Ali Anthony Bell

Author on Reedsy Prompts since Aug, 2020

40 Stories

803 karma pts


Author bio

Discover my author's website at My life's story can be found in 3 adult autobiographical fiction novels, one collection of 10 short stories, and one short story memoir: 1) "From the Rockies to the Windy City" Novella (36,500 words) published December 2020 Rated 5-stars on goodreads 2) (sequel) "1983-1984 Surfing the Purple Wave" (58,250 words) Published May 2020 3) "Dream of Senegal and Other Stories" (23200 words) Published June 2021 (10 short stories from Reedsy prompts, credited as such) 4) "From the Red City to the White House" (52,500 words, my first novel and the best of all the above) Published April 2020 Rated 5 stars on goodreads 5) "In the Lion's Den" Short story memoir (7000 words) Published April 2020 - Rated 5-stars Synopses of all the above can also be found on my author's website Hope you enjoy!