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Author on Reedsy Prompts since Jun, 2022
Submitted to Contest #260
A SEVEN YEAR SWITCHDAY ONE“You are right. The trivia night at the local school was where we met.” “Mr Delaney, what matters is what happened after that.”“None of it is relative. I didn’t make her go away.”“Continual denial is wasting our time. Rebecca did not ‘just go away’. Her clothes, beauty creams and make-up are still in your home. Added to those items we have noted her car is in the garage. Another item we see as significant Mr Delaney is her bank accounts have not been used since you say ‘She just went away’. You do see the...
. The Twist in the TaleSolving an unsolved mystery. November 24th 1971 was just like any other Wednesday at the Portland Oregon Airport. Not particularly busy on domestic flights, so Dan Cooper had little wait time in buying his one way ticket to Seattle Washington. Dan Cooper was never planning to return. His identity documents would later prove to be fakes. Security was a tad lighter in 1971 than today. In 1971 he did not have to concern himself with CCTV cameras. Even so he had timed hi...
Submitted to Contest #259
Is this the Circus? “Well well, this is an unexpected honour. None other than Andrew Hilton, editor of The Sentinel, is here to write an article on the opening of our new Art Museum. I was expecting a cadet journalist.” “And under normal circumstances Martha that is who you would get.” “So circs are not normal, how so?” “I have a small pecuniary interest in the success of your new venture.” “My understanding of that word only relates to money, which, to my knowledge does not relate to you having any such interest, large or small, in our Art ...
Submitted to Contest #248
The Wind in the Willows “I do not care what you say Martha it is definitely not the wind in the trees made that sound. I will guarantee it was made by a something moving through the bushes. I think we have company.” “Absolute rubbish. Look out over the lake. See the white caps on the water? Well you do not get white caps under 12 knots. My Father taught me that. It takes quite a strong wind. Why are you so jumpy? It is purely the strong wind going through the foliage making that noise. Look aro...
Submitted to Contest #247
MAJOR TOM “Ground Control to Major Tom” “If you want to live through this journey Philip you will stop singing that song. You haven’t let up since we blasted off. It may have been funny then and had some sort of relativity, however after five days it does reek of overkill.” “Oh chill out Major, lighten up. Everyone at Ground Control sees the funny side of a real life Major Tom actually being on a journey through space. You must realise at some stage they will make that call.” “That song, A Space ...
Submitted to Contest #244
Let’s See What Develops“Earth to Ron. You didn’t even hear me come in did you? I have been watching you standing there starring at that photograph and shaking your head. Anything I can help with to put you in touch with today’s world?” “Sorry Derrick, I was literally lost in space. Can you remember where we were last night when I took this photo?” “You realise it is a photograph of a dark night taken on a very dark night. I may as well be looking at a blackboard.” “Yes that’s the one, where were we? I do not actually remember taking it. It c...
Submitted to Contest #243
NO TIME NO PAIN. It is a bit difficult to put an exact time, if there was such a thing, or even an exact date if truth be told on when this phobia took hold. In the scheme of things it is not really important and with my memory I would probably get it wrong anyway. Yes, I used to suffer from Chronophobia. However when you hear the full story you will have some understanding of why it is suffice for me to now say, time does not matter to me. I mean it really does not matter. I realise I have...
Submitted to Contest #238
IT HAS TO BE SAID “What are you hiding behind your back Leonard? Do not even think about saying nothing, I saw you go to the mail box and take out a letter. Who is it from?” “It’s nothing that concerns you Jessica. I do have the right to some privacy. You will be the first to be told if it is something you need to know about.” “Another letter of demand isn’t it? You are in trouble with your gambling excesses again aren’t you? How many times have I warned you of what will happen if do not control your betting? You are an absolute ….., w...
Submitted to Contest #235
A Pot Pouri of Prompts“Good morning Julia. Don’t tell me, Kent is not ready is he?”“Has he ever been ready on time for anything? He is just putting his joggers on.”“As long as I have known him he has seriously rejected that running on time can be important.”“Thankfully he is not in charge of the train timetable.”“I must say you are looking great. Getting in shape for your holiday I expect. How are your holiday plans shaping up? Kent mentioned maybe Vanuatu this time.”“Thank you. My gym workouts must be doing their job. Tying Kent down to spe...
Submitted to Contest #234
REALIZATION, what a Concept. It is a bit difficult to put an exact time, or even a date, on when it all started, it is not really important anyway. Once I tell you the full story you will have some understanding of why it is suffice to say time matters very little to me now. In actual fact I truly do have all the time in this, or any other world. First let me explain how an unusual medical problem is totally to blame for my current situation. According to my local medico, Dr Crow, if I do not have the blockage, which is stopping blood ge...
Submitted to Contest #231
LET’S DRINK TO 2024, or PERHAPS NOT! Well you did take your time getting here 2024, we have waited twelve months. However I am glad you made it, and that I also made it, even though it was decidedly doubtful at times. Now you are here there are a few items left over from 2023 we need to clear up. No, I am not one of those people getting the first of every month mixed up with New Year’s Eve. I am not here to make a New Year wish. For the most part those are normally people making wishes involving wealth, ostensibly for their self. I c...
Submitted to Contest #230
A Strange Thing to Say “Bog walking John, yes, in my opinion Bog Walking is the World’s strangest sport.” “Eric, the question I asked was, ‘what are the strangest sports in the World? I did not ask you to make up a fictitious sport.” “Which is exactly what I didn’t do. Bog Walking is a real sport.” “Yes you did Eric. You came up with the fictitious sport of Bog Walking. Admit it. Unusually inventive for you I do grant you that, but you cannot possibly be telling me it is really a sport, can you? For openers tell me where in the Wo...
The Twist in the Tale November 24th 1971 was just like any other Wednesday at the Portland Oregon Airport. Not particularly busy on domestic flights, so Dan Cooper had little wait time in buying his one way ticket to Seattle Washington. Dan Cooper was never planning to return. His identity documents were later proven to be fake. Security is a tad tighter today. In 1971 he did not have to concern himself with CCTV cameras. Even so he had timed his arrival to the last minute before the announcement to board his flight. A busy perio...
Submitted to Contest #162
The LANGUAGE of FOOD “Well?’ “You do this every time we go out to dinner, rush, rush, rush. No wonder you get indigestion. I have only just started to read the menu. ” “I cannot wait for the day we find a restaurant with only two items on the menu and one is marked ‘not available tonight’. You are unbelievable, the time you take to decide. Just once make a decision before I die of starvation. I swear it will happen one night Julie.” “What, Mordecai Jenson die of starvation? Have you looked in a mirror lately? You take up twice the ...
Submitted to Contest #161
IT”S AN AGE THING 7pm August 13th 2022 Mission Beach State School Have I forgotten anything I ask myself, for the umpteenth time? Umpteenth, how many is that? Does it really matter? I just wish I could stop shaking. “Poachie, time to get the night started. You are on!” I hear Penny’s voice coming from up on the stage. If I have forgotten something, it is too late. I already regret being here. I could not have a sound check done before tonight. A compere’s worst nightmare is sound breakdown. I climb the short stairs to the stage. Why...
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