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Author on Reedsy Prompts since Aug, 2019
‘HERE WE ARE; I hope you’re happy,’ said Edgar. ‘Do I take it that you are unhappy?’ asked Arthur. The “Blue” bus chugged to a halt behind the market. The morning rush had ended, and shoppers laden with fresh goods had trekked to restaurants, hotels and homes. Tuk-Tuks queued for fares. The two tourists battled to get more room and squeezed in. The driver worried about the weight, but speaking no English he was lumbered with the pair. Scared he would need to pedal uphill, he was relieved that he could run at least part way downhill towards t...
‘LOOK, I’VE HAD it up to here.’ Daniel stretched as high as he could reach. His workmates grinned; they held back the usual laughs they shared with him. They suspected something was wrong with him. ‘I don’t need to work in this office; I can work from home. Look at Jenny; she completes her tasks on time and just had a baby.’ They all grinned again, this time less sure than before. Adam tapped Beth’s thigh, and they smirked. ‘What is going on with him?’ asked Adam.‘Sir, I want to work from home, actually online. Is that okay?’‘You only live n...
‘MUM, CAN I look at the old photo albums?’‘Of course, you can dear.’‘I miss Dad so much, I hope if I see his picture he will come back.’‘Oh, darling, I’m so sorry, he will never come back.’‘Will I see him in heaven?’‘Don’t cry, Julie, or you’ll start me off.’‘I’ve never seen you cry. Aren’t you sad?’‘Of course, I am, but people show their grief in different ways. Go on up you go and look at our family snaps.’‘Can I take your phone with me? Then I can see more recent shots?’‘Okay, but if it rings, run down to me instantly.’ 'Is that your Dad’...
‘CHRIST, IT’S BOILING,’ said Giles to himself. He had no friends, and his family barely spoke to him. So, he decided Thailand was the perfect place to escape to. He travelled alone. ‘Go to Pattaya, you’ll love it,’ said one of the guys at the factory.‘Yeah, even you might find a girlfriend there.’ Laughed another.So, Giles searched Google for holidays in “The Land of Smiles”.He then looked for the cheapest flight to Bangkok. Two weeks later he clasped his previously unused passport and headed for Heathrow. The flight was late, but it didn’t ...
‘I DON’T WANT you getting drunk.’ ‘No, Dad, I won’t,’ said Jennifer. ‘I remember when I was eighteen…’ ‘Yes, Dad. I know.’ ‘Look you’re my only daughter. I don’t want anything happening to you.’ ‘Okay, Dad, I’m old enough to look after myself. We’re only going to Winkers.’ ‘Yes, I know what goes on in there.’ ‘Dad, I can show them ID at last, and they will let me in. Stop going on.’ ‘You said, “We’re only going”, who are you going with?’ ‘Please, give it a rest. I’m going with the group I go to the pub with.’ ‘Yeah, you weren’t old enough t...
PATRICK WALKED AT a gentle pace, there was no rush. He knew he was lying to himself. He lengthened his stride. He was on a footpath between paddy fields. Most of his neighbours grew rice. A few enjoyed the peace of countryside living without the need to work. Others, like Patrick, worked online and braved the twenty-minute run into Bangkok when needed. Patrick and his wife had differing dreams. He loved quiet, and she loved city lights. To live in the fields is considered a backward step for a Bangkok bar girl like Nong Moo. Moo lived the go...
NAKED SHOULDER MUSCLES twinged as Jeff stared into the dark night ahead. He peered up at the stars, no answer bounced down at his balcony. He grunted and studied the full moon, but still no response from the heavens. His girlfriend lay dead behind him. ‘Sorry,’ he whispered. He jumped across her body and hopped to the bedroom. ‘Where did she put my clean clothes?’ He opened drawer after drawer. ‘At last,’ he grunted. Clean boxers, and fresh Levis, both pulled out and sniffed at. Then a pristine white shirt dangled in front of his nose. Ear...
‘Where did Conny go?’ asked Mark. ‘No idea, he just up here and went,’ said Pete. ‘He did the same last night. What is going on?’ Their food arrived simultaneously: a plate of crispy pork from the stall they were sitting at and a less spicy bowl of noodles from next door. Smiles from the stallholders and customers as the plates slid across the table. Pete could eat chillis like a Thai, but Mark struggled with anything hotter than ketchup. ‘How is your room?’ asked Pete. ‘Fine, same as yours I guess?’ ‘The hotel is great value, okay, not on ...
