Del Gibson

Author on Reedsy Prompts since Aug, 2021

24 Stories

500 karma pts


Author bio

Hello all fellow writers. Here is a little about myself. I have been writing forever, but have only recently, in the past three years, decided to change my life path. Now I am a writer and I feel my life is where it should be. Mostly I write dark paranormal stories, and I have written a macabre, dark paranormal novel, that is currently being looked at by a few publishers - awaiting a response at this time. Since I have been submitting short stories to Reedsy, I have broadened my writing genre. As you will see, I write some comedy, real life issues and some crime and drama. Though my main focus is to introduce more horror writing into my country New Zealand, as there is a hole there, and most of the horror comes from men in this country. I hope you enjoy reading my stories, they bring me joy to write.