E. K. Rebeles

Author on Reedsy Prompts since Aug, 2020

7 Stories

110 karma pts


Author bio

I am a recovering perfectionist seeking to learn how to overcome failure by allowing myself to engage in vulnerable and creative endeavors. I've had a love for sharing and listening to stories with friends and family for as long as I can remember. I believe this is how we connect with each other and how we learn empathy. With the recent long-term quarantine, I've been gifted some extra time and a strong desire to learn something new. Hence, I'm diving into my writing journey. Being a goal-driven person, I will share my goals here for accountability: 1.) Post at least one short story per contest each week until 2021. 2.) Absorb the wisdom and coaching anyone is gracious enough to offer me. I accept all kinds of feedback - as long as I am learning! :) Thank you in advance for any coaching you are able to offer me! 3.) Help anyone who may have less experience than me. 4.) Meet some new friends and inspirational folks.