‘YOU’RE BETTER THAN THIS.’ ‘Yeah. Then what?’ ‘Sports writer for some local rag? Come on,’ Bert, the night editor said. ‘I’ve been scribbling about the local football all day. Now, I’m waiting for our local cricketing hero to score a few runs in Australia. Four in the morning in London, and it rains in Sydney. I’m knackered and have wasted my time, our star player is in the pavilion drinking tea.’ said Rick. They both laughed. ‘If you worked for a decent paper they would have flown you out there.’ ‘Yes, but I work here with you darling,’ bot...
‘YOU MUST COME to my shop. And I mean, now!’ Reah said as she grinned into her mobile. ‘Why? You know I can’t afford anything in there,’ said Bella. ‘Come anyway. You will love this.’ ‘What have you got?’ ‘Come and see. I’ll even treat you to a coffee.’ ‘Big deal. See you soon.’ ‘Are you going to look for a job today?’ asked Bella’s mum as the front door opened. ‘Yes, Mum,’ lied Bella. ‘Don’t forget I need you to look after Gran later.’ ‘No, Mum.’ ‘Is that coffee ready, I need it.’ ‘Stressful at home is it?’ asked Reah. ‘Christ, if only you ...
‘HERE SHE COMES. Her long flowing skirt dances as the coming storm teases the edge of town. It is on its way. A woollen jacket’s large buttons are undone. But each half wrapped one side over the other and held in place by delicate pink and gracefully artistic hands. The right hand is caught in two minds as the wind tries to steal her blue and white cap. No chance, her mind and movement are far too quick.’ I knew she would be aiming for her favourite coffee shop. I’m already there. She won’t see me. The moment I dreaded has arrived, she kis...
‘GREAT IDEA. We come out here in the freezing cold for what?’ asked Mandy. ‘Because I need you to see,’ answered Pippa. ‘See what? There is nothing out here.’ ‘Are you sure?’ ‘What are you talking about? I’m going back home.’ ‘Look again.’ ‘There is still nothing.’ ‘Now follow me slowly and quietly. There, through the branches, see.’ ‘Have you gone mad?’ asked Mandy. ‘Can you see anything moving behind that Robin?’ ‘I can see some smoke. Is that what you mean?’ ‘My God, it is not smoke. Can’t you see a face?’ ‘Have you been drinking?’ ‘Of co...
'OH, CHRIST,' Bertie screamed as he tumbled head-first between packed tables. 'Sorry, I'm so sorry,' he said, repeatedly pulling himself onto his feet. Diners brushed noodles from their clothing. Bertie was lucky; he would be mopping up blood from a punch on the nose in England. Here, people accepted accidents and a refreshed bowl of limp noodles. His shirt smelled like a filthy kitchen after a night shift. He wrung cold soup from the once crisply ironed cotton. It was no longer the pristine white as it was when it came from its box that mor...
'HOW COME WE are meeting in here?' Alex asked. 'What? Not good enough for you?' Grimsy answered. 'I thought we had moved on a bit.' 'Who ordered the full brekkie?' asked the cafe owner, slapping a greasy plate in the centre of the table. 'Mine's a coffee. The food is for him,' said Alex, pointing across the table. 'Just because you wear a suit now, you can eat here, with me, you know.' Alex snorted and studied the sausages and the rest of the stuff he wouldn't feed his Alsatian. His coffee arrived in a chipped mug, filled to the brim. 'W...
‘I’VE BEEN SITTING here for ages. What are you doing?’ said Will. ‘I’m on my way. Who is with you?’ ‘No one, who would be?’ ‘I can hear people,’ said Anna. ‘Well, you would, wouldn’t you? There are other customers. Do you think they open up just for me?’ ‘It sounded like you had a girl there.’ ‘A girl pushed her way past, is that what you mean?’ ‘You said, “Sorry” in a sweet way.’ ‘I’m losing my temper and won’t be so polite next time. If you take much longer, she’ll have finished her drink and come past me again.’ His wife, Anna, got the me...
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