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Best Booktubers in 2025

Showing 172 booktubers that match your search.

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Jean Bookishthoughts

Active since 2012 - Hosted by Jean

PhD student, video maker & wannabe dragon. I create videos on literature, studying, ancient history and social issues.

68,300 Subscribers

Ellen Brock

Active since 2013 - Hosted by Ellen

Need help with your novel? Have a question about writing great characters, plotting your novel, outlining, or finding your voice? My videos aim to answer common novel writing questions.

102,000 Subscribers

Jen Campbell

Active since 2009 - Hosted by Jen

Hello, my name's Jen. I'm an award-winning poet and short story writer. I run writing workshops, give talks at universities & book festivals on a variety of topics, judge literary prizes, and take on freelance writing and editing.

52,300 Subscribers

Thoughts on Tomes

Active since 2014 - Hosted by Samantha

Hi! My name is Samantha. I love books, board games, and all things fluffy. I post videos every Wednesday and Saturday. I post book review videos on Mondays.

54,800 Subscribers


Active since 2013 - Hosted by Ashley

My name is Ashley Riordan and this channel is dedicated to books. I mostly talk about classic literature, literary fiction, and memoir.

34,516 Subscribers


Active since 2014 - Hosted by Lala (Kayla)

Hi friends! My name is Lala (or Kayla) and welcome to my booktube channel where 2-3 times a week I talk to you about books! I focus mostly on reviewing new releases, doing weird reading challenges, and giving book recommendations. I like a wide range of genres, mainly focused on mystery, thriller, horror, hard hitting contemporary, anthologies, a little romance, and light fantasy & sci-fi.

91,400 Subscribers

Lesley Rickman

Active since 2011 - Hosted by Lesley

My name is Lesley and I am a bibliophile with a need to share. Welcome. Feel free to stick around and see what you like.

24,600 Subscribers


Active since 2013 - Hosted by Shaelin

Hello folks! I'm Shaelin, and I talk about writing here. I'm a 22 year old Canadian fiction writer and have just graduated with my BA in Creative Writing. I've learned a lot in the 14 years since I've been writing, and hope this channel can be a place for some honest chats about writing craft and process!

51,700 Subscribers


Active since 2014 - Hosted by Gabe

I'm Gabe. I write. I read. I edit. And then I talk about it all across the interwebs. My YA Sci-Fi trilogy, beginning with BEYOND THE RED, was published under my former pseudonym, Ava Jae by Skyhorse Publishing.

28,600 Subscribers

Lindsay Cummings

Active since 2011 - Hosted by Lindsay

New York Times Bestselling Author. NEW VIDEOS EVERY WEEK. I love to Vlog and give writing advice and film outdoors.

18,062 Subscribers

Tilly And Her Books

Active since 2014 - Hosted by Tilly

HEY GUYS! I'm a book lover, read-a-holic, book haul addict and overall a crazy reader. I talk, rant, rave about books and want to share them with so many people, which I aim to do in my videos. I hope you enjoy the content and have a lovely, bookish day!

13,300 Subscribers

a dash of ash

Active since 2016 - Hosted by Ashley

Just your average book-loving, Shadowhunter fanatic who wants to talk way too much about books.

46,800 Subscribers

Vivien Reis

Active since 2015 - Hosted by Vivien

I'm a young adult fantasy author of two published books. I live with my husband, daughter, and two beautiful furbabies in Jacksonville, FL.

77,600 Subscribers


Active since 2015 - Hosted by Dave

Kindlepreneur TV is helping online marketers market their eBooks and starting up self publishing companies. My channel is dedicated to helping self publishers develop their platform online and market their eBooks. Kindlepreneur TV provides author services, reviews, how to better optimize your AMS campaigns, and much more.

29,300 Subscribers

Self Publishing Formula

Active since 2016 - Hosted by James

The Self Publishing Formula community is a group of energetic indie authors who use social media advertising to build their careers.

9,740 Subscribers

Discovery | Pro Book Review | 2021-03

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