Cotton Candy

Author on Reedsy Prompts since Nov, 2020

Cotton hasn't submitted any stories yet!

Author bio

I'd say I've been writing for a long time, but I really only got into it a little over two years ago. My strength in writing is probably my odd, demented sense of humor. My biggest weakness, is spelling. Hence the reason I write on the computer. If you're anything like me and read the authors biography before reading their books, then I'll tell you a little about my books here. If you're one of those people that like to read to relax after a long day, and don't want to read something that requires brain cells, then my stories are perfect for you! To be honest, I myself write my stories using only one of my four brain cells. Reading this over I realize this is not a biography at all. Although, that's basically how my stories go. If I plan to write something, 99.9% of the time something different happens. In any case, I have sort-of-a biography now, and thanks for reading!