can’t take this anymore, I QUIT!”Once again she’d found Ginny standing at the kitchen sink, weeping, paring knife in her hand, watching the rich, ruby red liquid pour into the sink,Once again she had endured hearing Ginny begin to sing, “Only women bleed”.The woman knew this wasn’t quite true and yet….she wept.Thankfully, Lilith truly had given up.Her decision to quit rescuing Ginny...
Submitted to Contest #165
Barry’s excitement had reached a breaking level.The short whip he held in his hand dripped blood and skin. As he looked over his shoulder into a mirror, it dawned on him there was a very fine line between religious discipline, flagellation and sexual gratification.He broke that line often.His exercise in repentance had begun somewhat innocently.It was the ninth month of a year that had been a great test for this doggedly devout man.He had been working on clearing himself of character defects and in the process became glaringly aware of sever...
Submitted to Contest #163
I’ve faced death in my life.The first time I remember, was the day my maternal grandmother died.She was 47, and I was 7. Months. Inutreo.You might say, “Well, that is sad but hardly a big deal. After all, you weren’t yet born. It really isn’t possible that you could remember her.”“Ha!”, is my reply.Here is my memory of that day.It is May the 29th, 1949. I’m peacefully contemplating my day. The routine has been reassuring and quite gentle. My mother is humming to herself, getting ready to go out to her beloved garden. Someone knock...
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